My Beloved Come Away!
Join Erin every morning, who is a God-lover who will help you to DAILY come into the presence of your Lord and Savior— the “Lover of Your Soul.”
Keep your eyes on the Lord, know the One to run to when trials hit, learn to worship, and heal while sitting quietly in His presence and experiencing His love and perfect plan for your life. Experience while reading this very needed-in-your-life resource!
June 1
“For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?” (1 Pet. 4:17).
Beloved, God does His housecleaning within His own house. He is faithful to refine and rebuke us because we are His children. And if children, then we are heirs—heirs to all of His riches, all of His power, all of His eternity. Then what do we expect as we need refining? What would you have our heavenly Father do? It begins with God’s household. But once again, we are reminded that all others are not as fortunate. What will be the outcome for those who do not obey or accept the gospel?
Beloved, the only way to press forward is to look at the destitution of all those who do not know God. Oh, yes, we suffer, but never alone, never without hope, never without a future. We must rejoice! Rejoice always!! And then again, rejoice!!
Today, seek out the lost and suffering. Take and accept well the disciplines of the Lord that prove you truly are one of His children.
June 1
“For the time has come for judgment, and it must begin first among God’s own children. And if even we who are Christians must be judged, what terrible fate awaits those who have never believed in the Lord?” (1 Peter 4:17).
Beloved Child, God does His housecleaning within His own house first. He is lovingly faithful to correct our mistakes in order to train us because we are His children and created to be His leaders. What else could a perfectly loving heavenly Father do? Let us continue to make mistakes and not guide us along the safe path, the narrow road that He has paved for us.
Listen to what He's saying, “I will go before you, and make the crooked path straight and give you the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the LORD, who call you by your name.” (Isaiah 45:2)
Beloved precious child, the only way to press forward is to look to Him, take His hand, and let Him guide you.
Today, welcome His correction and His guidance, knowing it proves YOU truly are blessed to be His child.
June 2
“To sum up, let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in spirit; not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing” (1 Pet. 3:8–9).
Beloved, it is His intent that all the evil that is coming against you is to give you part of His inheritance. Unfortunately, we fail to see the evil and insults in this most precious package. We become hurt or offended, never looking at the One who holds all the blessings, the hand that bears the scar of the nails driven deep. Instead of returning the evil and the insults that were cast at Him, instead of calling “at once” a legion of angels, Jesus laid himself down on a cross and inherited the blessing of eternal life for us.
Beloved, will you lie upon your cross? Will you open wide your arms and die to yourself? Will you do it for the ones you love while they are yet sinners? Do you have the greatest of all love, the love that would lay down his life and future for a friend?
June 2
“Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude. Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. God has called you to do that and will grant you His rich blessing.” (1 Peter 3:8-9).
Beloved child, His plan from the beginning is to use every evil coming against you to give you part of His inheritance. What's sad is when we fear evil and insults—resisting and fighting back. When we become hurt or offended, never look at the One who is right behind—holding all the blessings for us when we give the enemy a blessing.
Beloved child, will your bravery open up a way to change the world? Will you open your heart to understand how to unleash God's power? Will you take what God has given you, the greatest of all, His love, the love that would lay down his life and future for a friend? I believe you would and will because your Father, your Brother, is with you!
June 3
“Behold, we count those blessed who endured. You have heard of the endurance of Job and have seen the outcome of the Lord’s dealings, that the Lord is full of compassion and is merciful” (James 5:11).
Beloved, do you count those blessed who have endured? We all do. After the endurance has been completed, after we are able to see the outcome of the Lord’s dealing with them, we count those blessed. But do you count your longsuffering blessed? Can you see that once it is complete, others will be encouraged by your testimony? That it will prove to others that the Lord is full of compassion, that He is merciful? But so many do not endure. So many give up. So many fall away from the truth. So many become entangled with the cares of the world or with the sins of the flesh.
Beloved, our lost and dying and suffering world will never know the compassion and the mercies of God unless we allow them to be seen in our life. We must die to self and take up the cross that lies at our feet. We must seek His face daily and rely on His mercies every morning. We must say, “Here I am, send me.”
June 3
“We give great honor to those who endure under suffering. For instance, you know about Job, a man of great endurance. You can see how the Lord was kind to him at the end, for the Lord is full of tenderness and mercy.” (James 5:11).
Beloved child, do you really believe that those who suffered as you have been blessed because you came through it better than before? Yes, of course you do. When we remember the results of each trial, each valley, we can live our lives without fear, full of joy! Can you imagine all the testimonies you are adding to your portfolio, your resume and your life's book that the Bible calls an epistle? Just imagine helping others who will be encouraged by your testimony, people you don't know, children worldwide, many speaking different languages?
That it why we need to look towards the light, not at the darkness and difficulties of where we are now. We are the only ones who can prove to the lost that their Father is full of compassion and merciful and kind! So don't give up. Don't get tangled up with the cares of the world or give in to the flesh. Stay close to Him, talk to Him. Tell Him everything, and you will see how He designed you for this.
Beloved, our lost, dying, and suffering world will never know God's compassion and mercies unless we allow them to be seen in our lives. We must die to self and take up the cross that lies at our feet. We must seek His face daily and rely on His mercies every morning. We must say, “Here I am, send me.”
June 4
“For they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them, but He disciplines us for our good, that we may share His holiness” (Heb. 12:10).
Beloved, it is through this severe and painful disciplining that we may share His holiness. We cannot come by it any other way. Many have tried, but none will gain entrance into His holiness without suffering, for a short time, what seems best to Him. Who can know the mind of God? Who are we that we have become His counselor? How could we ever doubt His love for us? God sent His Son, and Jesus took the shame and became sin for us. Could we ever doubt His love or His reason for why we continue to suffer, still waiting for His redemption in our circumstance? Will we doubt as the storms rage that He could not, at any minute, call on the seas to “be still”?
Beloved, this suffering is for our good. We have seen those who suffer, who endure to the end, those who have a testimony. But we were not there during the many years of suffering. We do not know the nights of crying, wailing, and pleading. We only see the mercies of God. Do you look at others who suffer and compare yours to be much beyond theirs? Do you minimize those who have endured, thinking that your suffering or circumstance is worse? Beloved, the meaning of endure is to have the mind of Christ. And our Lord says that He cares about our grief. That He intercedes for us. His mind for us is that He pitieth His children. Can we do less?
June 4
“Our earthly fathers train us for a few brief years, doing the best for us that they knew how, but God, the Father’s correction is always right and for our best good, that we may share His holiness.” (Hebrews 12:10).
Beloved child of the King, it is through painful disciplining both from earthly fathers (even neglect) that GOD, the Father, used for good. We cannot grow into Godly adults by it any other way. Many have tried, but no one can gain entrance into His position of influence without suffering, for a short time, what seems best to Him—as long as it's done with humility and meekness.
How could we ever doubt His love for us when we suffer, when we know God sent His Son, and He bore the shame and became sin for us? Could we ever doubt His love or reason for why we continue to suffer while waiting for Him to rescue us? Will we doubt His love when we feel the storms when, at any minute, our Beloved Father and Brother can instantly calm the seas to “be still”?
Beloved, any suffering God allows is for our good. We have seen those who suffer, who endure to the end—they offer a testimony to others who don't know Him as we do. Can you trust Him? When it all becomes too much, simply crawl into His lap and let Him wrap His love around you.
June 5
“Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession” (Heb. 4:14).
Beloved, hold fast the confessions of your lips. Let us not forget that our Jesus, the Son of the Almighty, passed through the heavens. He is now our high priest. He is there making intercession for us. How the devil tempts us to let go of our confessions. To make us believe that the Lord will not answer our prayers. That it is just not in His will, that which the Spirit laid on our hearts! Lies. They are nothing more than lies. Yet, if we give lip to them, then they will begin to bring doubt to our faith. Then we become doubleminded. There the enemy knows that we can expect nothing from God. This was his intent.
Yet, Beloved, we cannot be ill in our confession and slip into spiritual arrogance. We cannot focus our walk into a battle between the enemy and us. It is there where so many fall. So many adopt a speech of arrogance that puts us in opposition to the One who can save us! Was it not the youths who believed that God would deliver them from the fiery furnace yet spoke humbly that “even if He should not . . .”? It was Paul who would spoke with humility, “If God should will it so”—a man who knew the will of God through and through that he should write the greatest majority of the New Testament. Yes, we have confidence in Him, yet in humility of our fallen human nature and our total dependency on and need for a Savior, should we confess.
June 5
“Because the Son of God is our great High Priest who has gone to heaven itself to help us; we, therefore, can never stop trusting Him.” (Hebrews 4:14).
Beloved child, hold onto the speaking the truth that we trust Him through everything. Don't forget that the Son of the Almighty passed through the depths of hell before being seated at the right hand of God in heaven. He is now our high priest and is there for us. Oh, how the enemy tempts us to make us believe that the Lord will not answer our prayers. That it is just not in His will. Let go of the lies. He will always answer, even though the answer may be no or wait.
Dearest Beloved, we should never focus our walk into a battle between the enemy and us. Wasn't it the three brave youths who believed that God would deliver them from the fiery furnace but still spoke humbly that “even if He should not . . .”? Wasn't it the Apostle Paul who spoke with humility, “If God should will it so”—a Godly man who knew the will of God through and through that he should write the greatest majority of the New Testament? Yes, we can have confidence in Him, yet in all humility, have a complete dependency on and need for our Savior as we wait.
June 6
“Looking upon them, Jesus said, ‘With men it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God’” (Mark 10:27).
Beloved, your situation is impossible. Without God, apart from Him, you can do nothing to turn the tide, turn the heart, save yourself from your situation or the destiny that looms before you. But not so with God! For all things are possible for us in the midst of God, when we are with Him!!
Beloved, are you with God? Do you walk daily with Him? Is He your guide, or have you looked to another? Beloved, you must be hidden in Him. You must be with Him. If you do not radiate with the love of God, which comes from a deep and intimate walk with Him, how will you turn the hearts of those around you?
Beloved, join with God. Go with His plan; look at your situation as He does. He is not distressed. He is not confused. He does not sit and wonder or worry. And it is our faith in Him that relieves us of all our distresses. Leave your situation with Him, for all things are possible with God!
June 6
“God's Son looked at them intently and said, 'Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.’” (Mark 10:27).
Beloved child, YES, your situation is impossible. Without God, apart from Him, you can do nothing to turn everything into good, turn any heart, save yourself from your circumstances, or change the course of your life. But with God! With God! Wow, everything can change instantly! For all things are possible for us when we are with Him!!
Beloved, are you with God? Do you walk with Him daily? Is He your guide? Don't follow all those who are heading the wrong way, who God says, "The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide enough for all the many people who choose its easy way." No, the narrow path you've chosen, "the Gateway to Life is small, and the road is narrow, and only a few ever find it." So now you can help show the others who are hurting the way they can go.
Be friends with everyone, hold their hand, watch how your Father will use all things for good, and even the most impossible are possible with God!
June 7
“And Jesus answered saying to them, ‘Have faith in God’” (Mark 11:22).
Beloved, where is your faith? Is it in what you see? Is it in your faithfulness to follow carefully the principles for restoration? Is it in being a part of or around those who, too, seek restoration for their lives? Is it in a “word” that was spoken to you? Or is your faith in God?
How simple: “Have faith in God.”
The concept is almost beyond our grasp. We feel there must be more to it. But there it is. “Have faith in God.”
Beloved, this is our root. This is our cornerstone. This is our foundation, our faith in God.
This morning, do not rush out without first making sure that the foundation of your faith is your faith in God. Speak to Him from your heart and settle this in your mind and heart. Have faith in God.
June 7
“Then Jesus said to the disciples, 'Have faith in God.’” (Mark 11:22).
Beloved Child of God, where is your faith? Is it in what you see? Is it in how you feel? Is it in what your friends or family believe? Or is your faith firmly planted in God?
How simple: “Have faith in God.”
What He asked us to do is just so simple, so we feel there must be more to it. But there it is. “Have faith in God.”
Beloved, this is our root. This is our key. This is our foundation, our faith in God.
This morning, do not rush without first making sure that the foundation of your faith is your faith in God. Speak to your Father or Brother from your heart and settle this in your mind and heart. Have faith in God.
June 8
“Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it shall be granted him” (Mark 11:23).
Beloved, are you living in anticipation? Do you live in expectancy? Or, is your heart a heart of dread—“What may happen today?” Beloved, to move a mountain, we must live expecting our needs to be met. No, we do not have the power in ourselves, but in our faith in Him. God then says that as we wait, watching, expecting, believing, our mountain will be moved—it will be granted to us!
How glorious!! Our only requirement to see the mountain move toward that sea, to be cast forever gone, is our faith in Him. No doubt may pollute our hearts, but they must be filled with pure and simple faith in God.
Beloved, look carefully at the mountain and see it move toward the sea. Now do not doubt that it is going to happen, and yes, it will be granted to you!
June 8
“The truth is, you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, mountain, fall into the sea.’ And if you have no doubts in your mind and believe that what you say will happen, then God will do it for you.” (Mark 11:23).
Beloved Child, are you waking up and living in anticipation? Do you live your life expecting something wonderful to happen?
Or, is your heart a heart of fear, worry, and dread—“What's going to happen today?” Beloved precious child, to move a mountain, we must live expecting our needs and even many of our desires to be met and fulfilled. We do not have the power in ourselves but in our faith in God. God then says that as we wait, watch, expect, and believe our mountain will be moved—it will happen!
How incredible is that!! Our only requirement to see the mountain move toward that sea, to be gone forever, is our faith in Him. No doubt may pollute our hearts. Our hearts must be filled with pure and simple faith in God.
Beloved child, look carefully at the mountain and see it move toward the sea. Now, do not doubt that it is going to happen, then yes, "God will do it for you.”
June 9
“Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they shall be granted you” (Mark 11:24).
Beloved, believe that you have already received them. Is your heart settled that what you have petitioned God for He has already given to you? Does your countenance reflect your heart of trust in God? Beloved, again it is faith that God says will be the catalyst to your blessings being manifested in the flesh.
Beloved, let us also not fail or neglect to pray for what we ask for. Do you rush about, maybe asking others to pray, but failing to really pray for your petition yourself? Our prayer life is the incense before the Lord.
Has your flame gone out?
Have you neglected to keep your heart’s desire before Him who can grant your petition?
When there are enough of your tears captured in the heavenlies, then the showers of blessings will come. Never give your tears away. They belong to the Lord alone. For there in His bottle does He store them.
June 9
“Listen to me! You can pray for anything, and if you believe, you have it; it’s yours!” (Mark 11:24).
Beloved child of His, believe you have already received what you trust God for. Is your heart calm knowing that what you have spoken to your Father for He has already given everything to you? Does your attitude does your face reflect your heart of trust and joy in God? Beloved, it is faith that God says will cause your blessings to be seen and to happen.
Beloved, let us also not fail or neglect to ask our Father what we should ask for. Are you quick to ask others to pray for you and what you need but fail to really speak to your Father yourself? Our time with Him will keep the light in your life burning.
Has your flame gone out? Take an extra moment to snuggle close, wrapped in His loving arms and love, to turn your light to shine bright as a beacon of hope to the dark world and saddened hearts.
June 10
“Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father who is in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your transgressions” (Mark 11:25–26).
Beloved, forgive. Oh, how many wait, even with expectancy, yet fail this all-important principle—to forgive. They see the sin of others but are blind to their own. Or they measure their sin as less offensive to God. Oh, Beloved, our sins, all sins, separate us from God. A holy God cannot come close to sin. And the sin of pride and arrogance is the greatest.
Have you sought God’s forgiveness but refuse to release your offenders from their debt?
Beloved, is it easy to see what every one else is doing wrong? Then, my Beloved, you have not forgiven. For truly when we see ourselves in our sin, we become blind to the sins of all others. But when we have been forgiven, because we have seen ourselves as the sinners that we are and have received God’s mercy, the sins of others are quickly forgiven. For the Father’s forgiveness gives us new eyes and a new heart.
June 10
“Whenever you pray, you must forgive what others have done to you. Then your Father in heaven will forgive you.” (Mark 11:25–26).
Beloved Child, forgive. Oh, how many of us are waiting for God's blessings, but the blessings are unable to come because of this all-important principle—we must forgive. How easy to see the sin of others but be blind to our own. Or we measure our sin as less offensive to God. Oh, Beloved, our sins, all sins, separate us from God and His fellowship. A holy God cannot come close to sin. And the sin of pride and self-importance is the greatest.
Have you sought God’s forgiveness but refused to release your offenders from their debt?
Beloved child, remember how God forgave us. Remember how He sent His only Son to pay the price for us. Once we really ponder this graciousness—whatever sins done to us by others are quickly forgiven. For the Father’s forgiveness gives us new eyes and a new heart, with love and compassion for others, even our enemies.
June 11
“‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows’” (Mal. 3:10).
Beloved, are you giving God the first of everything? First in your day, first in your giving, first in your heart? God says this promise is so sure that He asks us to test Him and see if He can be found faithful. What an awesome promise! This verse literally says, “Give me all that you have and I, God, will give you all that I’ve got!” However, we fail in our part, thus failing to receive.
Beloved, it is in faith that we give. We give our heart to the unlovable, in faith, knowing that we can be rejected. Yet, when rejected, He floods us with the peace that surpasses all our understanding. We give to the needy, expecting nothing, but He gives us everything. In the heavens there are storehouses filled with all precious and pleasant riches. Not all are material—there are many more riches for the heart. God is more than willing to pour those blessings all over your life, if only you will pour out what you have to others. Let go and let God bless you.
June 11
“‘The Lord All-Powerful says, 'Try this and test Me. Bring one-tenth of your things to me. Put them in the treasury. Bring food to my house. Test me! If you do these things, I will surely bless you. Good things will come to you like rain falling from the sky. You will have more than enough of everything.’” (Malachi 3:10).
Beloved child of the Lord All-Powerful, are you giving Him the first of everything He gives to you? Is He first in your day, your giving, and your heart? God says this promise is so sure that He asks us to test Him so we can see just how faithful He is. What an amazing promise! This literally says, “Give me all that you have, and I, God, will give you all that I’ve got!” Unfortunately, like every other promise we fail on our part, we reap the opposite—we won't receive.
Beloved precious child, it is by faith that we give. We give our heart to the unlovable in faith, knowing that we can be rejected. Yet, when we are rejected, He floods us with the peace that "surpasses all our understanding." When we give to the needy, expecting nothing, He gives us everything. In the heavens are storehouses filled with all precious and pleasant riches just waiting for us. Not all are material—there are many more riches for the heart. Isn't it exciting to know that our Father is waiting to pour those blessings all over your life once we pour what we have onto others? Let go of everything, including fear, and let God bless you with "good things—like rain falling from the sky."
June 12
“And behold, you shall be silent and unable to speak until the day when these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their proper time” (Luke 1:20).
Beloved, we are so unaware of the things and workings of God. If we were to really know them, we would never doubt. God has given us promises—things that have been written on His calendar, promises that are to be fulfilled at a proper time. However, our words are the only danger to these blessings coming to pass. This is why Zacharias was unable to speak. If he doubted God right there before the angel, how much more would he speak against the promise of a son to his aged wife Elisabeth once he left the temple?
Beloved, has God given you a promise? Have you spoken for it faithfully? Have you shared it with those who would speak against it? Beloved, our words of faith or curse are powerful. We are the temples of the Holy Spirit—the same Spirit that was with God when He spoke, not fashioned, but spoke the world into existence! God knows the power of our words to advance His promises or to annihilate them. Our enemy knows them too. This is why he schemes troubles or situations or what “appears” to be defeat, so that we will speak against our promise and thus close the windows of heaven with our miracle never being manifested.
June 12
“Now, listen! You will not be able to talk until the day when these things happen. You will lose your speech because you did not believe what I told you. But everything I said will really happen.” (Luke 1:20).
Beloved child, most of us are completely uninformed of how God works and Who He is. If we were to really know Him and how He does things,—we would never ever doubt God. God has given us promises—things written on His calendar, promises meant to be fulfilled at the proper time. However, our words and actions are the only danger to these blessings happening. This is why Zacharias was unable to speak.
Beloved, has God revealed a promise that burned in your heart and mind? Have you spoken about it, believing it will happen at the appointed time? Have you foolishly shared this promise with people who don't believe it? "Tossing pearls in front of swine?" Beloved child, learning now how our words of faith or curse are powerful is the greatest lesson we can learn and share with others. Our Father is who spoke the entire world into existence! God knows the power of our words can bring His promises to reality or how they can destroy them. Our enemy knows this, too. This is why he schemes troubles or situations or what “appears” to be defeat—just so that we will speak against our promise and cause the door to close, the windows of heaven with our miracle never showing up.
Today, ask your Father if this is something you need to take care of together with His help. Let Him know you only want to do what He wants you to do and say and that you are trusting Him, and not yourself, to do just that. Then rest and smile.
June 13
“For, behold, I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you will be cultivated and sown” (Ezek. 36:9).
Beloved, oh, how painful the plow blade! Through this trial you have felt God pierce through the tough, hard ground in your life. You cry out in pain as He plows along row after row. It is not just this area that has gone hard, but every area of your life. Yet, Beloved, He is not doing so just to leave this turned soil bare, but He has plans for it—plans for good, for a future. Once every corner has been pierced through and turned up, then He will plant seeds for the harvest, seeds of promises that He will plant into your heart. Gentle showers will water what has been planted, and as in all fields that yield much, we can expect rain, rain, and more rain. The trials may pour, but all are intended to water what has been planted.
Yet, Beloved, so small is the tiny green shoot that begins to emerge just there in the dirt: new life—tender, fragile, but new. More rain, more sun, and it grows. Soon there are fields where once there was hard, worthless soil. Soon there will be a harvest that will help feed the hungry, the downhearted, the faint.
Allow the blade to turn up the hard soil of your heart. Welcome the rains that will continue to moisten the soil turned. Do not fear the storms that will come. Do not minimize the tiny tender shoot. Because in due season, if you faint not, you will reap a bountiful harvest.
June 13
“See, I am for you, and I will come and help you as you prepare the ground and sow your crops.” (Ezekiel 36:9).
Beloved child, oh, how painful the plow blade! Through each trial, you have felt God pierce through the tough, hard ground in your heart. You cry out in pain as He plows along row after row. It is not just this area that has become hard, but every area of your life. And yet, dear, sweet Beloved child, He is not doing this work just to leave this turned soil bare. He has incredible plans for it—for good, for an amazing future!
Once everything has been pierced and turned up, then He will plant seeds for His harvest, a field of promises that He will plant into your heart. Gentle showers will water what has been planted, and as in all fields that yield much fruit, we can expect rain, rain, and more rain. The trials may pour, but all are intended to water what has been planted.
Yet, Beloved child, each tiny green shoot that begins to emerge in the dirt is new life—tender, fragile, but brand new! The more rain and sun, the faster and grander it grows. Soon, there will be fields where once there was hard, worthless soil. Soon, there will be a harvest, so much fruit, which will help feed the hungry, the downhearted, and those who are about to faint.
Dearest child, welcome the blade to turn up the hard soil of your heart. Welcome the rains that will continue to moisten the soil. Do not fear the storms that will come. Do not fail to see the tiny tender shoots. God promises in due season—if you don't give up, you will reap!!
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June 14
“For, behold, I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you shall be cultivated and sown” (Ezek. 36:9).
Beloved, when God sees fit to cultivate you, to turn your soil, He is for you. We must never doubt the love of our Father, who proved that “while we were yet sinners . . .” He need not prove Himself by removing the plow blade, for without it we would hence stay in our own sorry state—hard, worthless. But glory to God, He is for us!! And He promised to do the work Himself! Oh, how we look at the blade as the instrument that is hurting us so, cursing the instrument while failing to look at Who holds that scalpel. God must allow it; it is in His hands. What or whom He uses has been carefully and thoughtfully decided before you were even aware of the need for such a surgery on your heart.
Beloved, the Lord will use the sharpest blade to cut the deepest. It is there, unseen by our eyes, but forever before His, that the wickedness of our hearts must be purged. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” God says that He is for you; therefore, if He is for you, no one can really be against you. God will use even their wrong and evil intentions for our good; that is His promise to us.
June 14
“I am with you, and I will help you. People will till your soil and plant seeds in you.” (Ezekiel 36:9).
Beloved child, when God is ready to plant seeds in you, He must first till or prepare the soil of your heart, and often that can feel painful. When He does, we must never doubt the love of our Father, who proved that “while we were yet sinners . . .” Does He need to prove Himself by removing the plow blade because without breaking up the hardest of our hearts, we would remain unkind and worthless to Him as His ambassador? But thank God, He cares for us!! And He promised to do the work Himself!
Oh, how foolish to look at the blade as the instrument that is hurting, cursing the instrument and miss Who holds that scalpel. God allows it because it is in His hands. Whatever or whomever He uses has been carefully and thoughtfully decided before you were even aware of the need for such surgery on your heart. Most often, it's who or what we wouldn't choose, right?
Beloved child, the Lord promises to use the sharpest blade to cut the deepest since it is deep inside, where we can't see, and where our hearts' wickedness must be cut away. “The heart is the most deceitful thing there is and desperately wicked. No one can really know how bad it is! Only the Lord knows! He searches all hearts and examines deepest motives so he can give each person his right reward, according to his deeds.” God is for you; therefore, no one can really be against you. God will use even their wrong and evil plans for our good; that is His promise to us.
June 15
“Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed; He will answer him from His holy heaven, with the saving strength of His right hand” (Ps. 20:6).
Beloved, do you really know that the Lord can do all things? Do you doubt His ability to stop a situation, turn a circumstance, turn the heart of the ones you love back to you? Will it be when He does something miraculous—is that what it will take?
Beloved, do you minimize the small daily things of the Lord? It was in this mindset that the Israelites made their decision to die in the desert. God was looking for praises in the very small things, the trust that He so deserves, so that He could bless them and lead them into the promised land. Can you? Will you say, without hesitation or doubt, “I know . . .”?
June 15
“Now I know that the Lord rescues his anointed. He will answer him from his holy heaven and rescue him by his great power.” (Psalm 20:6).
Beloved child of the Father, do you know that the Lord can do everything you will ever need? Do you doubt His ability to stop a situation, turn a circumstance, and turn the heart of the ones you love? Will you fully know once you see Him perform another miracle and another and another—is that what it will take?
Precious Beloved, do you barely acknowledge the small daily blessings from your Father? When the Israelites failed to praise God for caring for them as they traveled through the desert—forgetting the many miracles that led to their release from bondage—they chose their future. Oh, how He deserves our trust that will lead us into our promised land. Will you say, without hesitation or doubt, “I know . . .!!”?
June 16
“I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted” (Job 42:2).
Beloved, God has a purpose for all things. He is not as interested in our comfort as He is in our conversion. We are told that we will suffer, just as our Savior suffered, to learn obedience. Some panic as a dreaded event is fast approaching, forgetting that He has a purpose in mind that cannot be thwarted.
Is His purpose to show Himself in His glorious power by showing up in the very last minute? Is it His purpose to allow you to go through the blaze of a particular trial in order to burn up all last remaining doubt, replacing it with a trust that you will need in the future?
No purpose of His can be thwarted. Let us seek His purpose for all that we face.
June 16
“I know You can do everything. You make plans, and nothing can change or stop them.” (Job 42:2).
Beloved child, God has a specific purpose for all things He does. He is not as interested in our comfort as He is in our transformation. He's told that we will suffer, just as our Savior suffered in order for Him to learn obedience. Never dread or panic—forgetting that He has a purpose in mind that He planned and won't stop or change because...
His delight is to often show up at the very last minute and, for the most spectacular, show up late, as with Lazarus being raised from the dead rather than healed from sickness. Remember this is His purpose when He allows you to go through the fires of a particular trial in order to burn up all last remaining doubt, yours and who is watching, replacing doubt with fully trusting that He is all you need, now and in the future.
No purpose of His can be stopped, so let's remember His purpose for all that we come through.
June 17
“Seven periods of time will pass over you, until you recognize that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind, and bestows it on whomever He wishes” (Dan. 4:25).
Beloved, God tells us that until we recognize that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and that this mighty God bestows blessings on whomever He wishes, we too will be like unto the cattle. We will wait for our blessing, but we will not receive it. It is God alone who is mighty. It is His will, His desires for us on earth as He sees fit in heaven, that we must seek. It is not our desires, but His. This comes by trust that He indeed loves us and has promised that all that He allows will be for our good!
But not until you recognize . . .
June 17
“You, King Nebuchadnezzar, will be driven from human society, and you will live in the fields with the wild animals. You will eat grass like a cow, and you will be drenched with the dew of heaven...until you learn that the Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world and gives them to anyone he chooses.” (Daniel 4:25).
Beloved child of the King, God is showing us that we too will be like unto the wild animals until we recognize that He, the Most High, is Ruler over all of mankind and that our mighty God blesses who He wishes. We need to understand and live our lives as proof that God alone is mighty. It is not our desires but His that results in our success and prosperity. This can only come by trusting that He indeed loves us as His and has promised that all that He allows will be for our good!
But not until we learn . . .
June 18
“And Samuel said, ‘Has the Lord as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams’” (1 Sam. 15:22).
Beloved, your Lord doesn’t want you to sacrifice, give up things, take the hard road. Your Lord delights in you obeying His voice. It is a still small voice that you must often strain to hear. Once you hear, do you obey?
Oh, Beloved, it is in the obedience to that still small voice that you will find the peace and protection you long to have. It is there at the end of much obedience that you earn the power and strength to stand against the onslaught of attacks that now wound and damage your spirit and soul, which result in the pain that you continually feel.
Beloved, take a few moments to sit and listen for the tender, sweet voice of the Lord as you seek Him for guidance, moment-by-moment through this day. Obey His voice today. Do not give sleep to your eyes tonight until you first delight the Lord with your obedience to His voice.
June 18
“What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.’” (1 Samuel 15:22).
Beloved child, you who are cherished. Your Father doesn’t need you to sacrifice, give up things, or take the difficult path. Your Father, the Lord of your life, delights in you obeying His voice—His still, small voice that you must listen carefully to hear. Once you hear, do you obey?
Oh, Beloved, it is by obedience to that still, small voice that you know in your heart is Him, which will result in the peace and protection you long to have. By completing what He's asked, you experience the power and strength to stand against the many attacks that now wound and damage your spirit and soul— the pain that you continually feel.
Beloved child, take a few extra moments to sit and listen for your Father's tender, sweet voice as you ask Him to guide you, moment by moment, through this day. Obey His voice today. Do not close your eyes tonight until you first delight the Lord with your obedience to His voice and smile.
June 19
“Remember the word to Your servant, in which You have made me hope. This is my comfort in my affliction, that Your word has revived me” (Ps. 119:49–50).
Beloved, has the Lord given you a word of hope? Where have you kept this word? Is it hidden deep in your heart? Is it meditated on day and night? Is it ready on your lips when someone asks you to give an account of the hope that is in you?
This must be your comfort in the affliction that you face. This alone will revive you and be with you until the victory is crossed. Cherish this word, blessed servant of the Lord. It is His promise to you.
June 19
“Remember your promise to me, your servant. It gives me hope. You comfort me in my suffering because your promise gives me new life.” (Psalm 119:49-50).
Beloved darling Child, has your Father given you a promise of hope? Where have you kept this promise? Is it hidden deep in your heart? Is it meditated on both day and night? (Psalm 1:2) Is it ready on your lips to answer when anyone asks you "to give an account of the hope that is in you?" (1 Peter 3:15)
Promises from your Father will be your comfort in every difficulty that you face. His promises and He alone will revive you until the promise is fulfilled. Cherish His Word. His Word is filled with His promises to you.
June 20
“Then you will see and be radiant, and your heart will thrill and rejoice; because the abundance of the sea will be turned to you, the wealth of the nations will come to you” (Is. 60:5).
Beloved, God promises that He will allow us to see incredible blessings that have not yet manifested themselves. The heart that is currently pierced through, the heart that aches and yearns, will be transformed in an instant to a heart that thrills and rejoices at what it will soon see. Our faces will be radiant with the love of the Lord, faces transformed into His likeness.
Beloved, all of this will come to you. You do not need to go out and seek it for yourself. No, the blessings are when we seek Him, when we seek His face—not His hand, but His face. This is the transformation that He seeks for us.
Beloved, do not look for the path to your restoration. Seek His face so that when the world looks at you, your face will be radiant and they, too, shall never be the same.
June 20
“At that time, you will see your people, and your faces will shine with happiness. First, you might feel afraid, but then you will be excited. All the riches from across the seas will be set before you. The riches of the nations will come to you.” (Isaiah 60:5).
Beloved child of God, remember that He promises that you will see incredible blessings that have not yet been seen and realized. Your heart that is currently wounded, the heart that aches and yearns, will be brand new in an instant with a heart that is bursting with excitement and shouts praise when soon everyone will see. Our faces will shine with the love of the Lord, faces reflecting His likeness and happiness.
Beloved child, all of this will come to you. You do not need to go out and look or work for it. No, dear child, the blessings are given to us the more we search and long for Him; each time, we search for His face—not His hand, but His face. This is the brand new person that He longs for us to be.
Beloved child, do not look for the path to happiness and peace. Simply search for His face, and hold Him tightly in your arms so that when the world looks at you, your face will shine, and the lost will never be the same.
June 21
“Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am” (Phil. 4:11).
Beloved, before the Lord will turn your loved-one’s heart back to you, He is determined to teach you, so that you will learn many things. One very important thing is contentment. You must be content with where He has you now before He can restore you. I have never failed to see this happen.
Yet, this contentment must be contentment in Him. Some are “content” with their life without their promise, but it is more a “settling for” than true contentment. Contentment is utter peace and deep joy in being hidden in Him. It is a place that is not affected by surroundings or circumstances, but of total peace. Others continue to fret or panic or see what else they can “try to do.” The one who has learned contentment is anxious for nothing, happily hidden in Him.
June 21
“Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to get along happily whether I have much or little.” (Philippians 4:11).
Beloved child of the King, before the Lord turns your loved one’s heart back to you (Proverbs 21:1), He is determined to teach you so that you are eager to learn many things. One very important thing is contentment—being happy whether you have much or you have very little. You must be content with what and where He has you before He can restore and give back what has been taken from you. I have never failed to see this happen.
Yet, this contentment must be the happiness in having Him. Contentment is complete peace and deep joy in being hidden in Him and His love. It is a place that is not affected by what's around you or what's happening but a peace that can't be explained. Everyone else will continue to worry or panic or do what they can to fix or endure their situation. It's only the one who has learned contentment, the one who is troubled about nothing, happily hidden in Him. You.
June 22
“Then Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until daybreak. And when he saw that he had not prevailed against him, he touched the socket of his thigh; so the socket of Jacob’s thigh was dislocated while he wrestled with him. Then he said, ‘Let me go, for the dawn is breaking.’ But he said, ‘I will not let you go unless you bless me’” (Gen. 32:24–26).
Beloved, has this trial been one of wrestling with God for Him to bless you? Not until you are at the place where you will stop wrestling and instead hold onto God will the blessings come. Jacob wrestled until his hip would forever be out of joint, requiring him to forever lean on the Lord. Then he determined to hang on until morning.
Are you through wrestling? Are you now, hip out of joint, willing to hold on until the dawn comes to receive your promise?
June 22
“Afterwards, Jacob returned and spent the rest of the night alone. A man came and fought with Jacob until just before daybreak. When the man saw he could not win, he struck Jacob on the hip and threw it out of joint. They kept wrestling until the man said, 'Let go of me! It's almost daylight.' 'You can't go until you bless me,' Jacob replied.” (Genesis 32:24-26).
Beloved child of His, has your life been a trial of wrestling with God for Him to bless you? Not until you are at the place where you will stop wrestling and instead hold onto God will the blessings come. Jacob wrestled until his hip would forever be out of joint, requiring him to lean on the Lord for the rest of His life.
Are you through wrestling? Is your hip out of joint? Are you willing to hold on until dawn to receive your promise?
June 23
“Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name” (Heb. 13:15).
Beloved, are the only words that your Lord hears those of your pleading, begging, crying out for His mercy? Are you truly and faithfully believing in the promises He has given you and His power to fulfill them as He has promised?
Then why not praise Him? Those who wandered in the desert murmured and complained, as they did not trust Him. This brought more tests and trials. This brought more years of wandering. This brought ultimate judgment as He swore they would not enter into His rest. Praise Him, for He is worthy and faithful! Give Him your sacrifice of praise right now, today, and forever.
June 23
“With our Savior’s help, we will continually offer our sacrifice of praise to God by telling others of the glory of Him and His name.” (Hebrews 13:15).
Beloved child of God, does your Beloved hear only pleading, begging, and crying out for His help? Are you truly and faithfully believing in the promises He has given you and His power to fulfill them as He has promised? Is this where your mind rests?
Then, begin to praise Him! Those who wandered in the desert murmured and complained; not trusting Him resulted in God bringing them more tests and trials so He would be sure they were ready for the Promised Land. This meant wandering for many more years. Ultimately, this resulted in judgment as He swore the older generation would not enter His rest. Now is the time to Praise Him because we know He is worthy and faithful! Give Him your sacrifice of praise right now, today, and forever.
June 24
“And when he had seized him, he put him in prison, delivering him to four squads of soldiers to guard him, intending after the Passover to bring him out before the people” (Acts 12:4).
Beloved, your loved-one may be bound in chains of sin. Your loved-one may be guarded by those who want them to stay in their present situation. But through your prayers, your loved-one will be released!
Oh, the glory and power of the Holy Spirit! There is nothing and no one who can resist His power. God’s power of righteousness cannot be matched or thwarted. So often we look at where our loved-one is, who he/she is with, and what our loved-one has spoken to us in anger or pain. Yet, Beloved, none of this matters with God!
Peter was guarded and chained to four soldiers, but when prayers were offered, God heard and moved on his behalf.
June 24
“Then he imprisoned him, placing him under the guard of four squads of four soldiers each. Herod intended to bring Peter out for public trial after the Passover.” (Acts 12:4).
Beloved, your loved one may be bound in chains of sin. (Proverbs 5:22-23) Your loved one may be guarded by those who want them to stay in their present situation. Yet, through your prayers, your loved one will soon be released!
Oh, the faithfulness and power of God! There is nothing and no one who can resist His power. God’s power of righteousness cannot be matched or interfered with. Too often, we look at where our loved one is, who he/she is with, and what our loved one has spoken to us in anger or pain or settling without hope of being released. Yet, Beloved child, none of this matters with God!
Peter was guarded and chained to sixteen soldiers, but when others prayed for him, believing, God heard and moved, and he was miraculously released. Believe!
June 25
“And when he had seized him, he put him in prison, delivering him to four squads of soldiers to guard him, intending after the Passover to bring him out before the people” (Acts 12:4).
Beloved, there is no doubt of the devil’s intent in seizing your loved-one. It was Herod’s intent to kill Peter just as he had killed James. You may have seen others destroyed by the very thing you are facing—but it does not need to befall you!
Pray! Pray earnestly.
Do not neglect pleading to your heavenly Father in your prayer closet until you are settled that He has heard and will answer your prayer.
Beloved, your loved-one may have spoken the devil’s destructive intent as their own, but once the light comes into their darkness, they will awaken and walk toward the gates that had them once bound, into freedom.
Beloved, make sure that the gates of your heart are ready to open when your loved-one turns toward you. Your loved-one may be on their way now.
June 25
“And when he had grabbed him, he put him in prison, delivering him to four squads of soldiers to guard him, intending after the Passover to bring him out before the people” (Acts 12:4).
Beloved child, there is no doubt about the enemy's intent in holding onto your loved one. Remember, it was Herod’s intent to kill Peter just as he had killed James. You may have heard of many families and other children destroyed by the very situation you are facing—but it does not need to happen to you! Even if you knew of thousands—God promises as His child, another different outcome. (Psalm 91:7)
Pray! Pray— believing!
Do not neglect to plead to your heavenly Father in your prayer closet until you know He has heard and will answer your prayer—you can sense "it is done," and you can wait for the "appointed time." (Habakkuk 2:2)
Beloved child, your loved one may have spoken the enemy's destructive intent as their own thoughts or beliefs, but once the light comes into their darkness, they will awaken and walk toward the gates and shake off the chains that had them once bound, into freedom.
Beloved child, make sure that the gates of your heart are ready to open when your loved one when, not if, God turns His heart towards home. Your loved one may be on their way now, so be sure you have a heart of forgiveness and patience.
June 26
“So Peter was kept in the prison, but prayer for him was being made fervently by the church to God” (Acts 12:5).
Beloved, how fervent are your prayers? Have you become preoccupied with many encumbrances? Are the cares of the world choking out the time with God?
When was the last time you lay down prostate before the Lord fervently praying for the release of your loved-one? In your prayer closet is where the battle will be won.
Meet with the Lord daily, hourly, and at every moment. Use the pain in you heart and in your gut as an alarm to seek Him. Never cease, never give in, never give up the seeking Him that will signal the release of your loved-one.
Once your loved-one is free, you will enjoy the sweet fellowship that you have only dreamed about. Seek Him fervently!
June 26
“While Peter was being kept in jail, the church never stopped praying to God for him.” (Acts 12:5)
Beloved child, how faithful are your prayers? Have you become preoccupied with many encumbrances? Are the cares of the world choking out the time with your Father?
When was the last time you lay down and snuggled with your Father and had a heart-to-heart talk with Him about the release of your loved one? Very often, it's in your private prayer closet where the battles will be won.
Meet with your Father each morning and especially spend time with your Best Friend Forever, daily, hourly, and at every moment. Use any pain in your heart as a reminder to seek to begin talking to your Best Friend Forever. Never stop, never give in, never give up searching for more of Him.
Once your loved one is free, you will enjoy the sweet fellowship that you have only dreamed about!
June 27
“And behold, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared, and a light shone in the cell; and he struck Peter’s side and roused him, saying, ‘Get up quickly.’ And his chains fell off his hands” (Acts 12:7).
Beloved, here again we see how God moves suddenly. The angel suddenly appeared, suddenly came into the midst of the darkness, suddenly showed up right where the prisoner was being held.
Beloved, an angel of the Lord will suddenly appear in your loved-one’s darkness, in the prison where your loved-one is being held—suddenly! It’s not when you think it will happen, but at the perfect, appointed moment. It will happen when you pray. Lift up your prayers to the heavens, and, when there are so many that heaven can no longer hold them up, your blessings will become showers of promises that He has given you. Pray.
June 27
“Suddenly, an angel from the Lord appeared, and light flashed around in the cell. The angel poked Peter in the side and woke him up. Then he said, "Quick! Get up!' And the chains fell off his wrists.” (Acts 12:7).
Beloved child, here again, we see how God moves suddenly. The angel suddenly appeared, suddenly showing up in the middle of darkness, and suddenly showed up right where the prisoner was being held!
Beloved child, an angel of the Lord will suddenly appear in your loved one’s darkness, in the prison where your loved one is being held—suddenly! It’s not when we think it will happen, but at the perfect, "appointed moment." (Habakkuk 2:2). It will happen when you pray, believing. Lift up your heart and its prayers to the heavens, and when there are too many for the heavens to hold— your blessings will become showers of promises that He has given you. Pray believing.
June 28
“And behold, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared, and a light shone in the cell; and he struck Peter’s side and roused him, saying, ‘Get up quickly.’ And his chains fell off his hands” (Acts 12:7).
Beloved, never forget that your loved-one is living in darkness. Never forget it for a moment. Where there is no light, there is fear. Where there is no light, a prisoner gropes to find a way. Where there is no light, there are thoughts and words that would not be spoken if there were light.
Beloved, a light can be shone into the cell of your loved-one’s darkness. It’s the Light from heaven. It was sent to Peter because of the prayers of those who would not accept the death sentence of the one they loved, but were fervent to pray through to victory.
Beloved, today, pray that your loved-one will be give the light from above this very day. Pray.
June 28
“Behold, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared, and a light shone in the cell; and he struck Peter’s side and roused him, saying, ‘Get up quickly.’ And his chains fell off his hands” (Acts 12:7).
Beloved child, never forget that your loved one is living in darkness. Never forget it for a moment. Where there is no light, there is fear. Where there is no light, a prisoner fumbles to find a way into the light. Where there is no light, there are thoughts and words that would not be spoken if there were light.
Beloved child, a light can shine into the cell of your loved one’s darkness. It’s the Light from heaven. It was sent to Peter because of the prayers of those who would not accept the death sentence of the one they loved but were eager to pray through to his release.
Beloved child, today, pray and trust that your loved one will be given the light from above this very day. Pray.
June 29
“And behold, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared, and a light shone in the cell; and he struck Peter’s side and roused him, saying, ‘Get up quickly.’ And his chains fell off his hands” (Acts 12:7).
Beloved, your loved-one may be sleeping, unafraid of the fate that awaits them. But, praise the Lord, God will send an angel to strike them and rouse them in their weariness.
Maybe your loved-one has tried to free themselves, but found they were too tightly bound or that they were guarded. So they gave up and resigned themselves to sin and bondage.
Maybe your loved-one thinks they are happy or content in their present situation. Are they still seeking the solitude of another person in order to find relief from your pursuits, from your arguing, from your super-spiritualism?
Beloved, check your attitude and the way you speak to others so that your loved-one will desire to be delivered from sin and bondage.
June 29
“Suddenly, an angel from the Lord appeared, and light flashed around in the cell. The angel poked Peter in the side and woke him up. Then he said, “Quick! Get up!” And his chains fell off his hands” (Acts 12:7).
Beloved child, your loved one may be sleeping, unafraid of the fate that awaits them. But, praise the Lord. God, your Father, will send an angel to strike and wake them from their weariness.
Maybe your loved one has tried to free themselves but found they were too tightly bound or guarded. So they gave up and gave in.
Maybe your loved one thinks they are happy or content in their present situation. Could they still be in relationships with other persons to find relief from your arguing, from your being super-religious?
Beloved child, check your attitude and how you speak to everyone, and remain humble so your loved one will desire to be delivered from their sin and slavery.
June 30
“And behold, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared, and a light shone in the cell; and he struck Peter’s side and roused him, saying, ‘Get up quickly.’ And his chains fell off his hands” (Acts 12:7).
Beloved, there will be a moment of escape for your loved-one. There will be a brief moment to flee when an angel of the Lord will say “Get up quickly.” Are you sure your loved-one will want to go? Have you been praying for God to turn their heart to you? Have you ask the Lord to put a muzzle over your mouth? Have you refrained from comments spoken to or about your loved-one to others? Has your countenance been radiant and has love shown in your eyes? If it has, soon, suddenly, the angels of the Lord will speak to your loved-one to “get up quickly,” and they will follow!
June 30
“And behold, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared, and a light shone in the cell; and he struck Peter’s side and roused him, saying, ‘Get up quickly.’ And his chains fell off his hands” (Acts 12:7).
Beloved child, there will be a moment of escape for your loved one. There will be a brief moment to get free when an angel of the Lord says, “Get up quickly.” Are you sure your loved one will want to go? Have you been praying for God to turn their heart to you, to return home? Have you been careful to only speak kindly about your loved one to others? Has your face remained happy, smiling, and love shined from your eyes?
If it has, soon, suddenly, the angel of the Lord will speak to your loved one to “get up quickly,” and they will happily follow!