EM: Men’s Ministry: “Hello God!”

Dear Partners, though there are few men who have joined as partners, we rejoice each time we see more and more men begin to give—and we see a direct correlation to more fruits that we see!!

This month we are so grateful that Tara’s LALbride tour allowed her to travel to Perth to meet Tad’s wife, Odelia and their whole family!

Praise Reports within my Ministry

Here’s a special Praise Report from Nemer who is now taking Course 2 for Portuguese men:

Hello God!

I set myself before You to thank You for the corrections that You have done in my life!

Men, I admit that some days have been more difficult than others, but it is during these times that I realize that it is GOD who is in control. Without the Lord, as a Brother, we would not be able to do anything ... anything at all. Many times difficulties make us think of giving up ... but the Lord has met with us and chosen another path for us, which is no longer an option. It is not easy ... because we have not learned to trust God totally, heart, and been guided by our Lord.

Let's thank Him for every day he gives us the opportunity to observe His wondrous works in action and let's seek a meek and humble heart like His. Let us say, "You know what's best for my life and I ask You for a heart that does not lead me into the hands of my enemies. Thank you, Father, for how you empower through our beloved Brother! I love You my Father! The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want! Amen.

"But blessed are your eyes, because they see, and your ears because they hear For I tell you that many prophets and righteous men have desired to see what you see, and have not seen;. And hear what you hear, and not heard "(Matthew 13: 16-17).

The most important thing is to understand that GOD is in charge. To truly believe, we must ask for eyes that see and ears that hear. From then, we will have the opportunity to witness small miracles every day and change our intimate relationship to fully trust Him. Exercise faith at times is painful because we are leaving the old man behind and becoming something that God desires for us without even knowing sure, which form it will take. There's the great exercise of faith and trust in the Father that He will do better; much better than anything we could imagine, so that one day, He will be praised for redeeming us and loving us for all eternity, Amen!

Here's What's New!

Last month we were led to move "Where Do I Begin" to the men’s website that we know will help many men who fill out a Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire giving them an overview of what this journey means.

Do you feel unworthy or incapable of being used by God to minister? Trust me He can use you by just letting Him know you are willing. 2 Timothy 2:20-22. Once Tad let us know he was available, I’ve watched how GOD has used him to do things beyond what he or anyone could have imagined. Yet that’s far from all. It’s his spiritual growth that has all of us in awe.

Was he under more attack from the enemy for being in ministry? Yes, absolutely, but as we all say, the enemy attacks everyone, but what makes it worth it is—we get through the difficulties with HIM guiding us and discovering a much more intimate relationship with Him. In addition, our lives ooze blessings!!

While in Singapore Tara mentioned to one of our former editors who she was staying with (when God gave both of them extreme "favor" and something so extraordinary happened). The former editor stated, "Wow, this has never happened before!" Tara replied, “Really? This kind of thing happens to me all the time!” And dear readers, it does! When you choose to ask Him to use your life, and not shying away or retreat from His call due to fear, your life will be extraordinary.

A note from Tara: "It was a great pleasure to meet Tad and his wife, Odelia. They gave me the feeling of having known them all my life and considering they are nearly the same ages as my elder siblings, made it all the more enjoyable!

It'd been the first time meeting with one of our restored marriages from the men's ministry, but Tad, being our men's minister— it felt like the right time! Everything fell into place perfectly.

He and his wife really blessed me by lending me one of their vehicles to drive during my week stay fifteen minutes drive from their home. Also, their children were so lovely to meet!! Most of my time was spent fellowshipping with their family over a hot meal inside their home.

What I can say about Tad and Odelia as a summary is that each has their own intimate dependency and relationship with the Lord, which is key!!!! Hope that one day I'll be able to return for another visit and am confident that through their testimony and deep desire to help other couples —they will impact many!!"

Give yourself something that will change the course of your life by simply telling Him to “use me” and watch 2019 be the year everyone looks at your life in AWE!

Don't miss the pictures of Tara in Perth, Australia

Be sure to FOLLOW His brides on Instagram #LALBride