Excited to See What He Is Going to Do!

β™• Today's Promise: "The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14

~Arabella in Canada

☊ PRAISE Audio

Well it was my 40th birthday this past weekend. The last year like many of us has had me on my knees and face with a completely broken heart.

Yet miraculously and by "peace that surpasses all understanding," God has been completely healing those broken places within me and molding me in to a new wise woman.

The previous year on my birthday I felt so much shame for feeling as though I was a failure for my marriage failing and the situation me and my children were in that I was yes feeling sorry for myself.

This year I just kept saying to the LORD I am SO blessed and SO grateful! God you are so good, my 40's are the best that is yet to come and I am so excited to see what He is going to do!

It was the best birthday (week) I have EVER had!! I celebrated with so many beautiful people that have watched me come through with the strength of the LORD, I even was invited to a beautiful fancy restaurant that I would not have been ale to afford (being wise with the finances the LORD as blessed me with) with my kids for a totally FREE meal with my children! Several beautiful and thoughtful gifts. And then my EH (earthly husband) texted me and said "Happy Birthday, the kids and I have a gift for you." This is huge as we don't talk much these days as I LET GO and stopped pursuing. Never in these last 15 months of separation has he done something like this as he has always made it aware how he feels.

The kids brought the birthday present home and it was something I wanted for so long and they drove around and sought it out. My children were so excited to give it to me! Is God not good? I know He is turning my husbands heart, yet I stay in the place of stillness. I don't have any desire to pursue or say anything other than kindness and gratitude. The rest is in the LORD's capable hands. Trusting in my HH (Heavenly Husband) to do His will.

"The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14

"Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

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