Exciting News – Home Grown Ministry Revival ๐Ÿฅณ

"I am the vine, and you are theย branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing."ย J155

Please read what precious Erin shared:

Janine I would like Jewel to be part of the HGM revival and take a key role in developing it with you. Adina too will be working on a rerun of her WWW posts and including WMW for boys. Please ๐Ÿ™ pray and agree with me that I can keep up and ahead of writing the boys WMW version while updating the WWW girls version for each week beginning the first Wednesday in May.

Everyone in the family will be spiritually fed with the same promises and principles. Isnโ€™t that exciting!!?! Janine feel free to share this praise and information on encouraging women. All of it. Just connect with Jewel first so that you can do it together.

Oh and include anything that you want about how Heโ€™s had us doing this for weeks months and anything you want to share.


First I have to confess when I had an obsession of having a restored marriage it was all that mattered to me, yes sometimes even forgetting the little ones (my two sons) standing and watching me, with their own pain. I never wanted to admit it, but what better time with the exciting news of the HGM revival, because after reading the Wise Woman - His Princess and the healing I got through reading it, I realized more and more I slipped up, because my own children needed healing, but with a big BUT I want to add my Best Ever Friend is so faithful and will turn it all around and use my mistakes for His glory - "...cry to her that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned, that she has received from the LORDโ€™s hand double for all her sins." I40:2

Being the mum of a Uniquely and Wonderfully Made - son, I am so excited about the HGM revival, because those little ones standing next to us (mine nearly both grown ups now), are so important and not only will you get your healing through the resources (and My Beloved Child) but the little ones next to you too, because believe me when I say this is not just about you and your marriage, it is about so much more! Also why Erin included Phase 3 Step 1 of Let Your Healing Begin (after you have filled in a Marriage Encouragement Questionnaire).

So precious women I really want to encourage you to please agree and pray with us - "I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you." M18:19 and get excited for what our Beloved Lord is going to do!


To begin, I made a comment the other day on the LL week 1 lesson in the ESP ministry I mentioned about how the 3x5 cards helped me a lot and I consider is a great way to use when teaching our kids His word so they can have it hidden in their hearts. So when I read about the HGM Revival I got very excited, especially when I saw about Erin working on WMW It made me more excited because my son will soon be a teenager and I know that, NOW is my time to do all I can through Him who give me the Strenght and whom is my Strenght. I know we need to make our Lord center in our families, like ~Janine said we are not alone on our journey our children are with us, I remember the firsttime I saw my son cry for his earthly father, I then realized that he needed his Heavenly Father's love just as I needed my HH and I began looking what to feed Him and the HGM resources wereย  and are my help. So I am praying in agreement and encouraging you to join us in prayer also.

7 thoughts on “Exciting News – Home Grown Ministry Revival ๐Ÿฅณ”

  1. This is such wonderful news dear ladies ๐Ÿ’— will keep in prayer ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ l remember when my daughter was 5 and her dad left that was such an emotional time for us. Its true Janine in our emotional state we tend to forget our kids ๐Ÿ˜” Later…. in my journey when l started healing l fed her the hope that l was receiving thru what l learned from the material and she flourished she was not a sad child knowing the truth that set us both free.

    When you are going thru marriage trials and when you don’t know what to say to your kids there are ALL these wonderful resources for children that can heal them while your heart is being healed at the same time ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’—

    1. So true Atarah because I also used it with my son to build his faith he tried God and God always came through for Him, and heยดd always acknowlege Him. We have to pray for our children heart everyday.

  2. What great news!! I am so excited for what my Beloved will do at HGM so that our boys and girls can heal and flourish in the midst of the situation they are going through as a family. What a great blessing!

  3. What wonderful news! I am very happy to know that the little ones will benefit from all these resources, and I agree with you and pray in relation to this beautiful project that comes from our beloved Lord.

    I can speak in a very personal way that when they told me of the separation, (months before) I only thought how I am going to bear my children if I was broken, without a doubt he prepared me and he was the one who took charge of supporting us all, when that happened.
    I remember that I prayed for strength and asked him to take care of their hearts and he really did. So I couldn’t agree with you more, they, our children (like all of us) need this spiritual nourishment, that makes them feel safe, cared for and very loved.
    It is my prayer that these resources heal and restore their little hearts and minds! This is great!

  4. This is very good news, because I was just thinking about my older son who is still consumed by anger since my separation. He doesnโ€™t want anything to do with his father, nor does he want to go out with him. I think this series will help us all… we’re looking forward to its wonders.

  5. It is a blessing for us to guide our children, who also need that healing and peace that only comes from Our Beloved, and of course that He continues to give Erin the wisdom to continue writing and to the Ministers who are helping her.

  6. This is amazing news! When my journey started I was so heartbroken I could hardly function, I just went through the motion of keeping my children fed etc. I knew my children were also heartbroken and suffering, but it was only after I found RMI and my journey with my Beloved Lord started that I was able to comfort them and teach them about their Heavenly Father and His love for them.

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