Faith like a child

"How kind the Lord is! How good he is! So merciful, this God of ours! The Lord protects those of childlike faith; I was facing death, and he saved me. Let my soul be at rest again, for the Lord has been good to me." Psalm 116:5-7

Dear ladies, today I want to share with you a blessing and a wonderful teaching that my Beloved Lord gave me through my daughter. He shows me once again the Love and care he has for me not only in my health, but above all, he takes care of my walk in Him, because through my daughter He gave me a โ€œslap on the wristโ€ to take into account what He has been teaching me during this time.
I write this testimony several days after what happened because I understand that my Beloved first guided me to study the lesson scheduled for this week, Lesson 11 โ€œShake it Offโ€ so that I can see in my daughter the power of prayer and above all of faith.

A few days ago I contracted a respiratory tract condition, first I started with pain in my throat, feeling itchy and dry in that area; When suddenly two days later I woke up without a voice, it was the first time that I remember something like that happening to me, I was literally trying to speak, but no voice came out, to be honest I wasn't scared, but rather it caused me a certain amount of fun to experience something like that. When I got my daughter up to get ready for school, I had to move her and write down all my instructions so that she could understand what she had to do, and although I found it somewhat funny, my daughter got very worried, she is 8 years old and she couldn't more than saying a little prayer before leaving because we were running late.

Then when I was alone at home, I resumed my time with the Lord, and although I was very light with my loss of voice, I just left it in the hands of my Beloved Lord and continued with my day.

Then my voice appeared about 4 hours after getting up which was from one moment to the next, I just smiled, thanked and continued with my activities. Then, when my daughter came home from school, the first thing I did was greet her with a hug and show her that she could now talk.

She was very happy, and she told me: I tell you that I prayed at school so that the Lord would give you your voice back and heal you. I asked her how she did it and she told me that, during physical activity time, she looks for a little moment. and she knelt in a corner and there she prayed for my healing, then she returned to the class because she knew that He had healed me so she didn't worry anymore. The funny thing is that when I look at her schedule, I see that the hour of physical activity was the average time my voice returned.

It gave me great tenderness to hear her speak like that, to see how the example influences and sows our children, but above all my Beloved Lord showed me how valuable it is to believe with the innocence of a child: "โ€œLet the children come to me. Donโ€™t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.โ€ And he placed his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left." Matthew 19:13-15

I thank my Beloved for this lesson, for the importance of guarding our hearts in faith, of encouraging me to keep my eyes on Him, shaking off any hindrance or doubt that wants to make me uncomfortable; but above all, showing me how little by little and from a tender age he is conquering my daughter's heart.

"I could have no greater joy than to hear that my children are following the truth." 3 John 1:4

7 thoughts on “Faith like a child”

  1. Perla what a beautiful praise! I had tears in my eyes now as I read it. It is so beautiful to see your daughter’s faith, what an encouragement it was for me today. Thank you for sharing. To quote from your starting verse: “”How kind the Lord is! How good he is! So merciful, this God of ours!”

  2. Wow this is just a beautiful praise precious Perla, I love what our Darling Lord did and how He answered your child’s prayer, that is so very precious. Wow and she is only 8 years old and she didn’t worry about her mommy anymore, she believed that here Heavenly Father will heal her mommy, that is so very special.
    “And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.โ€ M21:22

  3. Beautiful how He works in our lives Perla, how He changes life course around us working through our children and drawing them to Him strenghthening their faith, make them know that He is with them and has never leave them and with that builds up our faith too. they way she gave it to Him and just let go, knowing for sure that He would it, we need to have faith like them, knowing He Will!!!

  4. I love reading this testimony after you shared it in our fellowship meeting. It is so beautiful that your daughter is following your example as she sees you walking with Him and following Him. What a great blessing! We never imagined it before when we got here and we thought it was the end of all our dreams, but coming to the knowledge of the truth has made our lives take on a true meaning and we have much more than we ever dreamed of, not only for ourselves but for those we love. These blessings are unique and very valuable.

  5. Wow! ๐Ÿฅฒ๐Ÿ’•Your daughter’s faith and innocence are so encouraging. It’s amazing how children can have such a strong belief in the power of prayer. Thank you for sharing this special moment with us!

  6. How beautiful, Perla. The children’s prayers go directly to the Lord. Your daughter had faith and the certainty that God would heal you, and so we must always have that certainty that He has worked in us. Thank you for this precious testimony.

  7. Wow dear Perla, this is such a beautiful praise, thank you so much for sharing! It is amazing to see how children just trust their Heavenly Father so much! She just knew He would heal you and take care of you if she asked Him.

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