Dear brides and Partners, I’m at a bit of a loss for words… lol but they are coming… Where do I even start? It’s just so amazing!! Thank You partners!! To start off when I first made the decision to volunteer I did not know or expect that I would receive financial support, but may I say Thank You so very much from the bottom of my heart! Doing the Lord's work became a dream come true just because of all the amazing things that I learnt here which led to the amazing thing my Lord started doing in my life and what I only ever wanted all the other ladies the Lord led here to experience this wonder too. ~ Atarah
Yvonne: For so long in my previous career I felt like I never made a difference. But even then the Lord was preparing me for this. Never would I have thought that I would ever be ministering to other women. I love it and it may the most difficult task I have ever had to do, but it is also the most rewarding and would not have been possible if not for your support.
Here are a few Praise Reports within the Afrikaans Ministry
"I met Candy’s husband through my sister-in-law and heard that he was having marriage troubles but it was not until Candy attended the church that my EH and I attended that I started to help her because Candy’s husband had asked her for a divorce, she was of course heartbroken and shocked, unbelieving, as she was having marriage troubles but did not expect her husband to announce this.
My sister-in-law, having witnessed God restoring my marriage after separation and divorce, had told Candy and also approached me to speak to Candy. I immediately told Candy about my journey with RMI and gave her my copy of the “How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage” book. Each Sunday when Candy came to church, I would encourage her by testifying to all the wonderful things that the Lord had done for me during my RJ.
The “How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage” book greatly encouraged Candy during some tough times as she was employed with her husband and not long afterward witnessed her husband becoming involved with an OW which left her more heartbroken. Later due to the strain, Candy moved to another town but we were able to keep in contact by texting each other and she was added to a chat group where we have been able to continue to encourage each other. Recently Candy was blessed with the Wise Women book as well as the Finding the Abundant life. She was so excited to receive these books and texted me to tell me how she could not wait to receive them!
Due to the fact that Candy, unfortunately, has no internet access to do the course lessons the books have helped to encourage her greatly in her RJ. Candy has been of great encouragement on the chat group through the encouragement she has given to the other ladies and just yesterday told me she was reading “The Ways of Her Household” chapter in the “Wise Women” book and could understand my desire to be a Worker @ Home. Along the journey, things have not been easy for Candy but she has testified to me on numerous occasions as to how the Lord has provided for her and her sons." ~ Atarah
Yvonne: We got this thank you note from one of the ladies and as I read it I could not help but cry due to how wonderful His perfect timing always is!!!
I do hope this email finds you well. Thank you for the birthday message.I surely would have loved to spend it with my EH but later on into the day I realised that I had the best birthday ever. I spent the day with my Lord and we talked so much and He kept assuring how much He loves me.I went to bed feeling so happy and content and I mean it when I say it was the best birthday ever!
I was actually telling God this morning that even though I never received a single gift, having this relationship with Him was the best thing ever and all I wanted.Something amazing happened again as I finished praying. I was actually telling God that I didn't want to seem nagging to Yvonne but I was really looking forward to my books and I didn't know if it was a good idea to ask again.Just after praying I got your email, Yvonne, telling me that you had sent my books.I immediately stood up and started praising God with all of my heart and 2 minutes later the intercom rang and my books had arrived.
My God is so much greater than any other god and His love is so deep and abiding. His thoughts are much higher than my thoughts and His ways (Isaiah 55:8) just when I thought no present for me I got the best birthday present ever. Thank you Lord for your love never fails. Thank you RMI for blessing me with this precious gift."
Yvonne: Tears are just running down my cheeks as I write this email. I can never doubt the love of God and His amazing ways.
Here is another email: "Thank you so so much.I would surely love to work with the team whenever I am needed. I have also started sharing with some friends in Zimbabwe. I have been copying and pasting these lessons and so many women are being blessed.
May you kindly forward any Zimbabwe contact details so that more women may be blessed just as I am?May you also please forward South African banking details that I may use for tithing when I get something.
I am so blessed and thank you once again. May God bless this ministry and all the people working so hard to strengthen our relationships with the Lord. Blessings and love. Warm regards...
Here's What's New!
First, we have Atarah joining us full-time and that is just wonderful. And then something that may not be for the women’s ministry but still so wonderful. The Lord send someone that may be translating the Men’s books into an African language (Zulu) This is so great, now I am just patiently waiting on Him for a woman to do the same:)
One of the ladies came to the ministry, she does not have BNN yet, so I will not name her. But reading through her lessons and seeing her PR’s is great to see how the Lord is working through women. It always makes me think back to the beginning of my journey, that in love feeling leading to meeting your Heavenly Husband:)
Dear Lord,
Thank You Lord for using every difficulty, hardship, confusion, bitterness, utter hopelessness that at times I experienced during this journey for good, to help other hurting women. If it wasn’t for Your lovingkindness I don’t know where I would be today. But it is due to the loving kindness that you have showered over me that I am able to have the compassion that I feel for the hurting women out there. Thank you for calling me to this ministry and anointing me to do your work. Lord continue to open my heart and ears daily to have your heart that is open to women who are crying out to you for help. ~ Atarah
Yvonne: Lord, sitting here this morning, being able to write this prayer to you with the birds singing outside just gives me such peace and love in my heart. Lord, I am so thankful for everything you do for me and everyone volunteering here and especially every woman hurting today because they feel rejected and unloved. Lord, I pray that You show each one of them that never have to feel that way again because You are ALL that we need. I love you so much and ask that you give me the wisdom that comes from You to do Your work.
Dear Sister, Can God use you? When I first started having marriage troubles believe you me I never in a million years would have thought that God would turn it around for my good because I hurt so much! Maybe right now you are feeling that your life has fallen apart, but I can assure that God ALWAYS works things out for our good no matter how it looks in the natural! To you, your situation may look soooo very bad but God always has a plan. Maybe you started feeling or was encouraged by somebody that God has a greater purpose to use you? Well, let me tell you that He does want to use you! All it really takes is to make yourself available. Then trust God to work it all out for you because nothing you do now will ever be alone. He is always there right beside you to help you. ~ Atarah
Yvonne: Dear Sister, never would I have thought that I would be here. I do not know the first thing about ministering to hurting women, but He uses everyone that He is willing and He uses the talents that He gave us. He gave us those talents for a reason. To use them so His name can be glorified:) So, ladies pray to Him and let Him use your talents for the good of His Kingdom. Read 2 Timothy 2:20-22 and let Him know you want to be used by Him.