Dear Partners, I am excited to share with you how your financial support continues help and feed so many hurting women in our Spanish ministry. It is such a blessing to read through all the PR’s that come in day by day. Always know that all your help is the seed needed to allow all the resources to reach those in need and change the lives of so many women.
Praise Reports within my Spanish Ministry
I want to share these PRs and one from a member that just applied to volunteer with our Prayer Team:
Glory to God for eternity and praise be forever!!!, more than a testimony of marriage restoration, I want to give a testimony of the mercy that God has had with me I searched for Him because of my marriage crisis, the first thing I found seeking some support or encouragement in the word of the Lord, being said, after not finding peace in all the earthly methods I tried on my part and many of them disgusted by the Lord, I found the book “How God can and will restore our marriage”.From that moment after reading some chapters, I decided to look for the RMIEW page, where I found much more support and hope.
I started to follow the course 1 RYM and although I have not finished it because I decided to do it little by little as recommend and follow the recommendations to fill out the forms of “what I learned” daily; I can testify to what God is doing with me in all areas of my life.When I begin to read the promises of God and the conditions that we have to reach those promises, I have fallen continually on my knees to the Lord because I have so many faults before the Lord, I used to think that I was a good person, quiet, good wife, good daughter, good sister and good mother; I bitterly realized that I had been contentious, petty and selfish in various areas of my life.
However, our Father is merciful and I can say and raise my voice to declare that there has been no resource more beautiful than to have found God.To have God in my life, to feel and every day to ask Him to make me more hunger for His presence. It has been a mass of emotions that can only come from the Most High.I can attest to the great indescribable peace that nothing in the world of the flesh can give, even when we see that nothing changes or everything gets worse there is a calm, peace and confidence in Him that surpasses all understanding.I have discovered that this woman before sad, angry that was carried away by the emotions is now a calm woman who at any time sad, happy or stress praises the Lord; that has generated a joy that fills the heart and makes me feel happy.
Although I know that I have so much to learn, now I can say that the woman from before could not have endured the situation or shocks of life as this new woman faces, in which little by little I am becoming, with my small flaws clear even the flesh is revealed from time to time but the grace of knowing that you can praise God in those small moments of affliction and feel raised by something that cannot be described but only feel is something that fills my soul.I am still on my journey of marriage restoration, but I can say that I am enjoying every day, I feel much calmer because I no longer have the heavy burden on my shoulders, I see myself now only crying in the presence of our beloved Father and now alone praising Him and asking for His presence in my life. Glory to God!
I encourage many women to seek from God as their most precious jewel, as daily food, as the morning dew that waters over their souls, the greatest love comes from Him and only through Him can we be changed as clay in his hands and we will see changes that can only come from the Most High in our attitudes, behavior and feelings.Now I thank God for allowing my marriage to be affected, because of this, I was able to seek the presence of our God, we must keep in mind that everything happens for something and now I am convinced that everything happened because it is part of a purpose and now I know that all will be well.
~ Carol in Ecuador
I want to share my testimony. After I learned that my husband and co-worker were expecting a child, I already felt that the end of all possible hope of restoration of our marriage came. It was on that day that I decided to stop fighting with my “forms” and give it to GOD … because I did not know how to face, or how to talk about the subject with our three children … who loved their father deeply … today I know that the Holy Spirit was leading me .. for hearing for the first time the audio of the book “How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage” many of the book’s suggestions I had already been doing .. but after spending full morning time of personal prayer in my bathroom … pouring out my heart to the Lord Jesus. I can tell that all that time The Lord comforted me, renewed my strength, restored me to continue fighting for my family … every morning I have felt that Father’s presence … that healing of my soul and my heart that I needed to take every step of that new day to continue working and functioning in all my roles of mother, professional, and as administrator and emotional support of my children in my house.
All this chaos came to our home within a time where I was also assuming other responsibilities in my work, where I had to demonstrate my management and organization capacities to carry out an educational institution of more than 1000 students and therefore a thousand different families. I NEVER THOUGHT IT COULD HAVE BEEN ACHIEVED WITHOUT THE HELP OF MY HEAVENLY FATHER. Today two years of that time of trial I can see the fidelity of God in everything. My children have been able to forgive their father and also me, every day I realize that their hearts are healing. I saw and I still see the hand of God in those darkest days of my life… I experience… THE PEACE THAT EXCEEDS ALL UNDERSTANDING!!! of which I had heard before in the scriptures. Our marriage is not completely restored (I commented that my husband and I did not reach physical separation we live together and we continue living together and from the beginning, we discarded the divorce), but as he says in His word. THE GOOD WORK HAS BEGUN IN US AND IT WILL BE FINISHED!! and I believe it, because today I know that everything we go through is, was and will be as it is written: To achieve a greater calling of Glory of God in our lives and in our family. I know that in a short time I will be writing to you with another testimony victorious of complete restoration of our marriage … FOR THE GLORY OF JEHOVAH.
“How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage” many of the book’s suggestions I had already been doing .. but after spending full morning time of personal prayer in my bathroom … pouring out my heart to the Lord Jesus. I can tell that all that time The Lord comforted me, renewed my strength, restored me to continue fighting for my family … every morning I have felt that Father’s presence … that healing of my soul and my heart that I needed to take every step of that new day to continue working and functioning in all my roles of mother, professional, and as administrator and emotional support of my children in my house. All this chaos came to our home within a time where I was also assuming other responsibilities in my work, where I had to demonstrate my management and organization capacities to carry out an educational institution of more than 1000 students and therefore a thousand different families.
I NEVER THOUGHT IT COULD HAVE BEEN ACHIEVED WITHOUT THE HELP OF MY HEAVENLY FATHER. Today two years of that time of trial I can see the fidelity of God in everything. My children have been able to forgive their father and also me, every day I realize that their hearts are healing. I saw and I still see the hand of God in those darkest days of my life… I experience… THE PEACE THAT EXCEEDS ALL UNDERSTANDING!!! of which I had heard before in the scriptures. Our marriage is not completely restored (I commented that my husband and I did not reach physical separation we live together and we continue living together and from the beginning, we discarded the divorce), but as he says in His word. THE GOOD WORK HAS BEGUN IN US AND IT WILL BE FINISHED!! and I believe it, because today I know that everything we go through is, was and will be as it is written: To achieve a greater calling of Glory of God in our lives and in our family. I know that in a short time I will be writing to you with another testimony victorious of complete restoration of our marriage … FOR THE GLORY OF JEHOVAH.
~ Mary in Paraguay
Here’s What’s New. *
I am excited to announce that once again we will be visiting Granada, Nicaragua in December 2017. We are excited to see the plans He has in store for each of us and pray to see if this year you can join us. Here is the site:
Stay connected and up to date on the latest news, frequently updated here: Nicaragua
I wanted to share an update from Tamar, a Spanish Volunteer that was recently affected by the earthquake in Mexico, which you may remember, Sleeping in the Corner of a Bathroom in a Commercial Building!
RMI True instrument of Hope!
It is so perfect that through the earthquake I have met women who were in situations so crucial in their marriages. They were with hatred and resentment and lack of forgiveness towards their husbands nevertheless the desolation that the earthquake has left them in just as I, with nothing (literally) a question arose in them, How can you be so happy? I do not understand why, you are so strange, so radiant? one told me: “your husband left you, you do not have a house, you have nothing you are here with us and how is it possible that you talk like that? Are you of stone? Do not you feel anything for anyone?” and I told them all I feel is for my beloved my Lord and Savior Yeshua. And this that has passed from the earthquake has allowed me to tell you about Him, everything He can do in the middle of nothing, how I can attribute to anything but love to my beloved if He is so perfect and all works for the good of those who love him.
This is wonderful, this is beautiful and I do not know what to do with so much joy, it’s that I want everyone to understand that we do not need to have anything to be happy to be really good. that I’m lovesick for my beloved nobody understands me. this is madness for people.
I began telling them that I already had news of my children that it was something that had become so minimal and that now I knew about them, with a hope of restoration with them, that now I believe the promises that for years were asleep in me, that having faith in my beloved, my children will be saved, that they, like me, will serve the high YESHUA, that we will not be afraid of bad news, and that God is merciful. that through RMI I have been restored with my beloved and my Lord Yeshua and that by being well with Him I do not need anything else, because I would be well with everyone.
Dear Erin, The knowledge and wisdom that God has given you and to have been so obedient in letting Him guide you for every section, every book, every course, every page, the truth that has been so much help and growth in my life for having learned the consequences of the UNEQUAL YOKE that I am again convinced that now my eyes see my beloved Lord Yeshua.
With RMI, I have remained firm, not double-minded, but rather very interested and with great pleasure in learning and being able to serve God day by day for all the women who need it and to let them know that even when they come to RMI in search of their marriage restoration “there is a relationship more beautiful and that will give them perpetual happiness “the relationship with the only love that will change their lives forever our Lord and beloved YESHUA. RESTORED !
From Lota. My Love, Words cannot express my gratitude and love for you. I pray that you always guide me and strengthen me to be an instrument of yours. I pray that you always give me the words to help those you put in my life that needs more of you. That they can also experience you as their First Love.
Do you feel unworthy or incapable of being a minister to broken and hurting women? I know our HH uses our faults and needs to show how strong and mighty He is. The most beautiful thing is to understand that our HH loves us unconditionally. He knows our weaknesses and He is ready to come into our lives and reveal Himself to each of us on a personal level. Today I encourage you to open your heart and just be willing. He is faithful and will work everything out perfectly for you.