Today I read WLL 34, during this lesson I enjoyed thinking about this text from the Bible.
Yet those who wait on the LORD will surely renew their strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not grow weary. Isaiah 40:31
Eagles need the warmth of the sun and must first fly themselves to find the thermals and then float on the wind. They are not simply lifted from a tree or off a rock.
Floating on the wind of God's Spirit does not happen automatically! We must live very close to Him and experience His love as a Best Friend, so that He can levitate us by the power of His love and guide us by His Spirit
Floating on the wind of God's Spirit is soothing because He carries us with His power. Drifting on the wind of God's Spirit requires little energy and has beautiful results. It is also adventurous, because where does the Spirit take us? I believe He will take us where He wants us to be.
And... He's coming with us! As 'father eagle' He will protect and guide us, just like the people of Israel.
"like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them aloft. Theย Lord alone led him; no foreign god was with him." D32:11-12
Dear brides, I would like to encourage you to read this WLL 34ย so that He can lift you up and float you above the problems of this world.
Vandaag las ik WLL 34 , tijdens deze les genoten van mijn gedachten naar deze tekst uit de Bijbel.
Toch zullen degenen die op de HEER wachten op nieuwe kracht zeker; Ze zullen opstijgen met vleugels als adelaars, ze zullen rennen en niet moe worden, ze zullen lopen en niet moe worden. Jesaja 40:31
Adelaars hebben de warmte van de zon nodig en moeten eerst zelf vliegen om de thermiek te vinden en dan op de wind te drijven. Ze worden niet zomaar uit een boom of van een rots getild.
Zweven op de wind van Gods Geest gebeurt niet automatisch! We moeten heel dicht bij Hem leven en Zijn liefde ervaren als een hemelse Mens, zodat Hij ons kan laten zwevende door de kracht van Zijn liefde en ons kan leiden door Zijn Geest
Het drijven op de wind van Gods Geest is rustgevend omdat Hij ons draagt โโmet Zijn kracht. Meedrijven op de wind van Gods Geest kost weinig energie en heeft een prachtig resultaat. Het is ook avontuurlijk, want waar brengt de Geest ons heen? Ik geloof dat Hij ons zal brengen waar Hij wil dat we zijn.
En... Hij gaat met ons mee! Als 'vaderarend' zal Hij ons beschermen en leiden, net als het volk Israรซl.
Thank you for sharing precious Hanna and thank you for the lesson you shared, which of course our Darling Lord reminded me now of this very important peace taken out of the lesson (because just yesterday I had car trouble and I have to admit I panicked, where I was suppose to allow our Darling Lord to hover me over the trouble):
“As His brides, letโs allow His over to lift us, carry us above and hover over the worldโs troubles. Let His love dispel all evidence of our lack of trust, like us โtrust the Lordโ no longer leaning to what we understand but live a life of faith to the point of causing others who witness your life to want the abundant life of a bride herself.
Thank you for sharing one of my favorite verses Hanna. One of the amazing things I’ve learned is that we can hover over all our troubles with our Beloved, filled with His peace and joy. And when we are weary we can run to Him and rest in Him so He can renew our strength, because His power is perfected in our weakness.
“And He said to me, โMy grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.โ Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”;KJV;NKJV;NLV
Thanks for sharing Hanna thats a beautiful lesson and wow floating on the wind of his spirit is what l will do today ๐ฅฐ๐ค