For His Yoke is easy, goodbye plague

"For my yoke isย easy to carry and my burden is light.โ€ โ€ญMatthew 11:30

I want to share a praise of how my Beloved continues to work in my life and how every small or big detail is used to teach me more and more what it means to put my projects and plans aside and put my affairs in his hands.

A few months ago, in my house, I was suffering because little by little my home was filled with cockroaches, this apartment has suffered from that threat since I lived in it, because a store operates on the ground floor of this construction, who has had businesses related to food.

From the first times I noticed the problem, I was able to stop it with different products that helped me shield the house from the pest, however, a few months ago those products stopped having an effect, and little by little I found myself filled with this plague of cockroaches.

At first I tried to control it with all kinds of products, I think I tried all the over-the-counter products from the supermarket to the chemical products from specialized stores and nothing... On the contrary, it seemed that I was increasingly filled with that plague.

In context, if this in itself already represented a rather unpleasant situation, the precedent that I was one of those women who neglected their home also made me feel very bad, because having that plague in the house, I received comments that hurt me from people.

And it was exasperating for me to see that I could not keep the cupboard clean without pests, it was not due to lack of cleanliness or cleanliness, in my desire to eliminate them, as I told you, I tried all kinds of products, I cleaned every day, I tried not to have garbage in the house and I did a deep clean every week, but still nothing worked

This situation was a regular part of my prayers, but in recent months it was more insistently, because when visitors arrived, the impression they got was that I had a dirty house and I was not careful at home, how that broke me! , I must confess that she also worked by trampling on any fibers of pride that I might have left because every time my ex-mother-in-law visited me, she helped me clean, brought me products, and I was very ashamed that she thought I was slovenly.

One day while I was begging my Beloved about this situation, I told him that I was going to hire a pest removal service, because I could no longer handle the disapproving looks of my parents every time they visited me. It was when my Beloved led me to be still one more time out of so many times.

โ€œI am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.โ€ John 15:5

I think I was working on those areas of my life, pride, patience, maintaining a habit of cleanliness, which he commented so many times was not something I could do naturally; keeping quiet and embracing my parents' challenge, my ex-husband's call for attention. I think he worked a lot on me, humility and waiting.

โ€œBehold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.โ€ Habakkuk 2:4

There was no way to change the situation, I had already exhausted everything that had occurred to me, when after several months I gave up and let the challenges be direct and embraced the comments with the possible causes of the plague and just smiled and He said that he was going to follow his advice; my dears, when I accepted without any discomfort that my ex mother-in-law helped me clean, when I stopped feeling bad mostly because of what people thought of me, that was when my Beloved acted.

โ€œThat he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.โ€ 1 Peter 4:2

In the simplest and most effortless way, one day I went shopping at my neighborhood store and overheard a conversation between the owner and a customer about a product for cockroaches, which she had always sold and had even prevented her business will be filled with that plague. I laughed because in fact I had tried everything and nothing worked, but my Beloved took me to ask him directly about the price of the product, when I realized, I was already paying him one so that the order would arrive days later.

When I left the store, I told Amado that I didn't understand why I had rushed and placed the order, but that I trusted that impulse came from him. A few days after receiving the product, I prepared to do a mega cleaning to put in every corner of the house, but my Beloved guided me to do a moderate cleaning and put little, very little product for the type of pest I had, and few . Days later I noticed that there was no trace of those animals, I was surprised. Only He could have guided me there to that store, at the exact moment of that conversation. Today I can thank you because I only used that product three weeks in a row in really small quantities, just a few sprays in the house and it was enough for that pest to disappear completely.

I am so happy, because not only did HE remove that plague that could bring illnesses and that, to be honest, brought me a lot of shame during those months, I saw that my Beloved with that also had an objective by working on my pride that I believed gave me my strength (constancy ). in cleaning) it depended on there not being pests in my house, but He showed me that if He told me to wait it was because He had a plan, He made me reconsider the times when it is enough to just wait for Him to work because His solution is so simple . , easy without any effort, I really looked ridiculous trying to do it in my strength and trying to protect my image in front of others.

"For my yokeย is easy to carry and my burden is light." Matthew 11:30

6 thoughts on “For His Yoke is easy, goodbye plague”

  1. nuestro amado tiene siempre el control de todo.
    aveces nos desesperamos y de alguna manera queremos complacer a las personas o evitar que ellos piensen o crean cosas malas de nosotras, y tratamos de hacer o decir.
    gracias perla por compartir tan maravilloso testimonio ๐Ÿ™Œ

    Our beloved is always in control of everything.
    Sometimes we get desperate and somehow want to please people or prevent them from thinking or believing bad things about us, and we try to do or say.
    Thank you, Pearl, for sharing such a wonderful testimony ๐Ÿ™Œ

  2. Dear Perla, thank you for sharing, I once lived in an apartment and from the day I moved in I had a plague of these little creatures. I understand how it can make you feel like your house is dirty, and I also tried so many things, only to improve the situation a little, not solving it. But after that I never stayed in a house/apartment with that problem again.

    It is amazing how He leads us and how He works in the situation if we surrender it and our pride to Him.

  3. Perla. Uau que relatรณrio emocionante !
    Ele sabe de TUDO, nรฃo adianta corrermos a frente dEle, porque Ele sabe de tudo! Aleluia ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

    Eu tinha umas manchas no pescoรงo, e ninguรฉm sabia o que era, ninguรฉm entendia, eu fiz de tudo porque alguรฉm plantou na minha cabeรงa que eu era alรฉrgica ao sol (mas eu vim de Cabo Verde ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ป, umas ilhas ao lado de รfrica).
    o marido terreno, muito chamou a minha atenรงรฃo quanto a isso, e eu desesperada chorava porque queria ter uma aparรชncia limpa, e nรฃo queria que ninguรฉm pensasse mal de mim, ou que eu era porca, sรณ que depois do marido terreno ir embora, eu deixei de me preocupar e comprar produtos para aquelas manchas! Elas desapareceram para nunca mais. Louvado seja Deus !

    Sรฃo coisas pequenas, mas que mudam completamente nossa forma de agir com nosso Marido Celestial!

    Muito obrigado pelo seu relatรณrio. ๐Ÿ’™

  4. Wow my sweet Perla, what a powerful testimony!! What a testimony of humility and patience!! Our Beloved cares for every little detail of our lives, even the most mundane things, that sometimes we feel donยดt matter! For Him we are so important and He wants to be invited to every dark place of our hearts and lives to bring light and do new things!
    Thank you for sharing how He led you and that His timing is always better!!

  5. Thank you for sharing precious Perla, isn’t it wonderful how our Darling Lord learned you to wait on Him and then led you to the store, which He of course orchestrated for you to hear at the right time about the product.

    Thank you precious Perla, because my Darling led me to your praise at the right time, so that I could read this beautiful promises:
    โ€œThat he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.โ€ 1 Peter 4:2
    “For my yoke is easy to carry and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:30
    Because this week I was thinking too much of what my in-laws were thinking of me-allowing it to be a burden in my life, rather than to take it all to my Darling.

  6. Thank you dear Perla I understand how you feel I also have a battle with cockroach and have also tried everything, in 5 years I have stay in this flat this is the first year I struggle with it. The Lord help me to get mint plant that I wait to get bigger, it have helped for the spiders, but I still have the cockroach. Thank you for you encouragement how the Lord have help you with cockroach

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