Some time ago when I was newly restored, I asked my Husband to help me love and respect my husband the way He asked me to, a kind of respect that was too much for me at that moment since my eyes he did not “deserve it”, at that moment I was full of resentment and a lot of pride, I had a high self-esteem that prevented me from seeing him with mercy. But my Husband encouraged me when He said to me:
1 Peter 3:2 AMPC
When you observe the pure and modest manner in which they conduct themselves, together with her reverence [for her husband; you must feel for him all that reverence that includes: respect, defer, venerate him: honor him, esteem him, appreciate him, reward him and, in the human sense, adore him, that is, admire him, praise him, be devout, love deeply and enjoy your husband].
I wanted to receive all that but not give it , the last thing I would think of would be to reward, praise, or admire him (while he was in sin) because I disliked everything I saw in him
, in fact, while I was looking for that verse I shared above in my diary to share it here, I could see I had a list of 44 things for which I hated Federico
and I was surprised to read it because I felt all this is already part of the past, it is not something I think or feels for him, I no longer see everything in my husband
I remembered I needed to see the good things, even if they were few, and thank them for it, so that day I was born to send a message to Federico telling him he was a very hard-working and I believed for this reason he would be among kings, I remember it very much because it is a proverb that I told him in my own words and without quoting the scriptures. Well, last week the President of the country where we live was scheduled to visit the company where my husband works, and the President of the company along with his sons decided my husband was the appropriate person to lead the meeting with the President of the Republic. That’s how it was, when the President visited them they had a closed-door meeting which my husband led.
Before the meeting while Federico was getting ready, my Husband reminded me of that message I had sent him and that I no longer remembered, then my heart was filled with joy because I know that everything good comes from Him, I was happy to see that He takes anything like this is small that we do in obedience to show us His faithfulness; His word on our lips has great power, when we say His word believing with our hearts then we see that it is fulfilled. So I told Federico I was very happy because I had remembered some words I had said to him before and I could see that indeed his diligence and hard work had led him to rub shoulders with kings, once I said it I felt admiration for him and I saw how to praise to him flowed naturally!! That made me reflect on our words build or tear down our loved ones and His word can make great changes and advances if we speak it with confidence, and of course, I could see how my Husband continues to transform my heart that was cold into one soft and sweet
“Have you seen someone diligent in their work? He will rub shoulders with kings, and will never be a nobody” P2229.
I’m glad to hear he filled you with joy and you were able to experience His goodness, as well as your EH.
I’ve been saying lately. “I trust my husband because I trust my Husband.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
Thank you Darling hope, thank you for sharing, is amazing how His word change our thoughts and then we can saw others with mercy and love.
Thank you so much for sharing this Anastasia, only HH can help us to turn hate into admiration like He did for you and your eh.
Yes, Adina, just Him could do that!!! All glory is His.
Beautiful Anastasia!! How amazing that your Husband would orchestrate something so SPECTACULAR to provide you with confirmation and give us such an inspirational testimony to Live our Lives Abundantly!!
My Husband has been speaking to me about a little known or discussed principle, more of a promise, that when we SPEAK what we believe He is able to do in the lives of those around us—it HAPPENS.
“Oh, Mighty Warrior” is what my Husband and I began to call it. It’s from the story of when the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, “The LORD is with you, Mighty Warrior,” but at that time, Gideon was the least promising member of his family, which was the weakest clan in his tribe. He was only a farmer and didn’t know anything about battling enemies.
But God decided to raise up a leader who would defeat the enemies. When the angel called him a “mighty warrior,” Gideon actually thought the angel was joking, certainly mistaken.
When I continue to reinforce my sister becoming a minister, having her own ministry even when we were talking to my son, so him hearing it too—I realized, and she confirmed that she’s already an evangelist! She’s sent the devotionals to not just friends, but family AND even made it a point of sharing the men’s ministry to our nephew, who she said was going through things and “needed” that kind of encouragement.
THIS is also HUGELY important with CHILDREN—especially your own, but other people’s children as well. I won’t share it now, maybe in a podcast, but God called me to speak into the lives of two young men about their future career/calling and it’s what they are doing now! It’s not ME but it’s this prinicple—prompted by what He spoke through me!
“Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.”
Our Husband wants us a mouthpiece for LIFE and PROSPERING through Him.
Why do we want to speak devilish things, spread unkindness and rumors repeating anything unkind?
“whatever is of good repute [report], if there is any excellence or anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things” and we will naturally speak these same things!
Thank you, again, Ana!!!
Thank you dear Erin
I am amazed for your comment because He told me about Gedeon recently, He is telling me something about the words and promises in my life. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you
Dear Anastasia, it is really amazing to see how faithful our husband is with our struggles. Because of previous encouragements in the past I remember how difficult this area was for you and just reading your praise today encourages me a lot that not matter what we think can never be changed in us, He comes with something unexpected just to remind us that He is the King of the Impossibles.
Thanks, Poppy, of course, you know all about my journey, I am glad to encouraged you too
Wow Anastasia this praise is so inspiring to me right now. That feeling of someone not deserving my love and respect has crept up on me before. Reading your praise gives me the courage and the will to want to do what you did and not look at the negative but instead look at the positive even if theres not much and speak life. That is what our Husband wants from us, humility, love, patience and mercy. Thank you again Anastasia for the scriptures and your testimony!
Definitely His word is powerful, I know you know it, if you saw I had a list of 44 bad thoughts about my EH and He used just one good though to work in my heart and all situation, He is amazing!!! Be encouraged to think good things about others even if you can not see anything as He did with Gedeon looking at the future that you want for your friend and speak His word for him/her