πŸ’ž Give Praises to the Best Husband Full of Love πŸ’ž


β™› β€œYet you are the Holy One, who sits enthroned on the praises of Israel.” P22:3


Dear brides🌹,

I feel great, I feel full of joy, I feel free and in my heart there is a deep longing for more of my Wonderful Man. All because He is shaping me to be a better bride. For this purpose He is currently using my eldest son to create lasting changes in me.

My eldest son is in his third year of secondary school again. My former husband and I have had quite a few conversations as parents at school, children's hospitals and external counselors who all want to help my son with the undesirable behavior that my son shows. Less than a year ago, I would have been extremely upset if I got a call with news I didn't want to hear. Thanks to my Heavenly Husband, who freed me from my shortcoming in having fear and anger. Can I now receive a piece of bad news in peace and then praise Him for what I heard? For I know, β€œWe now know that [God] causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28.

Today my son had an internship day from school. The necessary trials to get through the internship period have already taken place. Less than two weeks ago I received a call from the internship supervisor who told me that a day had to be repeated due to undesirable behavior. Explaining and then motivating my son to do this requires patience and self-control. Two aspects that I certainly did not show when I was my old self. Where I used to think it would be a stretch to make it very clear what my opinion was about my child's undesirable behavior, He has changed me a lot. The peace and love that my Heavenly Husband has given me to talk to my son without those intense emotions is amazing. That i don't have the need anymore to run to the phone to talk to sombody or simple let my emotions run wild. It is AMAZING. I am going to give HIM this situation. It is not my battle but His. To then continue to hold His hand.

Brand new, I am now sitting on the couch waiting for my son to come home from the internship where he has just been sent away. While all I desire is to praise my Heavenly Husband for this situation. Because what's best is that I can expect that the prayer I made this morning has not been answered. This is okay because my trust has grown so much that I know He is doing something bigger with this situation. β€œFor my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9. His glory and lovingkindness are still present. Even though the trials are present.

He further increased my faith today by having me read Psalm 73. Sometimes I wonder why the trials with my son continue. The why question you and I ask is not important. We can be sure that He allows crisis situations to bring us closer to Him. And as Erin has taught us, it is often our own (former) husband, children and close family members that He uses for this.

I would like to encourage you not to despair, worry or be sad about the crises happening in your life. The more there are, the closer you get to your Heavenly Husband. Through these trials you can become the bride. Who He actually became before you knew that you had been chosen to become a spotless bride. As awful as it is, do your best to walk through the trial. Don't avoid it, don't give up. His grace and love will always be with you. His conquering right hand holds you. You can rely on that.



While you wait, the best thing you can do is Praise Him for every crisis He allows. This is the best key He has given us to open the doors to the transformation that will draw others into longing for Him who loves us so much.

I look forward to the many praise reports that will be submitted.

Lots of love.

15 thoughts on “πŸ’ž Give Praises to the Best Husband Full of Love πŸ’ž”

  1. cuan maravilloso es nuestro esposo celestial que nos consuela y nos ayuda siempre.
    Γ‰l estΓ‘ en control de todo.
    Solo llΓ©vale todo a nuestro amado y ora en lo secreto por tu hijo cada dΓ­a, a solas con el seΓ±or, solo Γ©l seΓ±or sabe lo que necesita tu hijo y Γ©l lo ayudarΓ‘.
    How wonderful is our Heavenly Husband who always comforts us and helps us.
    He is in control of everything.
    Just take everything to our Beloved and pray secretly for your child every day, alone with the Lord, only the Lord knows what your child needs and He will help him.

    1. Yes Nelly, He is our Comforter, He is the One who gives us the wisdom to take care of our childrens needs. As long as we keep reminder ourself that He has a plan with all of this and is in control we can sit still in His presence and praising Him all day long. He knows my desire for each of my children. And they will be achieved. Amen😍

  2. Thank you for sharing Kristine! I loved how you said we shouldn’t despair or worry when crises come but instead embrace them as they bring us closer to our Beloved. It is so very true. His love will carry us through anything and everything.

    1. Dear Elda, I used to think trials were trials. Now I know it is an expression of His love. He is certainly my guide through the trials☺.

  3. Thanks to my Heavenly Husband, who freed me from my shortcoming in having fear and anger. Can I now receive a piece of bad news in peace and then praise Him for what I heard?

    wow praise Him who does such a thing! He makes our hearts into beautiful treasures that Love Him and trust Him!!

    1. together with you i shall praise our Heavenly Husband for the change that He makes in usπŸ₯³.

  4. It is true that crisis situations can bring us closer to God, and help us to grow and become more like Him. I am grateful for your encouragement as there are ongoing trials in my life too. It is so important to know that we are not alone, and that there is hope with Him.

    1. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in all kinds of tribulation, with the comfort with which we ourselves have be comforted by God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

      We are never alone. Our dear Love is always with us.
      “But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another: …” 1 John 1:7

      I am happy that i have you all brides to keep my hands up when things getting difficult😍. Thank you for that.
      Our Heavenly Husband shall always be the hope for all of us.

  5. Thank you so much for this encouragement and reminder precious Kristine, yes precious Kristine, challenges do bring us closer to our Darling Lord, the best ever place to ever be. Yes precious Kristine we can rely on the fact that His grace and love will always be with us.

    1. Dear sweet Janine, you are welcome. With you i believe that we can always rely on His grace and love for us to keep us going on our journey. The best place is indeed at His feets, like a real brideπŸ™πŸΎ.

  6. My dear sweet Kristine, love the way you express it! What an amazing opportunity to portrait our Beloved’s character and love towards us! That is the beauty of motherhood showing our children the grace and love that our Beloved show us everyday. ❀️
    Now is the time when we attract our children with our love and help them to get closer to their Heavenly Father.
    Love the way you are now resting in Himβ™₯️

    1. Thank you my precious Isabella. How I miss your laugh that I always heard during the meetings. I shall always think of you in connection with the twins we received from our Heavenly Husband. Raising them is not always easy. The boys are turning ten already this year. And know how to communicate well. I am even more glad that I have my Husband who provides me with everything to give them His principles and love. His perfect planπŸ™πŸΎfor our children is certain. And nothing can change that. I stick to that and that is my strenght☺

  7. Thank you, Kristine, just this weekend I was able te experience how He changes us and changed me. On Mother’s Day, as the children and me was about to leave to go to my aunt for lunch, my car did not want to start, the battery was completely dead. The children tried to push the car to start it, but they couldn’t. At that moment my Beloved Husband send the neighbours to come and help. After the car started, we left and drove to my aunt’s house. We first had to stop at the shop to buy salad, and when we wanted to leave my car did not want to start again, PTL we were around the corner from my niece’s house, so they came to help me. At my aunt’s house my nephew put the charger on the battery, so we were able to get safely home, but the battery was completely dead and did not want to charge even after 36hrs on the charger. Long story short, I had to replace the battery. Things like this, especially happening on Mother’s Day, would have caused me to panic and stress, but the children and I were able to laugh it off. Previously I would have gotten this taken care off immediately, in a frenzy, but I was totally calm and was waiting to see what He was going to do to solve the problem for me, only this morning He prompted me to get the battery changed and it took 10min.

    1. Wow Adina so amazing, you did it yourself with the help of you HH. I love this☺. I always feel great when I do something with my HH that I have never done before. How He changes us is wonderful to experience. I wouldn’t know what to do without His rest, promises and presence in our lives. Great that you were able to follow the example of our Darling to laugh it off πŸ˜†.

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