Giving it all to Him

"That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word" Ephesians 5:26

As I started with the first chapter of Restore Your Health, there's so many points that stood out for me.

I normally would read a chapter 3 times before I fill in a journal, to let the words sink in.

Who knows me better than my Creator, my true love. Day in and day out it gets easier for me to take everything to Him and giving Him the praise He deserves for everything He has done in my life.

To pour over the Bible letting Him β€œwash me with the water of the Word” (Eph. 5:26) to clean me from fear and disease. To pray and believe what Scripture says, not what I see, since β€œfaith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1). β€œAnd without faith it is impossible to please God . . .” (Heb. 11:6).

I will grow in faith by giving it all to Him, grow closer to Him. I want to be His servant for the rest of my days.

'Truly I say to you, if you have faith, and do not doubt, you shall not only do what was done . . . but even if you say to this mountain, β€œBe taken up and cast into the sea,” it shall happen’” (Matt. 21:21).

4 thoughts on “Giving it all to Him”

  1. Glory to the lord.. For what he has done…His word tells us in the psalm Proverbs 20:24 β–Ί
    Parallel Verses
    Louis Segond Bible
    It is the Lord who directs man’s steps, But can man understand his way

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Elora, it is so wonderful what our Darling Lord is doing in our lives and how He is building our faith, knowing each one of us by heart and transforms us through His everlasting love. I can never ever imagine my life without Him ever again.
    “And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.” R8:27

  3. Thank you, dear Elora. I have read many of the courses and books a couple of times, and there is always something in each lesson that is applicable to a situation I am facing at that moment. Reading the lessons over and over also helped me to memorize the verses, getting washed with His word.

    I have learned, like you shared, that as my Creator, He knows me best. He cares about the small things that are important to us, and the big things, He also loves to listen to us. Once I was able to grasp and understand this, I knew He was the only One I ever needed to run to with everything.

  4. I’m happy to hear that you find the first chapter of Restore Your Health helpful. Keep seeking His guidance and blessings, and may your journey be filled with His peace and love.

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