“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is
broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter
through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads
to life, and there are few who find it."
This is the book and course that has helped countless families discover the purpose of setting their children apart as they began homeschooling for Him. #H4H
Begin by listening to the Audio Podcast of Erin who was teaching her class to mothers in her megachurch. *Please Note: There is a fairly long intro before the music plays and then she speaks—since this was originally a lost video series but thankfully, the audios were recovered.
*You can easily listen while you do a mundane task during your day (laundry, dishes, or vacuuming), then when He provides time for you to sit down and rest, you can READ the corresponding Chapter.
After each lesson, you listen to and/or read— be sure to stop and ponder— letting the Lord speak to you. Ask Him questions, tell Him how you feel, ask Him what He wants to teach you, and take away from what you heard or read in the chapter.
Then, ask Him to wake you up early one morning, giving you time to pour your heart into your Journal in order to absorb all He has for you—helping you experience Him and LIVING His Abundant Life to the fullest as you continue to give your children the greatest blessing—being HomeGrown!
GIVE yourself, your heart, your passions to your most precious gift—your children.
We recommend asking the Lord to help you listen to the audio sometime during the week and also have a moment to sit down to read a chapter. Then, ask Him to wake you early one morning to Journal.
Also to help, here is a FREE Homeschool Curriculum that Kasey has been using with her two boys for the past few years. All in One Homeschool.
“She rises while it is yet night…” Proverbs 31:15
"I am still finding my rhythm between homeschooling and working from home. I have never in my life thought that I would be doing so many things I loved!!! I thought, you worked and you looked forward to retirement, but now I have work that I love doing, I enjoy home-schooling tremendously. I just feel so blessed."
~ Yvonne in South Africa is our IOU Dean and RMI's Ministry Director who eventually felt the aftermath of being raised in a non-Christian home with divorced parents in her own marriage. Her insatiable appetite for God’s Word serves as encouragement and inspiration to us all.