He answered in the smallest of ways

"He will turn the hearts of the fathers back to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and strike the land with complete destruction" Malachi 4:6

HH (Heavenly Husband) continues to be amazing in His ways. As I've poured through the Abundant Life Lessons and prayed with my epartner. God has shown me more and more about letting go and waiting. Right now, my beautiful daughter is spending time with her father. My epartner prayed FH (former husband) would drive down in his own car (he doesn't have one) and without OW (other woman). God provided a car and FH drove down and is spending a daddy/daughter weekend without OW and her children.

In the wait His provision has been more than enough. Crying out to Him to zip my lips has encouraged my parents' faith. My dad is in awe of what God does and how He moves. I have seen my own mother's faith increase by this one answered prayer. As "small" as it may seem.

4 thoughts on “He answered in the smallest of ways”

  1. oh that’s just wonderful! I absolutely am in awe of how he moves things when we decide to keep quiet

  2. It’s heartwarming to see Him working in your life and remarkable how He arranged for your fh to have a car and spend time with your daughter without the ow. Our Beloved answers prayers and is always faithful! I love that your parents’ faith grew stronger through this experience and how He uses our situations to bless others. Thank you for sharing.

  3. The Lord answers us and we can see Him working in our lives. And keeping quiet…in obedience unleashes more blessings.Thank you Annabeth for sharing

  4. Wow this is powerful. I’m so happy your daughter could be with her father without the other woman. It’s amazing how our testimony will affect and change others. Our Husband is taking care of it all.

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