He answered so quickly!!

β€œEnter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it." M7:13-14

Hello beautiful brides!!

A while ago I posted a praise regarding a dear friend of mine. I had a divine appointment with her via text and I was able to share with her that radical ways my Loving Lord has been moving on my life and heart the past year. This dear friend has been with me for a decade. She's seen me go through it all with my singleness, my marriage, and my separation.

She's counseled me, consoled me. She's very precious to me.

So she texts me and shares what is happening in her life. Which I won't focus on the details except that my Love spoke to me to ask her some questions regarding homeschooling and her not having to work so much and yet paying off significant debt and trusting HIM to do what she is striving so hard to do.

Well, the very next day, she send me an amazing text saying that her husband came home with a 3 thousand dollar bonus check from his work!!! AND that he asked her if she would homeschool one of their children!!! πŸ˜‚ Wow!!

How quickly He showed my precious friend that he doesn't need her help to pay off debts. That He desires us to be the one raising our precious children and most importantly that He cares so so much.

How beautiful!!

Praises praises !!! πŸ™Œ

3 thoughts on “He answered so quickly!!”

  1. Our Darling Lord is really the Best ever, thank you for sharing precious Rasa.
    I am suddenly remined of this beautiful promise:
    “It is vain for you to rise up early, To retire late, To eat the bread of painful labors; For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.” P127:2 https://biblehub.com/psalms/127-2.htm

  2. Our God is so good while I am separated from my husband. A very good friend of mine who supports me God has allowed her couple to be restored and I can’t tell you the hardship but I always encourage her to win without a word.

    Our God wants us to shine for others first… we’re on a journey filled with divine surprises.

  3. Thank you dear Rasa, one thing I’ve learned on my journey is that we as mother’s are created to raise and teach our own children. No, previously I never wanted to homeschool, but after my journey started, He worked in my heart and He gave me the desire to homeschool. And He made it happen in an amazing way: https://narrowroadpublishinghouse.com/rjn-adina/

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