He did it!

For the last couple of weeks I faced a lot of resistance and weird things happening in my life and around me. But despite what has been happening, I do want to Praise my Heavenly Husband because in the midst's of it all He also gave me so much to praise Him for.

My daughter almost failed the first two quarters this year, she barely passed. All her marks were very low. I shared previously that she has been struggling a lot since I lost custody and they started at the new private school, changing from Afrikaans first language to English first language. It is something I have been giving to my Heavenly Husband, asking His guidance and wisdom.

Their school closed last week for a 2 week break. Before the schools closed they wrote their 3rd quarter exams. Since they are with me each afternoon after school after I moved closer, she studies here and I help her with anything she struggles with.

When I received her report card last week I couldn't believe my eyes, her average went up with almost 40%. Since last year she's been struggling with mathematics, barely passing it. But for this exam she missed a distinction with 2%. I had to look twice, I couldn't believe it, but my Heavenly Husband and her Heavenly Father did it again! And it was not anything I did, she barely asked me for help with anything, maybe it is just being able to study here and not at an aftercare center that made the difference, but no matter what, He did it!

There were some issues with my son at school just before the school closed and his teacher wants to see me when the school reopens, but I am trusting my HH with this and that He will work in the situation.

I also want to praise Him because He gave the children and me the opportunity to go away to a resort for a few days. They do go away on holidays and camping with their dad, but they begged me to go away with me again, we haven't been away together for almost five years. So, I told them to ask their Heavenly Father to provide and make a way, and He did. Although it was a short break, we did everything the resort had to offer; we swam for hours, played mini-golf, sat in the Jacuzzis and they went on the water slides. It was also an opportunity for me to just draw closer to my HH and just rest in Him.

5 thoughts on “He did it!”

  1. Dear Adina,

    with you i love to give the praise to our Heavenly Husband for the blessing that He gave to your daughter. Indeed He did it again. What nobody could do, giving your daughter the wisdom to pass the exams. Praising Him for the trials is exactly what we should do. They all work for our good see chapter 10 of the “Wise Women” book https://hopeatlast.com/c3/day-25-chapter-10-various-trials . and for your son He will also do it. Like He did for my son.
    So fine to hear that you all had a great time on the short holiday. That encourage me.

    Much Love🌹

  2. Thank you for this beautiful praise dear Adina, all our wonderful Lord, I am forever so grateful how He helps our children being the best ever Heavenly Father and for pampering you with a lovely holiday for a few days.

  3. Love this praise Adina! Children is big part of our lives and I have to keep reminding myself they are my first ministry. I love to see how their lives change when we surrender them to the Lord.

  4. So thankful we are His and can depend on HIM. 💕
    “All your children will be taught by the Lord. And they will have much peace” I54:13ICB

  5. Wow Adina such wonderful news!! I am very sure that being able to study in the comfort of her own room, and in the stability of her home with you there made a big difference for your daughter. My daughter went to aftercare for many many years and that is something im really grateful for being at home. Im sure whatever it is with your son He will work it out. Im so glad you and tge kids were blessed with such a wonderful time at the resort, He is so loving and kind and good to us ❤️

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