He is Our Counselor💕🌸

"And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6

Dear friends. Greetings from Portugal 🥹

I want to praise God for His word, for us His Bride, and for being our heavenly Father and for having given us one, in fact, the Heavenly Husband, for free.


“For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has become His counselor?” Romans 11:34

Thanks to Him, I “never” liked the news or seeing it being transmitted, especially the ones about such absurd cases as I “hear”, I get terrified because I “can’t” do anything, and I know that it’s happening right under my nose! I run away from it!

As you know, I live in a rented room and my landlady is very nice to me, and sometimes I chat a little with her, and we laugh at the stories she tells me, and she spends her days in front of the television or her cell phone, yes... nowadays, almost all of us spend many hours in front of a cell phone or computer, but that doesn't mean we're watching the news.

There is a program that airs on Portuguese television, I won't mention the name of the program, so that you don't get the curiosity to "research", but basically they are marriage experts and counselors, who bring together two people who have NEVER SEEN EACH OTHER in their lives to get married within a program, if it works out great, if not "each one goes their own way".

I can't describe it in words, but I finally understood what Erin, Michele, and so many other "older women" wrote and left for us.

Counselors, experts, NO... not at all!

My Beloved finally made me understand what we are trying to solve with “marriages, relationships” which is to treat wounds in the soul, sin, rejection, abandonment, fear, insecurity, inferiority complex, need for acceptance! Oh my God, there are countless problems that we have, so it is always good to “accept His help”!

The way these so-called experts “helped” the couples left me speechless. You know that feeling you have when you are watching or listening to something, and you can hear a Voice that tells you: No, not like that! That was exactly the voice I heard while I was watching the program with my landlady!

And there was one thing in particular that caught my attention, because she, the expert, said something like: yes, we want that kind of conflict! But they said “horrible and very exposed” things to each other on television (I confess that I am a little naive), and WE, His Brides, learned here at RMI that we do not need to argue, impose, have opinions, and always be “contentious” with our earthly husband, but rather with Him, thank God! 😅

My encouragement to you and to me too...
advice from experts or psychologists will NOT help save your home, they will help destroy it, but He who knows all things and can transform any heart is with open arms to advise you on everything He wants you to know about marriage, which is His plan!

Let us join in praising the Lord for being our “wonderful Counselor”

"And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6

And let's also read or reread this wonderful lesson that helped me so much to understand “experts”!
(Day 25 Counseling & Psychology)

Remember, dear friend, when someone tries to advise you about the position you are in now:

"Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are on the way with him, lest your adversary deliver you to the judge, the judge hand you over to the officer, and you be thrown into prison." Matthew 5:25

AND SMILE! Everything will be fine!

Feel encouraged 🌺💛
A Big hug
With love ♥️

6 thoughts on “He is Our Counselor💕🌸”

  1. Hihihi
    Shalom de l’ile Maurice ton blog me fait sourrire car en france il diffusé aussi des émissions comme ca. Et moi je voulais etre psychologue pour pouvoir aider les gens a sortir de leur troubles mais finalement au fil des temps j’ai compris que les gens voulaient pour entendre des gens qui ne font rien qui n’appliquent meme pas leur propre dire maiss qu’ils font tout pour que la situation s’empire.
    Et la parole de Dieu, le Saint-Esprit est le plus grand des consolateurs.

    Merci pour ton blog

    Shalom from Mauritius your blog makes me smile because in France they also broadcast programs like that. And I wanted to be a psychologist to be able to help people get out of their troubles but finally over time I understood that people wanted to hear people who do nothing who do not even apply their own words but who do everything so that the situation gets worse.
    And the word of God, the Holy Spirit is the greatest comforter.

    Thank you for your blog

  2. Thank you for sharing Lessyane. I too, have seen a similar program. It also broke my heart about what the experts were advising because it is contrary to what our HH tells us. We all need to be aware of what we share with others and any advice we receive. But most importantly like you said agree with our adversary quickly and then take it all to Him.

  3. Lessyane..me.pasa lo mismo..solo escuchar esos programas me enferma. Todo es solo destruccion familiar, orgullo,..eso aconsejan los expertos. Demos Gloria al Señor que nos trajo aqui.y nos dio Su Verdad. Nadie nos puede aconsejar mas que El. Como dijo Erin..el veneno bañado en chocolate sigue siendo veneno. Que Nuestro Amado es Todo lo que necesitamos.

  4. Dear Lessyane, I loved your testimony and I enjoyed it, because I saw how “trust in man” is exposed with its true results. I loved that you shared this with us because we already know who should be our Counselor, in every area of ​​our life, at this stage of my life, I also see that call from my Beloved to remember that “the experts” in reality do not know more than what they they were taught by other men or in “evidence”; be these teachers, relationship experts, doctors, psychologists…

    We need the One who can guide us without mistake, the one who goes before us, the one who must be the First in everything, the one who illuminates the path we must follow. “I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron:
    And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, who call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.” Isaiah 45:2-3

  5. “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither- whatever they do prospers.” Psalm 1:1-3
    I can totally relate to what you shared! In my house, we don´t like screen time!! We are so careful with what we watch as a family!
    We need to understand the importance of closing windows and doors to the enemy! What we watch, listen, and eat has an eternal impact!
    Thank you for sharing your heart my dear and how you are setting yourself apart from worldly influences!

  6. Thank you for sharing precious Lessyane. I remember I went to so many counselors and phycologists (and every time I would go and talk to one, I would just feel worse and even ended up trying to kill myself) and not one could help me, the only Counselor that could help me was our Darling Lord. He became my purpose for living – https://encouragingwomen.org/alive-with-a-purpose/

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