He Is Our Provider

"Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine." (Proverbs 3:9)
As I was Seeking God about what to share, He took me back on my journey to the first time I ever heard about the term "tithing". It was not something that was discussed or taught in the church I grew up in, the first time I really heard about it was when I got married and I went over to my former husband's church.
It was only when my world came tumbling down and I had nothing that I decided to trust and obey and put the Lord first in my finances. It was very scary, especially when you have nothing except the small amount of money that is supposed to buy groceries. But I knew I had to be obedient and started to tithe to my storehouse, which was RMI, where I got spiritually fed.
And today I can tell you that the fear I had, was useless. My Heavenly Husband provided and opened the windows of heaven for the children and me since then. And although it was in small ways in the beginning, He proofed Himself faithful over the course of 4yrs that I've consistently tithed each month.
When I still had an outside job, with a very good salary for a woman, I always had to budget and make sums to make it through the month. I tried everything I could think of. I tried putting cash in envelopes each week for groceries and tried to stick to only that amount, but I was always short. I would sit with a spreadsheet with my grocery list and go through all the shop's specials to see where I must buy what, and still I would run short closer to the end of the month. It looked like my money just disappeared. But now I know it was because I was not protected from the devourer.
At this moment, although I do not earn the same as when I worked outside, I always seem to have money. No, I am not rolling in money, but I always have enough to pay my bills and buy groceries and something extra. The children and I are blessed with everything we need because He is our provider. And the blessings are not just financial, it is in all aspects of my life, I have peace and joy that surpasses all understanding.
I can be at peace because I know I am protected from the devourer. And I can see it in all the brides who are faithful and obedient in putting Him first in their lives and first in their finances, they are provided for.
I also want to reshare a podcast in which I shared more details about my tithing journey:

3 thoughts on “He Is Our Provider”

  1. Thank you for sharing dear Adina, the day I started tithing my whole life changed, not only my finances, my something happened in my heart and today I understand why it is such a very important principal.

  2. Yes Adina l can also say that since l started tithing that deep fear l had and sleepless nights worrying about finances is gone. I was also never a giver before when l had a job but now l can freely give and share what l have because all that fear surrounding my finances is gone. Also that fear about getting thru till the end of the month is gone too. Its amazing being set free from worrying about finances which is one of our biggest worries 🙌

  3. Powerful testimony!! How greatly everything is changed when we put Our Beloved first!! It is a true joy to see how it opens a path that we never could even imagine!! Thank you for sharing your journey!

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