He is Taking Care of Our Household

โ€œShe carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness.โ€
โ€ญโ€ญProverbsโ€ฌ โ€ญ31โ€ฌ:โ€ญ27โ€ฌ โ€ญNLTโ€ฌโ€ฌ

A sweet and simple praise report ladies. I am so thankful for my Beloved for placing in my heart a desire to take care of our home again. We have moved four times in the last five years or so. I have found it hard to decorate our homes each time knowing it is only temporary. But now He has placed in my heart to decorate and make this home feel and look appealing. Not in a way that is overbearing but in a homey feel good way. He has reminded me that He will take care of it all. I donโ€™t need to worry about time, money, or even that it is only temporary when decorating just to enjoy it. Because as we all know everything is temporary on earth anyways, so we might as well enjoy what we have. He is so amazing! I know He cares about my desires and wants me to have a clean, organized, and pretty household.

5 thoughts on “He is Taking Care of Our Household”

  1. How beautiful Elda reminded me of Workers@Home, and that love that He plants in us so that our home is His temple and we can enjoy it and be housewives. .
    May Our Beloved continue to put in your heart that desire to keep your home beautiful, no matter how long you are there.

  2. Kikoo elda,
    Thank you for your blog, I have my own house and it is a grace that God has allowed that my spouse left the roof.
    When he left, I started to repair everything that was broken. God not only inspires us but also gives us the means to make our home breathe his peace and joy. He has given us beautiful names and he simply wants our home to breathe his creation… Thank you for your blog

  3. Dear Elda, what wonderful praise! I am grateful that He allows you to enjoy the work of your home. After all, you also received the house from Him. I have also been cleaning and renovating my house since I read the book ‘Workers At Home’. He keeps showing me new things to change or fix. He is our best counselor and advisor for keeping our home clean and organized. It is so wonderful how beautiful and neat our homes become when we let Him guide us!!

  4. Merci Seigneur pour ma maison. Aide moi ร  en faire un havre de paix oรน rรจgne la joie, l’amour et le partage.
    je vais prendre de ma maison et la dรฉcorer avec soin pour ta gloire.
    Aide moi ร  ne plus me plaindre de ce qu’elle n’est pas la maison parfaite mais plutรดt ร  me rejouir de ce qu’elle est: un pti cocok pour mes enfants et moi.
    Gloire ร  Dieu

  5. Dearest Elda, thank you so much for sharing! When I was heartbroken and desperate, I stopped caring about my house, I did clean and cook, but with I had to force myself to do it, there was no joy in it. But my Beloved Lord changed that and now I can look after my household with joy and thankfulness.

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