♕ Today's Promise: “Every branch which is in me and which does not bear fruit, he cuts off; and every branch that bears fruit he prunes it off, that it may bear more fruit." John 15:2
Dear Brides, I just want to share with you how my Love spoke to me this morning as I searched for it for a few days about a guilt I was feeling. For a few days now, I have had the feeling that the fire in the furnace has been increased and I am struggling. It is not that I no longer look at my Love or that I look at my circumstances. But I had a reaction that scared me because I thought that I would never react that way again. My earthly husband is at home. Although we live as roommates, he never left, neither did I.
Lately I feel like I don't want to be restored, I don't want to be with my earthly husband anymore. I wanted to be alone with my Love and my 2 year old daughter. And because I felt that way, I started to develop a grudge against my earthly husband. I started to feel in my flesh that I didn't want to see him anymore. I never acted on it, but my body, my soul and my inner self were full of this unpleasant feeling. And of course I felt guilty and bad. I begged my Lord to tell me what was happening to me and asked him to forgive me and help me.
And slowly, by His Word, He renewed my spirit. He told me that He allowed this to happen to shatter me from this tiny pride that I am starting to develop because of my obedience. It was more of a "I'm good now, nothing can make me go back to my old ways". He reminded me that without HIM I CANNOT be a good, kind, gentle and obedient person. I don't need to be proud. He allowed this crisis to happen to break me down some more, and get me back on track.
After that, the enemy attacked me saying, “Ok, your Love forgave you, but you are a bad person. You commune with Him, but deep down you are as bad as you have always been ”. I refused to spend more than a day with this attack, and I asked My Love to tell me if I was bad or if I was doing something bad, because all I want is to obey and please him for His glory. He led me this morning to read John 15 1:10 (He is the vine, and we are the branches).
Ladies, I read this passage every morning because this promise is mind-blowing and it helps me throughout the day. But this morning when I read it, verses 2 and 3 caught my attention: "… and every branch that bears fruit he prunes it, that it bears even more fruit. You are already clean, because of the word that I spoke to you ".
Wow, ladies, branches that produce fruit, He prunes them again so that they produce even more !!! My Love therefore said to me "my sweet Petra, you are already pure thanks to The Word that I gave you, you become a beautiful and a good person, DON'T WORRY. My Father prunes you a little more so that you can bear much more good and juicy fruit, more than you can imagine. Trials and attacks are normal. Let yourself go."
Then verse 6 goes on and says, "If anyone does not abide in me, he is cast out like a branch and it withers." My Love still told me "Stay attached to me, even in the midst of your trials, attacks and crises. I am always with you, Stick to me always because my yoke is easy to bear".
Ladies, wow, I walked out of my room filled with joy and peace. Even though we are sinners and make mistakes, by His mighty grace, we are not what we used to be. There is nothing to be proud of, but we can always be extremely happy. We have to be sure that He transforms us. The enemy will try to make us feel the opposite, but we don't have to give in. Our Heavenly Husband is delighted to see us flourish and become HIS beautiful brides. Glory to God.
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vineyard. Every branch which is in me and which does not bear fruit, he cuts off; and every branch that bears fruit he prunes it off, that it may bear more fruit. Already you are pure, because of the word which I spoke to you. Remain in me, and I will abide in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me and in whom I abide bears much fruit, for without me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me, he is cast out like a branch, and it withers." John 15:1-10
~ Petra in France
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If you suffer from guilt, be sure you read
LL13 “False Guilt and Forgiveness” ★★★★★
For our USA Readers on Memorial Day
Taken From
Streams in the Desert
Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. (John 16:24)
During the American Civil War, a certain man had a son who enlisted in the Union army. The father was a banker, and although he gave his consent to his son, it seemed as if it would break his heart to let him go.
Once his son had left, he became deeply interested in the plight of soldiers, and whenever he saw one in uniform, his heart went out to him as he thought of his own dear boy. Often to the neglect of his business, he began spending his time and money to care for the soldiers who came home disabled. His friends pleaded with him not to neglect his business in this way, by spending so much time and energy on the soldiers. So he decided to give it all up, taking his friends’ advice.
After he had made this decision, however, a young private in a faded, worn uniform stepped into the bank. It was easy to discern from the wounds on his face and hands that he had been in the army field hospital. The poor young man was fumbling in his pocket to find something, when the banker saw him. Perceiving his purpose for coming into the bank, he said to the soldier, “My dear man, I cannot help you today. I am extremely busy. You will have to go to the army headquarters, where the officers will take care of you."
The poor wounded soldier still stood there, not seeming to fully understand what was being said to him. He continued to fumble in his pockets and finally pulled out a scrap of dirty paper. He laid the filthy page before the banker, who read the following words written in pencil:
Dear Father,
This is one of my friends, who was wounded in the last battle and is coming to you directly from the hospital. Please receive him as you would me.
All the banker’s previous resolve to focus solely on his business instead of soldiers quickly flew away. He took the young man to his own magnificent home and gave him Charlie’s room and seat at the dinner table. He cared for him until the food, rest, and love had returned him to health, and then sent him back to his place of service to again risk his life for his country's flag. selected
Now you will see what I will do. Exodus 6:1