HE is the one who saves me

God is the one who saves me.ย I trust him. I am not afraid. The Lord, the Lord, gives me strength and makes me sing. He has saved me.โ€ You will receive your salvation with joy. You will take it as you would draw water from a well. At that time, you will say, "Praiseย the Lord and worship him. Tell everyone what he has done. Tell them how great he is..." Is 1226 ICB

8 thoughts on “HE is the one who saves me”

  1. He is amazing and the way he shows up right when we need Him to solve and to give peace when we trust Him , is great, without words to explain. He is allowing a time to WAIT and watch His will, and He will come true for you and your Eh He always does.

    1. Exactly Jewel, He gives us peace and allows us to wait and watch His will unfold.

  2. Such amazing praise Hope, thank you so much for sharing. This is such a confirmation for me to just let go and trust that He has everything under control. I am excited to see the future He has for us.

    1. Yes Yvonne, trusting in His plan is always the best way forward, sometimes I need Him to remind me not to try and take over. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  3. Thank you for the reminder dear Hope. I always tried to carry my burdens myself, try things in the flesh and worry, only to get exhausted without achieving anything. The part you shared from the lesson also touched my heart and I realized that I do not have to carry any burdens, I can just surrender and take His yoke upon me.

    This lesson also helped me a lot:

    1. We need to remember we don’t have to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders, just surrender to His will and let Him guide us.๐Ÿ’•

  4. Thank you for sharing precious Hope. Our Darling Lord is really truly amazing and I am so grateful that He understand our emotions, I always felt nobody understands me, but it is so comforting to know my Darling Lord understands me. And thank you for the reminder Hope, that He can release us from disappointment and exhaustion.

    1. โค๏ธ He can free us from sadness and tiredness, which shows how kind and merciful He is. May we always find peace and strength in His love.

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