He Knew What I Needed

β€œHe lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23‬:‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

As I mentioned last week, I was in the hospital a couple times and now I’m still recovering. It has been so easy to be tempted in dwelling in the recovery and filling my time with things that truly don’t matter. But what I’ve recognized as I’ve taken the time to really slow down which I must say is all because of this illness. I have been able to truly enjoy journaling and reading His Word at any time of the day. I am choosing to let go of expectations I set for myself on a daily basis and allowing myself to not feel guilt or shame. My Beloved Lord is truly nurturing me during this recovery. My spirit is growing stronger each day even if my pain isn’t quick to leave. I’m so grateful that I am able to experience peace and comfort as it only occurs when I am clinging on to Him for full support. There truly is no greater feeling than His Comfort

3 thoughts on “He Knew What I Needed”

  1. Hello Elda, I wish you a speedy recovery. Your post came at just the right time. For 3 days I was running around and I hadn’t taken any time with the Lord. And yesterday I said no more, I didn’t want to start my day with housework so I spent a lot of time reading his word and then preparing the blogs as I took 3 hours with the Lord. I finished the housework in 2 hours.
    God loves the firstfruits… Let’s give Him the firstfruits of our days. 😘❀️

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Elda, that is time so well spent in His word and with Him because there is really no better feeling than His comfort and being with His comfort, I believe He is healing you.
    “I will give you back your health and heal your wounds,” says the LORD. β€œFor you are called an outcastβ€” β€˜Jerusalem for whom no one cares.’” J30:17 https://biblehub.com/jeremiah/30-17.htm

  3. Thank you Elda, something you said, really resonated with me. You said: ” I am choosing to let go of expectations I set for myself on a daily basis and allowing myself to not feel guilt or shame.” Thank you so much for this. A lot of the times when I take a break from a busy day and I just sit and rest, I always feel guilty because I am wasting time. Thank you for you this.

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