He know when is the perfect time.

For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.

‭H2:3 NIV‬

The Lord lead me to share about my few weeks and through it come praise and testimony.

Last week things changed in our life's and I also have to accept that what He have plan for me wasn't the right time yet. I have cry and talk to the Lord about thing and I know it is also his plan for my. On my birthday I talk again to the Lord and I ask Him and while I ask Him I have done it,( must I accept that the time is not now but later.) I admitΒ  that I would have like for it to happen before I I'm 30, but it wasn't His plan for me to let it happen before I turned 30. And on my birthday the women in my father life who wash my child grandmother for 8 years moved out. And I have started to cook for my father also. And I have to do things the Lord have keep me busy that there no time forΒ  negative thoughts.

On Saturday night my daughter father came back home with the bus. I only can praise the Lord, the Lord bring Him home before our daughter birthday. She had a blessed birthday full joy and love.

I know everything will happen on the Lord time.

Dear beloved hold on to your promises that the Lord give you and let go and let Him, find your rest and peace in Him and enjoy your time you have with Him.And ask Him what is His plans for your life.


3 thoughts on “He know when is the perfect time.”

  1. Praise the Lord always. Thank you so much for sharing ❀️ My dear Kristy our Beloved’s watch is not our own! That means that He is outside our tine phrame, He is good, and faithful, He will make all His promises true. A while ago I understood that He was calling me to be like Caleb, to wait in faith, and in the meantime be strong and courageous.
    He loves so much, He will make your life shine✨🌟

  2. Dear Kristy, His timing is perfect. We can rest in the fact that He is working in our situations, and at His appointed time we will see His amazing plans for our lives, we can just rest in Him and enjoy the waiting season with Him.

  3. Thank you for sharing! When we patiently wait the Lord’s timing shines through. He will not disappoint us but rather pour blessings upon us.

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