He Lights Up Our Darkness

"O LORD, you are my lamp. The LORD lights up my darkness." 2S22:29

The past week was just a difficult week after my son told me he is moving out (which I did not agree with but he is a grown man, so I really felt I must keep quite) and suddenly I had to face challenges of who is going to take his brother to school (because he always took him) and who is going to fetch him from school (I did but I could do it because I started to work very early, but now I am going to have to change my times). So him moving out suddenly came with a lot of uncertainty for me.

A while ago I had told my Darling Lord I missed the time that I was crying at His feet and washing His feet with my tears, because that closeness to Him was indescribable. Today I want to praise my Darling Lord for challenges, because it brings me to my knees, washing His feet with my tears. And previously I would have never thanked Him for challenges, but today I can, because I know He loves me and what He allows in my life will be for His glory.

Last Friday my Darling Lord gave me this promises that I want to share with you:

"Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will come quickly. Your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard." I58:8

"You have enclosed me behind and before, And [You have] placed Your hand upon me." P139:5

And our Darling Lord shared something beautiful with me that I want to share with you:
When we are in His Light, He heals us. He goes before us (into our future, that looks uncertain to us, BUT NOT TO HIM), He is behind us, our Rear Guard (He is between us and our past, that He healed). And He isn't just before us and behind us, He even enclosed us and I looked up the meaning of enclosed: it means surrounded or closed off on all sides, wow isn't that wonderful, that is what our Darling Lord does, He surrounds us! We just have to STAY IN HIS LIGHT!Β 

Precious woman remember although our situations sometimes feels like darkness, He is our Light and His light brings healing to each and every hurt. Our Darling Lord is really the Source of Our Strength!

6 thoughts on “He Lights Up Our Darkness”

  1. Thank you for this reminder Janine. It’s wonderful that He allows trials to bring us closer to Him. We must continue to stay in His Light just as you said. This is something I need to continue to remember and believe as I continue through tough times. Thank you.

    1. Thank you precious Elda, it is really something I must also remember because sometimes we get to caught in the hurt of the trial, we forget our Darling Lord allowed it for a bigger purpose and for His glory.

  2. Querida Janine, El siempre es nuestra luz, y cuando estamos de rodillas, con nuestras lagrimas, nos sentimos limpiadas, y nos levantamos, en paz, es como si nos quitara ese peso que traimos a Sus pies, y nos vamos tranquilas porque El se ha llevado nuestras cargas. Gracias por compartir, lo que El te mostro, que estar encerrado, es mas grabde porque nunca estamos solas, El nos cubre todo el tiempo.Aleluya.
    Dear Janine, He is always our light, and when we are on our knees, with our tears, we feel cleansed, and we stand up, in peace, it is as if He takes away that weight that we bring to His feet, and we leave peacefully because He is He has carried our burdens. Thank you for sharing, what He showed you, that being locked up is more serious because we are never alone, He covers us all the time. Hallelujah.

  3. You put it so beautiful precious Liza, that He takes away the weight that we bring to His feet, thank you for sharing.

  4. The enemy seems to be trying to create chaos and distraction but we are so blessed to not have to worry and get to use it to praise our Beloved. We have the Best Protector and Husband of all! The promises and the beautiful things that He shared with you are so comforting and encouraging. It’s a great feeling when we actually realize He is always with us, before us, behind us, and surrounding us.

    1. Dear precious Hope is the best feeling ever to realize that our Darling Lord is with us in every trial and the fact that He surrounds us.

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