He Made the Opportunity for Us

♕ Today's Promise: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Juan 10:10

☊ PR Podcast Yvonne

I asked the Lord a while back that He would make an opportunity for me and the children to go on vacation so little.

I do not have the money for vacation, but I am doing the course Poverty Mentality and therefore told my Heavenly Man that I will know if it is His will, if He makes an opportunity for us.

Last week I saw money paid into my account from my previous job. I have not worked for them for 3 years.

Immediately I made natural plans to pay for this and that. Then the Lord reminded me that I had asked to go away with the children for a few days and then to confirm this the Uncle across the street told me about a holiday resort which was only an hour's drive from us.

I called them and they had room for us, but it's more expensive than I thought. I said to the Lord, well I'm not going to worry about this, because I know You have it all under control.

When the quote came through, the owner let me know that the amount is less because we are actually going out of season. Praise the Lord !!

But there is more, of course the enemy always tries to steal our blessings. My ex-husband called and let me know that there is a possibility that they will leave that period, but he also made it clear that I do not need to move my date and that the kids can go with me.

However, I do not want my children to feel they have to choose, because I know their stepbrother will ask them who they would rather go with.

I then talked to my Heavenly Man again and said I would call and hear if I could move it forward a week and if they say no then I know He has a bigger plan for everything.

I called them and the owner let me know that yes, they have the exact same opening next week and that he would move it for no extra cost !!!

How wonderful is the Lord?!?

Every day He amazes me with His love and goodness.

~ Yvonne in South Africa
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