He Removed FH From MeThen, He Removes Me Away From FH Now.

โ€œDo not fear, for I have redeemed you [from captivity]; I have called you by name; You Are Mine! Isaiah 43:1

Lately former husband (FH) has been saying some things to me. That he is confused and has not let me go. He worries about me and doesn't know how to let me go. That I am his best friend and I am the only one who knows ALL the good and bad things about him. I even know about the lies that he's been telling the ow (other woman). These are things I thought he felt with her but I didn't know he felt this way towards me instead.

Something is so different in me. These things don't feel like I thought they would make me feel. My heart feels only love for my Beloved Heavenly Husband, my True Love.

I thought I let FH go a long time ago but this is a new feeling of letting go. I only have Him in my sight and I won't turn away. I don't need or want anyone, not any man, but only my Perfect Man that I already have. I feel these are just temptations that I am not entertaining because I am in love. I have found my True Love already and need nothing else from anyone. I had asked my Beloved awhile back that I want to move forward and never look back and He has done it. He shows me in my heart this exact thing. I'm facing him and not looking back over my shoulder at all.

Me and FH just had a conversation on the phone and I told him I am removing myself from his situation. Afterwards I truly and completely just feel to pray for him to turn his heart to Him, not to me at all, only to Him, the only One who can heal him and save him. May he know Him, see His Truth and turn his heart to Him. May His Will be done over his life the way it has been done in mine. I want everyone to know and love Him the way I do.

This is something new for me. Such freedom. For where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. I have been released and set free. This is what I've always wanted and asked my Beloved for and He has done it. He is the Truth, the Way and the Life. His ways are perfect. His timing is perfect.

I finally belong completely to Him. My heart is completely His. There is no room or no need for another. He has over-taken my heart and occupies it completely.

Beloved, before You have taken him away from me. Taken him out of my life. Now, You have taken me away from him. Thank you!! Thank you for taking me away and claiming me as Your Own.

Isaiah 43:1 AMP
โ€œDo not fear, for I have redeemed you [from captivity]; I have called you by name; You Are Mine!

5 thoughts on “He Removed FH From MeThen, He Removes Me Away From FH Now.”

  1. Uau. Obrigada querida Rubi
    Seu relatรณrio mexeu muito comigo ๐Ÿฅน๐ŸŒธ

    O โ€œDeixar Irโ€รฉ o รบnico caminho!
    O Senhor olha diretamente para nosso coraรงรฃo quando dizemos que deixamos ir, mas ainda estamos apegados aos mt ou ex mt ๐ŸŒบ

    Que Ele te cubra de graรงa para vocรช ama Lo mais ainda
    Wow. Thank you dear Ruby
    Your report really moved me ๐ŸŒธ

    โ€œLetting Goโ€ is the only way!
    The Lord looks directly at our heart when we say we have let go but are still attached to the mt or ex mt ๐ŸŒบ

    May He cover you with grace so that you love Him even more

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Ruby, I know what you are talking about, because I had said for so long my earthly husband had my heart and it became an obsession to have a restored marriage and now I feel my Darling Lord deserves my whole heart.

  3. Hello je te remercie sister pour ton blog. Aujourd’hui c’est l’anniversaire de mlon EH apres avoir lu une lecon je lui ai ecris une lettre que je ne l’ai pas encore remise.je ne veux pas lui dire joyeux anniversaire et je demande a Diej fait que j ‘oublie cette date… Cette journรฉe et me concentrer sur lui pas sur l’ anniversaire de EH je ne veux plus de contact avec lui. Je ne veux meme pas y penser et rester concentrรฉ sur mon HH.

  4. What a wonderful praise Ruby! You are right it is so freeing to be His Alone. He is all we need. ๐Ÿฅฐ

  5. Thank you Ruby, it is amazing how our Beloved can turn our hearts, hearts that were once broken and desperate for a man, now only yearns for Him! He is all we need to live the Abundant Life!

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