He said to me “I WILL”

"If you ask me for anything in my name, I will do it". J14:14


My Beloved has given me that word this week when I asked Him what He wanted me to look up in the bible. “I WILL”. So I went on a search, and he has led me to some wonderful promises/blessings. That as us brides know, He is all we need and He is all we should want. Nobody else is in charge because He says, I WILL take care of you. 

He asked me, Why are you crying and disappointed? Remember, I WILL take care of you, I WILL provide, I WILL comfort you, Haven’t I always? I WILL not let you down, I WILL not let you go hungry, or more specific things: I WILL mow the grass, I WILL pay that bill, I WILL save your family, I AM the PROVIDER, COMFORTER, TEACHER, FATHER, HUSBAND, I AM and I WILL! 

What “I will” has the Lord given to you?  I have a few desires/prayers that I have made to God. I want my husband to be the spiritual leader of our family, and I want him to find a job and become the financial provider. I asked God to find my husband a job, and He said to me, "I WILL." He provided a job for my husband a month ago after we waited for over a year! 

HE WILL provide and give us the desires of our hearts. Just wait patiently and when you ask Him for these desires, imagine Him and believe that He is telling you “I will” 

He has led me to a few verses below.

❤️The Father gives me the people who are mine. Every one of them will come to me, and I will always accept them. J 6:37

❤️If anyone stands before other people and says he believes in me, then I will say that he belongs to me. I will say this before my Father in heaven. M 10:32

❤️Come follow me. I will make you fishermen for men M 4:19

❤️I will not leave you all alone like orphans. I will come back to you J 14:18

❤️Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads. I will give you rest M 11:28

❤️…I will come and heal him. M8:7

❤️ “I have compassion on the crowd, because they have remained with Me now for three days and have nothing to eat. I will not send them away hungry, lest they faint on the way.” M15:32

❤️I will give you the right words to speak at that time. I will help you to be wise. The people who are against you will not be able to argue with you. They will just be quiet. L21:15

❤️If you ask me for anything in my name, I will do it. J14:14


21 thoughts on “He said to me “I WILL””

  1. gracias por compartir tu TA, gracias mi amado tú hará, lo prometiste y sé que tú no miente.

    Thank you for sharing your TA, thank you my beloved you will, you promised and I know that you don’t lie.

    1. Obrigada por seu louvor querida. Tenho esperado uma benção como essa há alguns anos, e renovou a minha fé e esperança de que no momento certo o nosso Amado realizará. Ele VAi provendo tudo para nossa família. Ele é fiel e cumpre todas as promessas.
      Thank you for your praise dear. I have been waiting for a blessing like this for a few years, and it has renewed my faith and hope that at the right time our Beloved will give me the desire of my heart! He is providing everything for our family. He is faithful and keeps all his promises.

      1. Malia, your words have touched my heart. Yes, His time is the right time. Embrace His love and grace around you, and may your heart be filled with peace and contentment as you wait for His “I will” to come. ❤️

    2. Yes Nelly, Unlike others who promise but fail to deliver, when our Beloved says “I will,” he remains true to his word. 🥰

  2. Eu realmente precisava ler isso ontem a noite, e hoje de manhã voltei a lê lo

    «Deus não é um homem para que possa mentir. Ele não muda de intenções como fazem os seres humanos. Alguma vez ele prometeu uma coisa sem que tenha cumprido o que disse?»
    ‭‭Números‬ ‭23‬:‭19‬ ‭OL‬‬

    Obrigada querida noiva por me lembrar através do relatório que nosso Deus cumpre tudo que Ele fala.
    Aleluia 💚

    E só esperar que assim se cumpra na vida de cada uma de nós
    I really needed to read this last night, and this morning I read it again

    «God is not a man that he can lie. He does not change his intentions as human beings do. Has he ever promised something without fulfilling what he said?”
    Numbers 23:19 OL

    Thank you dear bride for reminding me through this praise that our God fulfills everything He says.
    Hallelujah 💚

    And just hope that this happens in each of our lives ❤️

    1. I’m glad it spoke to you as it did me. Thank you for that verse and exactly, He is not like humans, who sometimes lie or change their minds. Instead, God is always honest and reliable, when our Beloved makes a promise, it is certain to be fulfilled. ❤️

  3. Thank you Hope, it is a powerful praise and I really needed to hear from Him: “I will” and your praise was the way He found to let me know and renew my faith! Yes He will help me, He will heal my father, He will reach my husband, He will change my heart, He will reach my kids, HE WILL!!!
    “I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.” I4523

    1. Paula 💕 I’m so glad He used this to touch us brides and help us renew our minds and faith. Also, thank you so much for another “I will” verse! I love it!

  4. What a powerful praise Hope! Thank you for sharing this. You are completely right. I am glad He showed this to you so you could show this to all of us. I WILL. 🩷

    1. Amen! It’s amazing how He works through us, as I am not good with expressing anything well on my own 😁. I’m so glad that we can share this message of hope and encouragement.

  5. This is so beautiful Hope!! Huge blessings to have all these promises gathered in one place! I love the way He directed you to become a blessing for us! The way He speaks to our hearts is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing, He is indeed our way-maker!

    1. Isabella, the way He speaks to our hearts is simply amazing. I am grateful that our Beloved used this to impact us, His brides. 🥰 As a song lyric says, He is a “way-maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness, my God.” 🌺❤️

  6. This is so beautiful precious Hope, thank you for sharing and for sharing these beautiful promises.

    1. Yes, He showed them to me and I couldn’t keep it to myself. My Beloved spoke to my heart with His Word. 💕

  7. Thank you Esperanza, because the Lord will do. He is faithful and is everything we need. He will never leave us or abandon us. He needed to hear those words from the Lord.

    1. Liza, you’re welcome. It brings me joy to know that the Lord’s words have comforted and encouraged you. May His love continue to guide you every step of the way, everyday. 🥰

  8. Thank you Hope, here are some of my “I WILL” verses:

    “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” Isaiah 46:4

    “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Luke 11:9

    “The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17

    “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” Psalm 32:8

    “I will strengthen Judah and save the tribes of Joseph. I will restore them because I have compassion on them. They will be as though I had not rejected them, for I am the Lord their God and I will answer them.” Zechariah 10:6

    1. Adina I love these “I will” verses! The first verse particularly, as the gray hairs are becoming more visible 😆 It’s comforting to know we are never to late or old for Him to carry or rescue us. 💕

  9. Obrigada querida noiva por esse louvor, sou nova por aqui mas tenho sido edificada a cada dia, eu sinto uma paz e uma alegria tão grande quando leio os testemunhos e os louvores, Deus é bom, hoje meu desejo é ajudar mulheres pregando a Palavras de Deus, lhes dando esperança através da Palavra e do meu testemunho para os seus casamentos, e quero tbm neste tempo engravidar de novo, ser mãe de um menino, eu já tenho uma menina de 2 anos, e quando orei derramando meu coração em Deus para está promessa Ele me fez abrir a Bíblia em (Isaías 66:7 Antes que estivesse de parto, deu à luz; antes que lhe viessem as dores, deu à luz um menino.
    8 Quem jamais ouviu tal coisa? Quem viu coisas semelhantes? Poder-se-ia fazer nascer uma terra num só dia? Nasceria uma nação de uma só vez? Mas Sião esteve de parto e já deu à luz seus filhos.
    9 Abriria eu a madre, e não geraria? diz o Senhor; geraria eu, e fecharia a madre? diz o teu Deus.) eu fiquei extasiada quando li, chorei tanto, eu não acreditei, foi sobrenatural, e agora lendo deu “louvor” Deus só me confirmou ainda mais que Ele está concedendo meu desejo, depois disso em oração continuei pedindo a Deus que me ajudasse a mudar mulheres, que me levasse ao meu chamado, me desde oportunidades, me unisse a novas pessoas e novos ambiente e através de um vídeo no YouTube descobri o livro Deus Pode e vai restaurar seu casamento, e então conheci o site ajuda matrimonial, hoje eu e marido estamos juntos, estamos bem, mas desejo continuar aprendendo e me alimentando de Deus, conhecendo mas profundamente e agora estou aqui, então eu posso dizer que Deus responde as nossas orações, como está em Salmos 37: 4 Deleita-te no Senhor Teu Deus, e te concederá os desejos do teu coração
    Salmos 37:5 Entrega o teu caminho ao Senhor e confia nele, e ele o fará! Só tenho a agradecer a Deus porque seu amor seu não falha, Ele é um Deus de detalhes, e Ele vai a nossa frente!!

    1. Hello 😊
      Thank you for sharing/commenting, it makes my heart happy when He unites like-minded women together to join in praising Him. I am glad to hear that you have found peace and joy in reading the testimonies and praises here. God is truly good, and it is wonderful to know that you are experiencing His love and faithfulness in your life.

      I love your desire to help women by preaching the Words of God and giving them hope. May God bless you as you follow His calling and use your experiences to encourage and uplift others.

      We have resources/lessons to finding the abundant life if you’d like to read and journal or send in praise, you are more than welcome. https://loveatlast.org/finding-the-abundant-life/.

      1. Oi Hope, com certeza eu vou ler, será um prazer para mim aprender ainda mais! Estou muito feliz por estar aqui, obrigado!!

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