Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.ย 1J411
Dear brides, I would like to share with you how he has softened the hearts of my daughters. For a few months now, my daughters no longer want to go to their father and the AV (Other Woman) on the weekends. They find it very difficult to deal with the AV because of her behavior. They often express their frustration about her and definitely do not think about going back to their father and the AV on the weekends. They try to avoid contact with their father as much as possible. My oldest daughter suffers so much from it that she once had a panic attack when she saw her father and the AV.
Last week was my son's birthday. My EM (ex-husband), the AV and (unexpectedly) the mother of the AV came by for his birthday.
My desire was that it would be a quiet birthday for everyone. My dear Heavenly Man made sure that the hearts of my daughters were quiet and He made sure that they were there. I never thought this would happen. He has given my daughters so much strength that they even stayed longer.
I am so thankful that He knows the desires of my heart, to also teach my daughter to love others unconditionally, because He loves us unconditionally too. It was difficult for me to suddenly have contact with the mother of the AV, but He made it possible for me to look at the person she was instead of focusing my heart on the brokenness and pain of this situation.
Lately, the desire in my heart has grown stronger to be an instrument in His hand. I long for Him to use me in the places He leads me and to give me an open heart for the people who are unloved.
Dear brides, I want to encourage you to read Chapter 17 'Enjoy Your Divorce' from the book "Restore Your Relationships". This will help you understand why He brings people into your life that you would rather not have in your life and why He removes the people you love from your life.
For perhaps he was for this reason separated from you for a while, that you would have him back forever. F115
Dear Hannah,
Itโs wonderful to see how this also touches the hearts of our children. My eldest son refuses any contact with his father and the AF. But I let my beloved take the place for this wonderful work. Thank you for the two lessons you gave… and for his words.
Chรจre Hannah, merci pour ce partage rรฉconfortant, Dieu a adoucit le coeur de mes enfants aussi et je prie pour qu’ils apprennent ร aimer incontionnellement, que nous puissions รชtre des exemples d’amour pour eux car ils nous observent. Dans cette situation, ils ont vite lรขchรฉ prise et ils apprennent a trouver Dieu, c’est merveilleux de voir combien Il oeuvre dans la vie de chacun pour nous faire revenir vers Lui parce qu’Il nous aime.
Dear Hannah, thank you for this heartwarming sharing, God has softened the hearts of my children too and I pray that they will learn to love incontionally, that we can be examples of love for them as they watch us. In this situation, they quickly let go and they learn to find God, it is wonderful to see how much He works in the life of each one to make us come back to Him because He loves us.
Thank you, Hanna, for sharing, although I have not had this experience with my children, I can imagine how difficult it must have been for you to see your children struggling with the situation. As mother’s we want to do everything we can to protect our children, but we cannot, especially when it comes to their earthly father and the OW. In the beginning of my journey, I tried my best to fight against my children being exposed to the OW and the whole situation. But it backfired against me. But through my journey I have learned to surrender my children and the situation in my Beloved’s hands and trust that He will fight for me. (‘The Lord will fight for you; you have only to keep still.โ’ Exodus 14:14,
This was such a wonderful testimony Hanna. Iโm glad He was able to hear your concerns and help your daughtersโ hearts to soften. It is also wonderful that you are being that example for your children as His Love. It is very hard to watch our children go through tough times especially with an EF, but as we all know He is the One who can make everything into something good.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful testimony precious Hanna and that proves with our Darling Lord we can do it. I handled situations like that not always very good and after the other woman left him, it was then when I reflected back on my many mistakes and my Darling Lord orchestrated it for her to phone me and I then could ask for forgiveness.
Merci beaucoup pour ce partage. Mes enfants ont rencontrรฉ l’autre femme pendant les vacances de Noรซl. c’รฉtait trรจs difficile pour eux, ils n’ont que 4 et 6 ans et espรจrent encore que “papa et maman se remettront ensemble “. Ma fille en veut beaucoup ร son pรจre et dit qu’elle “dรฉteste l’autre femme “. Mais grรขce ร Dieu j’ai pu garder mon calme et les rรฉconforter, en leur demandant de respecter cette femme. Et qu’un jour peut รชtre ils apprendront ร l’aimer. Je rends vraiment grรขce ร mon bien aimรฉ car il y a encore qques annรฉes je n’aurais pas rรฉagir avec calme et confiance ( mon ET ne m’a jamais parlรฉ de cette femme, c’est mes enfants qui m’ont appris la nouvelle) . Mais j’ai gardรฉ mes yeux fixรฉs sur mon bien aimรฉ malgrรฉ ma douleur et il m’a aidรฉ ร garder un esprit doux et paisible dans cette situation.
Thank you very much for sharing this. My children met the other woman over Christmas break. it was very difficult for them, they are only 4 and 6 years old and still hope that “mom and dad will get back together”. My daughter is very angry with her father and says she “hates the other woman.” But thank God I was able to keep calm and comfort them, asking them to respect this woman. And that maybe one day they will learn to love him. I really give thanks to my loved one because a few years ago I would not have reacted with calm and confidence (my ET never spoke to me about this woman, it was my children who told me the news ) . But I kept my eyes fixed on my loved one despite my pain and he helped me keep a gentle and peaceful mind in this situation.
Hanna, only our Beloved gives us strength. And we leave everything in His hands. At first it hurt me so much that my children had contact with the other person, and even my family criticized me for allowing it. But I just left everything in the hands of the Lord and I was able to pass that test. He knows how to take care of our children and gives us the strength and peace that only comes from Him.
Thank you for sharing, Hanna. And may Our Beloved continue to take care of your children.
Dear Hanna, this week I read this chapter, and it spoke deeply to my heart, and I am asking my Beloved to help me to always be an instrument in His hands. My daughter also has no desire to have contact with her earthly father, since it has been over a year since she has seen him, and she refuses to visit her grandmother, but I am letting my Beloved do the wonderful work in her heart, just as He did with me.