He Took Care of Everything

β€œBe thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The last week has been eventful to say the least. I was in and out of the hospital with an unexpected infection right in the midst of both my beautiful daughters’ birthdays. At times it wasn’t easy to stay in a peaceful mindset, but when I looked at what my Beloved Lord allowed during this time, I was truly amazed. First, I was so scared to go to the ER because we know longer have health insurance through my spouse's work and I didn’t want to imagine the price it would cost. But by some miracle I was eligible to be covered completely at no cost. Second, the last time I went to the ER, I had to go all alone, this time I didn’t have to go through it alone. I was surrounded by my loving family members. Lastly, it is somewhat hard for me to ask for help when it comes to someone watching my three children. But my Beloved Lord released me from feeling like a burden and my family was able to watch them without any issue while I recovered at the hospital. Throughout all of this, my daughters also had an amazing birthday surrounded by family and friends who love them dearly. I am thankful for everything my Beloved Lord has done for me, especially this past week.

4 thoughts on “He Took Care of Everything”

  1. I’m glad to know that even though you got sick and had to stay in the hospital, you were still able to find some peace and be thankful. What a blessing from the Lord for the support from your family and the help financially. πŸ’•

  2. Wow our Darling Lord is the Best Ever and only He can make a way like He does! And yes give us peace and midst in the middle of a trial.

  3. Wow, beautiful!! This is seeing LIGHT in the midst of darkness! Your testimony reminds us that no matter what things we are going through, no matter how difficult they may seem, even in the midst of it there are blessings, there are many reasons to be grateful and amazed at his mercy. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Wow, Elora! Thank you for sharing your testimony! He is so good and faithful, we can trust fully in Him no matter what we go through, He will work it out for good.

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