He Turned My Negative Experience Into a Loving Experience

β€œTherefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Hello ladies,

I come to share praise for my HH teaching myself and daughters a lesson this morning and to also confess something.


β€œWhoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭28‬:‭13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

My HH has placed on my heart to start each day with my children and get them to understand the importance of His Word. I decided to start with putting on our armor because Erin recommended it previously and it seems to really interest my daughters. After putting on our armor, we say our prayers.

Well today we decided to go to the park and we had a lovely time until it was time to go. We all got distracted and leaving the park became a mess. It caught the attention of an older man. I must confess I was embarrassed because of how it made me look. I let pride and selfishness enter my heart and didn’t respond with a gentle and quiet spirit. I immediately felt guilty for my reaction.

After getting all of my daughters in the car, I was able to speak to them a few minutes later without any anger in my voice or heart. I reminded them of how important it is that we all keep our armor on at all times because at any moment the enemy will come in and try to steal our joy. However, we can remember who is able to help us. He is greater than he who is of this world.

I am thankful for the opportunity my HH gave to turn around a negative experience into a loving experience. He taught me to show mercy, forgiveness, and to confess my own sins. I am truly grateful.

4 thoughts on “He Turned My Negative Experience Into a Loving Experience”

  1. Powerful my dear! The eneny hates our children and wants to use us for that very purpose. Our children have tender hearts and at the end of the day tbay are not adults, that is why I love that Our Beloved always remind me that I should reflect His grace to my children and speak life. You are doing a great job mama, putting Him first will bring good fruits for your beautiful family 😍❀️

  2. Thank you, Elda, it’s comforting to know we have a Husband whose grace is sufficient for us. It is wonderful to know our Beloved is with us during the day to guide us and to help us with our children. We all fail in so many ways and need Him so desperately because through Him we can do anything and His strength is perfected in our weakness.

  3. Thank you for sharing precious Elda, isn’t it wonderful how our Darling Lord is teaching us and our children.

  4. beautiful thank you for sharing. this is something I must confess I have forgotten about, I want to incorporate this into our day!
    I love how our Love was able to turn your heart quickly back to Him and to your children!

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