He Turns the Heart

I am so excited to share with you how my Husband is leading me to finish my courses. I only have a few left before I can go from Resident to Minister.🀩 I love having a goal to work towards and that is the beauty of IOU for me. It is not just doing my courses, but doing it with a purpose. The purpose is not just to look inwards towards myself, but also to turn around and train others from what I have learned and hopefully encourage someone with my testimony.

I am busy with the course Restore Your Relationship and I was reading chapter 5, He Turns the Heart and it encouraged me so much, because when I did Restore Your Marriage, it was with the idea of having my marriage restored, but now doing Restore your relationship, even though I don't have a specific relationship in mind at the moment, He is showing me so much.

When I was reading the lesson today, I could not help but think back on how He turned my heart to Him. He showed me so many times how He brought things in my way, like my finances, circumstances at work, my relationship with my earthly husband and so on, but my stubborn heart just did not want to turn to Him, but then He allowed the crisis in my marriage and that changed me forever.

If He could turn my stubborn heart to Him, He can for sure turn anyone's heart. Just keep trusting Him. ❀️

4 thoughts on “He Turns the Heart”

  1. Beautiful Yvonne πŸ’— weaving your Husband and His love into everything we do is what sets us apart and heals β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή our hearts. I believe many ministers are close to graduating and I’m excited to begin distributing the gorgeous IOU Certificates Adina has been working on. Will IOU be conducting graduation πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸŽ“ ceremonies on the blog? Had He shown you anything yet?

  2. Dear Yvonne, thank you for sharing, it is so special the purpose we are doing it for. I always laughed and said I am too old to learn and after joining RMI I have started learning but still have so very much to learn and after my Darling led me to start doing courses I am for the first time so excited to learn more.

  3. Beste Yvonne,
    het weer gaan doen van de cursussen met de nieuwe log formulieren hoop ik ook weer te gaan doen. Bedankt iedereen voor het makkelijker en lichter maken van het doen van de cursussen. Ze zijn zo waardevol en ik mis het loggen van wat ik geleerd hebt. Kan niet wachten om de cursus Bergen Verzetten te gaan beginnen🀩.

    Dear Yvonne,
    I hope to do the courses again with the new log forms. Thank you everyone for making the courses easier and lighter. They are so valuable and I miss logging what I learned. Can’t wait to start the Bergen Resistance course 🀩.

  4. Haha now you got me thinnking about l need to complete as well 😜 Let me start speaking to my Husband about it and check what was the last journal form l sunmitted πŸ€” with my mom coming to live with us l believe Restore Your Relationships will be great!!

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