He understood and He knows

[19] Therefore thus says the Lord: β€œIf you return, I will restore you, and you shall stand before me. If you utter what is precious, and not what is worthless, you shall be as my mouth. They shall turn to you, but YOU shall not turn to them. Jeremiah 15:19

Hello beautiful brides

The past few days have been quite interesting for me. My Love taught me another valuable and precious lesson in real time. My oldest son, who is 16 is currently, not really speaking to me. I say not really, because he does text me once in a blue moon. Which I am grateful for.

But, he informed me a few days ago that him and his brother will be moving to Texas in the next few weeks. They want to move in with my brother and my mother. Which hit me very hard. I am praying against this move, and know that His will will absolutely be done. I am confident in that. But it stirred up a huge amount of emotions in me. It caused me to look back on the years I was so full of my own self, that I neglected the relationship I had with them. Due to my own actions and my own reactions to other people’s stuff. I was blessed to have them both live with me for 8 years, and those years are now even more precious to me. So, I was seeking my Love, just turning my focus and heart to Him last night as I was singing in my living room. He gave me a wonderful heart vision.

He showed me, that when my EH came home, and whenever I felt the weight of the past come back on top of me, and when I needed to bring it all to Him again, He showed me getting in my car, and driving up to the mountains, like I used to do. And being alone with Him and trusting Him alone to be my comforter and my helper.

He confirmed it three times yesterday. Once, when I eas emailing my EH explaining to him how I was feeling. My Love convicted me, and I deleted it all and didn’t send it. Then, He brought me to

Shortly after this, my mother texted me about my son’s moving. I explained to her how I was feeling, and her response was interesting. She didn’t understand, that I wasnt upset my son’s were moving far away from me. She didn’t understand that I wasn’t upset with Trevor. She didn’t understand that the Lord told me to let him leave, let him go, and not chase him down. But rather wait on the Lord to bring my sons heart back to me. She saw it as me feeling rejection and giving up. But not that I was just experiencing regret for the things I did that led up to this moment, not this moment in time.

It was when I was done texting her that I realized. He alone understands, he sees my heart. He feels my pain. He lovingly collected every tear that I cried and wrapped me in His arms as I just cried and allowed Him I don’t have to change the way I feel before I come to Him. He isn’t upset with me for feeling this way. He won’t have to convince me not to feel a certain way. With His perfect loving touch and His gentle and kind words, He does what only He can do. He comforts me. The way my heart desperately needs it, and the way only HE can.

He showed me the He’s not saying I can’t be transparent with people about what I’m going through, but not when I’m in that state of grief. That He wants to be the one who helps me through it.

People can’t see what your heart is experiencing. They take their own experiences and they speak from that place. They share what they think you should do. Some of it may seem wise if we haven’t heard from our Love on what HE wants us to do. His perfect sight, is what we ought to lean on. Always, in every situation. I am blessed to say that this whole experience once again, taught me this lesson. Turn to Him alone.

1 thought on “He understood and He knows”

  1. thank you dearest rasa for reminding us to be always grateful to him

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