"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." Prov. 3:5
October last year I had to submit my tax return for 2023. Thinking of doing taxes used to fill me with so much fear, but I decided I am going to trust my Husband and not lean on my own understanding, and that I will just follow His lead. He kept reminding me of this verse during the whole process, not that I was thinking of not submitting my taxes, but to remind me that we do it out of obedience and submission to our authorities:
"Show me the coin used for paying the tax.β They brought him a denarius, and he asked them, βWhose image is this? And whose inscription?β βCaesarβs,β they replied. Then he said to them, βSo give back to Caesar what is Caesarβs, and to God what is Godβs.β Matthew 22:19-21
After I submitted my return, I received the amount I owed in taxes, it was a bit more than I anticipated, but I had peace in my heart and He provided so I was able to have the money ready to pay and I had total peace, trusting in my Heavenly Husband and that He has everything under control. Yes, it was a lot of money, but I had peace knowing I did the right thing and was obedient and I left it there, thinking by myself it is closed and done with, BUT that was not my Heavenly Husband's plan; HE did not close the book on 2023's taxes!
Every now and then my former sister-in-law (FSIL) calls me to find out how things are going and just talk a little bit. During February this year she phoned me unexpectedly just to chat a bit. During these chats I am always able to minister to her and teach her the principles we learn here at RMI, and she's always eager to learn and apply the principles, but for some reason my Husband led the conversation to taxes. My FSIL is a chartered accountant, and she shared an amazing testimony with me about her personal tax and how the Lord came through for her and helped her, then she offered me her bookkeeper's number to help me with my new tax return.
I spoke to my Husband about it and after a couple of days waiting on Him, He led me to phone her. She asked me about my previous tax return and then asked me to send her all that year's documentation, which I did. A day or two later she told me she was going to reopen that return and claim money back, she gave me the amount which was more than half of what I paid. Well, I just gave it to my Husband and told Him that I am leaving it in His hands, but that I am fine with not getting anything back because I had peace regarding that return. Few days later she informed me the amount was approved and I will get the money back within a week!
I am still amazed at how my Beloved orchestrated this and showed me once again that when we are obedient, when we FIRST give Him our tithes that are due to Him, we have His assurance protection; He WILL protect us from the devourer! (Day 10 Assurance Protection )
Another good thing that came out of this was that I was able to share hope with the bookkeeper, she asked me for the ministry resources for a lady friend of hers going through divorce, so I was able to share UiteindelikHoop.com with her!
For more information on tithing, please visit: #1. Protection of Tithing Testimonies
Love, love, love this.! What a powerful testimony, and how our Beloved breaks us free from this world Poverty Mentality β₯οΈ Putting Him first will always bring a blessing for us, and for the ones watching us.
And He also gave you the chance to become a blessing , double in everything.
Tithing really speak volukes of faith and the way He protects us. Thank you for sharing
Wow Adina l must confess that l need to submit mine too. I will need to spend time with Him and let Him lead and guide me because l need to be obedient. And l really have no excuses because l have submitted taxes before. Well now that l have transport again l know He will come with me to visit SARS offices.
I have a lot of debts that has come up and lots to take care of financially and if l even try to look at my finances l know that no budget will cover it and that l have to go to my Husband to take care of it. I know also that tithing and giving is the answer
so thank you for sharing what you shared and reminding me. He will take care of it as l praise Him and thank Him l know as l give it to Him He will do the impossible.
Its amazing what He did and how He did it for you and He does it over and over again He is ever faithful

Dear Adina, what a beautiful testimony, it is so wonderful to see our Heavenly Man at work in your life. Tithing is such a powerful principle. If we trust Him completely, we will experience the blessing of this principle. Thank you for sharing
Proverbs 3:9-9ESV
Honor the LORD with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce, then your barns will be filled with plenty,
and your vats will be bursting with wine.