He Will Do It – Peace That Surpasses All Understanding

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." J14:27Β 

Today I have to share this beautiful testimony that Betty from South Africa shared on the Afrikaans - Uiteindelikhoop.comΒ 

And by the way it is nothing I did, because a while ago she was so very discouraged and wanted to give up. Because I am such a sensitive person I had to ask my Darling Beloved Lord what am I doing wrong and because I was a "fixer" for so long I want to try and convince people what to do, so I wanted to convince her not to give up (and believe me I tried to convince her until He lovingly convinced me to give it up and giver over to Him)(I am reminded now of the podcast I did a while ago with the beautiful word picture my Beloved Lord gave me of giving it up). Just another testimony of how awesome HE is, because I can't fix anything, I could never have, He is the Fixer. So He did it!!! He gave her the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Please make sure to go and read her testimony for yourself (and if you can't read Afrikaans, please use the translate button at the bottom and click on your preferable flag that will translate it to language you prefer).

So precious I want to encourage you to stop trying to fix your husband, your marriage, your children for that matter anything, just give it up and surrender it to our Darling Beloved Lord, He will do it!

5 thoughts on “He Will Do It – Peace That Surpasses All Understanding”

  1. Oh, thank you my dear Janine. I know that this morning my beloved is speaking to me, and this lesson and His testimony are just magnificent. To surrender everything into His hands.

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Kateleen, I love how our Beloved Lord reminds us to surrender it all to Him, because He knows what He is doing.

  2. Thanks for sharing Janine, this is so simple, but at the same time so difficuld to do, because I was always the fixer one in my marriage and in my family! I was always trying to have the last word, because of course I felt like I was the one knowing the true, no one else! So when I learned and much more than that, when I experienced Him as the FIXER and awesome Protector, I felt the burden out of my shoulders, out of my hert! He is really a Husband who takes care of us, in every single situation of our lives!

    1. I know what you mean with so simple but at the same time so difficult precious Paula. I was also the fixer and suddenly I had to get my hands out of everything and surrender it to the real Fixer and yes it is such a huge burden of one’s shoulders because trying to be the fixer was so exhausting to me and I am not saying I always get it right, because I don’t especially where it comes to my special son, but I know it is a journey my Beloved is taking me on.

  3. Dear Janine, I was just having my coffee and telling my Beloved to tell me if I am doing something wrong, to tell me if I should do something. And He brings me to the blog and I read your testimony and Betty’s. It is truly wonderful how He spoke to me, I should not do anything, just surrender, and let Him be in control. I really enjoyed listening to your podcast, and like the example you gave of the salad, it is so clear and I can understand that I should not put my hands in what He is doing, because I would only harm it or delay it. Thank you dear because today my Husband spoke to me through your praise.

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