He works everything out for good

"Delight yourself in the L ord ; And He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalms 37:4

I have to share this praise report because I once again saw how our Beloved works things out if we just give them to Him.

Just before I moved, my son bumped his head sliding down a water slide. In the process, two of his molars were chipped slightly. It never gave any problems but recently I saw that the two teeth were black. I took him to the dentist, and he gave me two options: he can fix the teeth by putting on crowns, but because my son is only 10 years old, it will cause him a lot of problems later, the second option was to pull the teeth which won't really cause him problems because he has to get braces in a few years. My Beloved immediately led me to choose the second option, the only problem is because of his age, it must be done in theater under anaesthesia.

The date for the operation was scheduled for this Friday. The children are not with me during this week and weekend, so my former husband (FH) would have taken him to hospital and then my son would be with them afterwards. Now for me as a mom it wasn't the best option because you want to be there for your children when they go through something like that and are in pain, but I just gave it to my Beloved and left it there.

However, late yesterday afternoon I got an e-mail from my FH that the dentist had to postpone the operation to next week Thursday because the Anaesthesiologists is only available then... I had to reread the e-mail before I realized that my Heavenly Husband worked it out for good because next week, they are with me!

But that's not all, my daughter is getting her upper braces on Tuesday next week, so I have to take her and she's going to be with me if it starts to hurt. Then my son's surgery is booked for Thursday. So, I'm going to be able to be there for both my kids!!

It is so wonderful to know that we can just leave everything in our Beloved's hands, He will work everything out for good!


8 thoughts on “He works everything out for good”

  1. I love this Adina. This brought such a smile to my face because isnโ€™t it so funny how our Husband works everything out for us. We donโ€™t have to complain or argue with anyone to get our way. He will always find a way for us as our Husband. Thank you so much for sharing your testimony. I am glad your children get to be with you during their procedures.

    1. Yes, it’s amazing that we can trust Him and He gives us the desires of our heart, without fighting, asking or arguing. 5years ago I would have done exactly that, argue, fight and beg… But all the glory to our Beloved who changes us on this journey.

  2. Amazing praise Adina. It is really difficult for me not to have my children with me when they are not feeling well. Is He not so amazing that He gives you the desire of your heart, but not just yours, your children as well because when you are not well, you want your mom ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Our Husband knows what is best for our children Yvonne, He knows they need their mom when they are sick or in pain. And He knows that we want to be there for our children. He is just such an awesome Heavenly Father and Husband ๐Ÿ˜

  3. Iโ€™m so glad He rescheduled so you could be with your children! and glad you gave your worries to your HH. It’s like giving something heavy we are carrying to a strong and reliable friend who will carry it with ease and lighten our load.

  4. Wow Adina, how beautiful!! I love how my Beloved is talking SO much this week about letting go of all effort and letting it work! Your testimony is a great reminder to let go of the thousands of ways we could “help” God make it work! Thanks for sharing!!

  5. This is soooo wonderful Adina the way He works all for our good, He is the BEST, we only have to let go and allow HIM.

  6. Dear Adina, what a wonderful testimony you have, it just makes me laugh, what a wonderful Heavenly Man we have. I have also experienced this kind of situation. If we just talk to Him and tell Him everything, He will arrange for us to receive the desires of our heart. I just love that He is doing this for you.

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