He’s Perfecting Us

This morning I was reading a lesson on here and I’ve been fasting and praying. Just wanting to know more and grow. This morning He showed up, perfectly. Revealing to me how I can call upon Him in the middle of a conversation when I am running on fear and I can give an honest answer and won’t be tempted to lie, to say everything is okay just fine.

He also revealed to me how damaging fear is. If I were to have allowed the fear of my current trial to overtake me, to dwell on all the what ifs or continuing to only look at my circumstances, then my day would have turned out so different. My children would have picked up on my fear. They would have behaved differently, (we had such a beautifully blessed day yesterday) then my fear would have been seen by my EH whom I just happen to see every single day, so it’s important that I don’t let that fear run me. But when he sees me full of fear, he will respond as well. He showed me all the fear I’ve had and how many blessings I turned away. Then He lovingly reminded me that His perfect love casts out fear because He is perfecting me through the waiting and through the small steps I take. That there is no need to fear because He’s shown me time and time again He provides. He listens. So much and so exciting. So my prayer and encouragement is that all my sisters call upon Him. Ask Him to show you and He will!

1 thought on “He’s Perfecting Us”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Rasa, it lets me think of this beautiful promise:
    “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” 2T1:7 https://biblehub.com/2_timothy/1-7.htm
    Please read this powerful living lesson if you haven’t read it:
    Our Darling Lord’s love really does cast out all fear.

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