Hij is onze Kracht



Β ........do not grieve, the joy of the LORD is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10

The source of our strength lies in dealing well with setbacks, as I learned in the WLL 22

My eldest daughter is having a hard time at the moment. She experiences problems with her father and experiences stress at school.
She visited my aunt and cousin a few times to get some rest. This week my aunt called because she and my daughter discussed the fact that she is going to stay with them for the weekends for the time being to get some rest. She asked if that's okay with me.

Dear Brides, it immediately went through my heart, when my daughter is having a hard time, she stays with me, I want to be there for her 100%! I had the feeling that I had failed as a mother because she now seeks and finds peace in someone else's home.

How grateful I am that I can go to my Heavenly Husband and pour out my tears and heart to Him. He showed me that He is in control and that this is actually an answer to my prayer. It had been a while since I had spent a Sunday alone with Him, I had asked Him to spend another Sunday with Him. He heard my prayer and now I can look forward to some Sundays with Him again.

And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. John 14:13

My daughter told me how much she enjoys getting away from it all and I notice how my aunt and niece lovingly surround her.

Dear brides, I want to encourage you to face the setbacks and go to Him. He is the source of our strength and He will ensure that you experience joy and blessings despite adversity.

4 thoughts on “Hij is onze Kracht”

  1. Dear Hanna, I can understand that this might have pierced your heart because as mother’s we want to be there for our children all the time. When I had to let go of my children for the first time over a weekend, my heart was shattered, but like you shared we have our HH to run to and on whose shoulder we can cry. Now I love my alone weekends, it gives me time to rest and just be still with my HH.

    Everything happens for a reason and our Husband will turn this around for good.

    ‘And He *said to them, β€œCome away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while.” (For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.) They went away in the boat to a secluded place by themselves. ‘
    Mark 6:31-32

  2. Begin with the end in your mind my sweet Hannah! This will produce blessings and joy for both of you! See this as an opportunity to abide more in Our Beloved to fill yourself with love and grace! Remember to give plenty of grace to yourself and her. You are doing a great job! You will always be her haven, no matter where she is! Pray about it, and then don’t stress. Give this area over to Our Heavenly Husband. Put forth an honest effort and trust that Our Beloved will work with what you have to offer.
    This chapter helped me a lot:

  3. Thank you for sharing precious Hanna and yes how wonderful that we can pour out our hearts to our Darling Lord. And yes how wonderful that you will be spending more time with our Darling Lord and that you get to trust Him more.

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