His plan = my contentment

"She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness." Proverbs 31:27 NLT

Watching over the progress of my home was never really a priority… Work outside the home, my career, my professional and work achievements and all my plans and projects always took up a large space in my schedule, leaving aside my duties as a wife, now as a mother and as a homeschooler for Him.

But His mercy reached me at an impressive level. Truly, my dear ones, I can see His kind hand in everything but even better His face since my house returned to His original design and each member of my family occupies the place He intended for us.

Thanks to my Precious Lord today I want and can list the blessings I have received before and remind myself that every good thing I have comes from Him. My Creator, my Father, my Husband, my Friend and my Lord did not make a mistake with any of my steps. Even my falls today work for good.

I read in Wise Woman in Waiting:

“How is your job? I believe that each of us women are called to minister, period. Our ministry is in our homes and in the place where we work. Trusting God with your finances will be the beginning of trusting that God will allow you to stay home and leave the job market, if that is the desire of your heart.”

And when I meditated on it, I realized that although I always wanted children, it was not a permanent desire to stay home and even less to leave the job market. I was not educated or trained with that perspective. But that also worked for good.

I wanted to answer the question and I said: “wow, today I serve in my home, the most important people in my life after my God: my husband and my daughter, and it is a demanding, hard and sometimes emotional job, but it has been worth it, beyond what words can express.”

Last Sunday, I had some time of leisure with my daughter and husband watching a movie. It was about 6:30 when my daughter was watching the movie and “craving” a sandwich. There were not enough groceries in the fridge and I said: “OK, I’ll go.” I left them relaxed, I walked to the supermarket and on my way I talked with my Beloved about what to buy, what to cook and add in, how to get all at the same time, what to do first, etc.

Suddenly, I realized His Truth in this area: being at home has been absolutely gratifying for me, I didn’t complain (as I used to), I didn’t fall into laziness, I didn’t make excuses… I did it with love. I looked for each ingredient, I received His ideas and I didn’t make the ham and cheese sandwich that my daughter saw on TV, but one that I knew would feed, nourish and really satisfy her.

I arrived with all the shopping and noticed that I had the lunch dishes unwashed: pots, pans, plates… A discouraging picture. But I didn’t get angry, I didn’t ask my spouse for help but my Beloved Lord!!. In another time, with the accumulated tiredness of a week of work, I would have been “practical” ordering a delivery or doing something not so healthy. But my dears, IT WAS HIM.

I did everything calmly, with pleasure, with joy. The result was wonderful! Fresh vegetables, seasoned chicken, nutritional value, and flavor (hahaha)… When the diners came to the table, my daughter’s face of astonishment, her compliments about the flavor and my surprise at seeing everything I had done (with His anointing) paid for my “service.”

Beloved ladies, being at home has edified me in many and different ways, I want to share some of them for His praise:
1. I find satisfaction in feeding my family. I who have not considered myself skilled, today receive compliments for my cooking.
2. I find peace and financial freedom. I do not have to worry about spending, paying and money. MY Husband provides my family with His abundant riches for EVERYTHING I need.
3. I have found energy, motivation, and ideas to manage my home.
4. I have time. He leads me to His pastures at different times of the day in the privacy of my home. I can always listen to a portion of His word, read it, or take a leisurely morning coffee with Him.
5. I know the stores, products, and prices of what I need. My Husband has helped me to be that merchant ship that brings food from afar…
6. By trusting MY Beloved Best Friend with my finances, giving up my selfish ambitions while embracing His plan for me, I have been free from stress, pressure, and even from dealing with traffic.

Dear ones, the list goes on… Truly, something powerful happens when we let go of control and let God be. There are no words that can express my gratitude.

I encourage you to ask Him for His plan for your life. When we occupy the place for which He designed us, we find true contentment.

4 thoughts on “His plan = my contentment”

  1. Thank you for sharing this beautiful praise report precious Mia and thank you for this beautiful reminder: to ask Him for His plan for our lives, because when we occupy the place for which He designed us, we find true contentment, yes.
    For years I searched for the contentment and all the time it was with our Darling Lord.

  2. Por mucho tiempo me negue a ser dedicada al cuido del hogar, fui formada para ser parte de la fuerza laboral y me metieron en la cabeza que todo me tenía que costar y no deberle nada a nadie. Me enfoque que no me gustaba cocinar. Y me negaba hacer la única que hiciera el quehacer, manipulando a mi esposo para hacerlo sentir que me debía el ayudar ( qué tonta idea). Fue necesario que Mi Amado Celestial creará una crisis para nuestro matrimonio para darme cuenta que las cosas andaban al revés. Yo quería ser la cabeza y que mi esposo se sujetar a (pésima idea que envenenaba mi alma).

    Hoy disfruto cuidar de mi hogar, aun trabajo fuera de casa, pero comprendo que entregaré esta situación a Mi Esposo Celestial para que sea El, el que me permita salir de el trabajo y poderme dedicar 100% al roll qué me ha sido entregado desde un inicio.

    Igual que comentas, antes no me gustaba servir, hoy puedo cuidar mi hogar y no me molesta para nada cuidar de él, aunque venga agotada. Y eso gracias a que Dios me ha permitido profundizar su palabra en mi de lo que dice proverbios 31: 10 al 31. Pero este es en particular un momento que descuide y hoy amo hacer😁, “Se levanta de madrugada y prepara el desayuno para su familia y planifica las labore de sus criadas” Gracias mi dulce Señor a ti sea la gloria 💖
    For a long time I refused to be dedicated to taking care of the home, I was trained to be part of the workforce and they put it in my head that everything had to cost me and not owe anything to anyone. I realized that I didn’t like cooking. And I refused to be the only one doing the chores, manipulating my husband to make him feel like he owed me to help (what a stupid idea). It took My Heavenly Beloved creating a crisis for our marriage for me to realize that things were going backwards. I wanted to be the head and for my husband to obey (a terrible idea that poisoned my soul).

    Today I enjoy taking care of my home, I still work outside the home, but I understand that I will hand this situation over to My Heavenly Husband so that He will be the one who allows me to leave work and be able to dedicate myself 100% to the role that has been given to me from a start.

    Just as you mentioned, before I didn’t like serving, today I can take care of my home and it doesn’t bother me at all to take care of it, even if I’m exhausted. And that is thanks to the fact that God has allowed me to deepen his word in me from what proverbs 31: 10 to 31 says. But this is in particular a moment that I neglect and today I love to do😁, “He gets up early in the morning and prepares breakfast for her family and plans the work of her maids” Thank you my sweet Lord to you be the glory 💖

  3. Dear Mia, thank you for sharing, it touches my heart because I also love working and serving at home in my family. This is the place my Heavenly Man gave me. I am so grateful that I have started working one day less since 3 weeks ago. He told me that I should work less and that He would give me great blessings.
    It is so wonderful to serve in my family under His protecting hand.
    I am grateful that He has also taught you to serve at home, so beautiful to read how you are working with Him in your family.

    Psalms 128: 1-2
    How blessed is everyone who fears the L ord , Who walks in His ways.
    When you shall eat of the fruit of your hands, You will be happy and it will be well with you.

  4. The word ‘homemaker’ has always evoked in my mind the image of a 1950s apron-clad woman staying home cooking and cleaning all day. But when you consider it as 2 words- homemaker, it makes me think of something more: the job of making a house feel like a home. This job belongs to every woman.
    As women, we set the tone for our homes and this is huge!! We have the amazing opportunity to represent our BELOVED to our children and family and to build a haven for us and them!! Holy work right there!
    Thank you for sharing!

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