My First Love
"Closer than a Brother"
A Wise Woman: His Princess Series
by Erin Thiele

My First Love "Closer than a Brother"
☊ This book was lovingly read by Yvonne to her daughter, Mia in South Africa
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Married, Singles, Teens, and now Children!!
~ Isabella in Costa Rica
WOW, this really touched my heart, because I felt the same way when I was growing up, it made me remember when I started to talk to the Lord for everything in my teen years. Also, my daughter felt related because she was very afraid to take the bus by herself to go to high school, and how we pray so she can feel ready to do it. Now she knows her HF is with her. Love the promises, and it is a story that can touch a lot of hearts because nowadays there are a lot of children and teens that feel alone, this is the best way to show them that they aren´t. To show them that they have a Heavenly Father and friend that loves the sound of their voices and that everything happens for a reason, and as Erin taught us, a hidden blessing comes after every trial!!! Love it so much!! And Camila as well.🌷🎀
~ Ariele in Brazil
Wow! I identified a lot with Erin's story! I grew up practically as an only child, my brother (who is now deceased) was 20 years older than me. I was always very quiet, lonely, and I confess that the years at the Catholic school were difficult because I had no friends and spent recess alone. Even now, I am very reserved, but now I have my best friend, my HH!
And reading this beautiful story today was certainly Him talking to me because I was feeling very lonely, but He promptly showed me that He is always with me! :).
And Gabriela, my daughter, who is 15, is also very quiet, shy, very homely. But, something that I always talk to her is that we are never alone, that she is never alone, that her Heavenly Father is right there beside her and she can tell him everything! 🙂
I am sure that many children who feel alone will identify themselves and discover that they have never actually been alone, but the Lord, their best friend, is always with them! What a beautiful story! We like it a lot!!❤️🌷
Frida in Brazil
This book is a gift to me and Isabelly. It is wonderful to learn such important principles and to be able to teach my daughter to follow the ways of the Lord. I would like to know these principles before I get married, but I praise the Lord for being able to know now, for sure it will be our bedside book.
Thank you my love for those incredible words !!
We love the whole book so much!! ❤️🌷
~ Lota in Florida is our Spanish Ministry Pastor and Director of our Spanish Español ministry branch
I just read and loved the story, simple and children can relate and give them an understanding and knowing how some children even around others still feel alone. Learning at a young age to love and accept Him is so precious.
Liora in Texas
Love the story very much! I can relate to feeling alone growing up from teenager into adulthood after losing my mother in a car accident. But I've learned that God has been with me through it all along! He has shown me, especially these past couple of years that He is with me every second of every day! This story is very encouraging and simple enough for children to understand and encourage them to seek their Heavenly Father in everything as they grow up. Simply beautiful ❤
Petra in France reading my first love has brought up questions that I never asked myself. Have I been set apart? Is that the reason why I have never been able to get friends or to get any friendship that will last? My childhood was so lonely and I felt rejected all the time. Even now, I don’t fit into girls' groups, I don’t share the same interest, and I never did… The only thing is I did not know who was my Best Friend then… I came to know Him at 34 years old.
This amazing story is so wonderfully told and put together. My daughter is too small, but I can’t wait for the time I will be able to read her this story and discuss it with her, so she will know, she is NEVER alone.
Ever since I discovered who my Best Friend is, I am keen to talk to my daughter about Him, although I know, only Him calls, only Him touches the heart. Yet this story is wonderful material for children, but not only.
I can not tell you the impact it has on me right now. Have I been set apart?
Wow, wonderful.
Marta in Brazil
I am happy and thankful to God for giving us the opportunity to read this book "My First Love". While reading it to my daughter, I was able to associate it with certain situations that happened to her that I was sometimes worried about. I was always afraid that my daughter would suffer and feel alone because she had very big losses in her life, first it was the ex-husband who left when she was only 2 years old, then the death of my mother, who took care of her since his birth, and shortly afterward my father who remarried. So as I read the book, I asked her questions, and she responded with great joy, and the coolest thing was that she reminded me of what I always taught her, that she is never alone and that she has a wonderful Father, who takes care of it in the smallest details.
I am sure that many other children will be touched by this beautiful and moving story.
Thank You, Lord, for giving us another beautiful book, written by Erin and inspired by You.🙌
We love history.😍💝😘
Kate in Arizona. This is such a precious story of a child discovering her heavenly Friend and what it looks like at the beginning stages. The story naturally draws you in and encourages young ones to begin a relationship with the Lord. That they are never alone!
Paula in Brazil. Yesterday afternoon I read the story to my children, even being older, they could felt related because when they left alone for the first time, to go to places, or coming back home after school, sometimes they feel afraid and it was comforting to know that they are never alone 😍 and that they have a wonderful Friend by their side to protect them and even teel them the better way to go, much better than I can point them to or anyone else can.