♕ Today's Promise: “You will know also that your descendants will be many, and your offspring as the grass of the earth.” Job 5:25

Principle #8

In last week's letter, I promised to finish up with what will block the blessings of God and then this week to move on to what will MULTIPLY your blessings! But, as the Lord would have it, I became overwhelmed with wanting more of the Lord, so we parked there!

I hope that the Lord met you in a very powerful way as you searched for Him in a deeper way.

What will block God’s blessings: wickedness.

James 4:17 NASB—

“Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.”

King James 2000 Bible—

“Therefore to him that knows to do good, and does it not, to him it is sin.”

Based on this verse, we could also define wickedness as sin—at least the wickedness in each of us is the sin when we: "entertain" a wrong thought in our minds, allow wickedness in our homes, or still give in to doing what we know is wrong in our lives.

Sometimes wickedness is something in our lives that we are not aware of—that ultimately we are being destroyed by due to a lack of knowledge.

Noah's 1928 Webster's Dictionary defines it this way: "Departure from the rules of the divine law; evil disposition of practices; immorality; crime; sin; sinfulness; corrupt manners.

Wickedness generally signifies, signals evil things that we are practicing, in other words, do repetitively.

Don’t forget how important it is not to practice evil or lawlessness, because of what Jesus said in this verse: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’” Matthew 7:21, 23

Yet, wickedness is also what expresses or uncovers the corrupt dispositions or character of the heart.

Whenever we "depart" or are led astray from the principles that God set up, in the divine and unchangeable laws of the universe, we ultimately suffer the consequences. Even if we are ignorant of the law we WILL suffer the consequences.

This week I heard that many women began seeking the Lord about what was standing in the way of their restoration and a deeper relationship with the Lord. Amazingly, God revealed to each one of them that it was sin.

One woman, who was divorced, confessed she finally realized she was in sin, not through conviction she said, but through the devastating consequences. It’s when she hit rock bottom in despair, and she cried out to to the Lord. Immediately, He reached out to help her, but at the same time, brought to her mind the sins that had caused the destruction that led to despair.

This woman had moved in with her husband, which she "thought" was an answer to her prayer, but the truth was (and is) that a man or woman who is no longer legally married is in sin if she/he is intimate with her/his spouse.

The greatest blessing, which we must never forget, is that we have a loving and forgiving Savior who is right there ready to forgive and cleanse us! And with this, we can no longer be plagued with guilt or shame or any other negative emotion that weighs us down.

This woman repented, humbly, and "turned from her wicked ways" just like in 2 Chronicles 7:14 where it promises us that if "...My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." This means not only will your heart be healed, but so will your home.

Another woman confessed about something the Lord brought to her mind, something that she had done before coming to RMI. When her husband first left she was involved in the occult, seeking anything to bring her husband back. She wasn't sure if this was still standing in her way since she had repented to the Lord with tears.

Yet, when the Lord reminded her of this, she was willing to repent to her husband since much of it involved him. Even though she didn't see her husband, she knew if it were the Lord's will, their paths would cross.

When she filled out her form the next time, she said she knew that "it was finished." The Lord revealed to her at the end of the seven-day fast, that HE had broken this stronghold in her life. She again asked the Lord for an opportunity to speak to her husband, but the Lord confirmed that what she had done was enough.

Remember, God is looking at our heart and our willingness to yield to His leading and His will no matter how terrifying it may seem. Very often, as with Abraham, He will lead us to the mountain, watch us lay "whatever it is" on the altar, then often, mercifully stops us before the knife goes down!

Jeremiah 17:9 says, "The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it? I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give to each man according to his ways, According to the results of his deeds."

Obedience, no matter what the cost, no matter how much you fear doing it—shows our hearts.

Sadly, I also know of at least two women who are still battling “doing what is right.” They both have men living in their homes, but can't seem to get rid of them. So, if you’re in a situation like this or any situation that you feel you’re caught in—simple ask God what to do and then do it! Don’t make the mistake of asking anyone else, or even letting someone know what you plan to do. If your heart is right, He will reveal how to clear up even the worst mistakes you’ve made. Very often, He just asks you to wait and trust Him and He clears it up without our help. 🙂

When one of our ministers had her former husband living in her basement, thank You Lord, she got rid of him as soon as she realized it wasn't right! Now she is a powerful minister that God is using to help others who are in similar situations. One woman in South Africa finally was willing to do what was right no matter what, by telling her husband that she no longer could continue to be intimate with him since they were divorced and 2 months later her marriage was restored!

Wickedness often enters our hearts when we, knowingly or unknowingly, "pitch our tent toward Sodom." All too soon you will find you are not just entertaining the thought of sin, but you’re living in it! This can even be as simple as keeping your eyes on your spouse and/or marriage instead of intently looking into the face of the Lord.

Are you looking toward Sodom?

What do you watch on television?

What movies are you watching or going to?

What do you allow your eyes and mind to be exposed to?

This brings us back to the case of double-mindedness. You may watch the Be Encouraged that helps you turn your eyes on the Lord, but then you let "garbage" reside in your mind by what you watch on television or from your phone.

You may faithfully read your Bible, read through the RYM and Wise Woman or Wise Man, but then you look at things that you should turn away from. If you are plagued with this temptation, then meditate on this verse and follow the example of Job 31:1 who we know God blessed beyond belief.

Let’s go ahead and selah here, and next week I will share an amazing principle that I have never heard any preacher or Christian writer address, which is preventing us from seeing evil done to us to be forever destroyed! Now it's time to...



⏰ Quick 1-minute read

Janine Saaiman in South Africa: This principle spoke to me so much today, because I now understand why I remained in despair for so long. I was divorced from my husband and thought I "had" the right to still think that he was my husband, that he was "after all" my husband, but I was so wrong, because it was sin, no matter what, and I definitely suffered the consequences, but I am grateful for our Beloved Lord's grace that made me come to that realization and He stood ready to save and cleanse me.

But in the same breath I want to add that this does not make me perfect now, because it is so easy to give in to the flesh, such as getting angry if I take my eyes off our Beloved Lord for just a second, but I am so grateful for our Beloved Lord's voice behind me, saying walk this way.


1 thought on “HTBB: Principle #8 “Character of the Heart””

  1. Today I woke up with this verse in mind: “Create in me a pure heart, O God. Put within me pure and sincere thoughts and desires.” S5110 and I didn’t remember this lesson from the series “How to be blessed”, I know that my Beloved is calling me to look at my heart and see what I might be doing wrong, like spending too much time watching the news, for example. I confess that I have been spending more hours on work and learning about what is happening in the world than with Him. I need His help to change my course and I am asking Him to help me and straighten my paths so that I can always return to Him every day and remain in Him! How wonderful to know that “a loving and forgiving Savior is right there ready to forgive us and cleanse us! And with that, we can no longer be tormented by guilt or shame or any other negative emotion that afflicts us.” ❤️‍🔥
    How wonderful to know that everything we need is in His hands and He is always willing to help us follow His path and walks by our side, holding our hand tightly so that we do not stray!
    “in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. P36

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