I Am Not A Single Parent

"All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace." I54:13

I was always so worried about my youngest son that lived with me, because I always felt he was growing up in a broken home. My oldest son lived with his dad and the dad's wife, so I felt he wasn't living in a broken home. But I got this beautiful promise that my children will be taught by the Lord and it is still one of my favorite promises that I memorized.

Yesterday my son was invited to a birthday celebration of one of his friends and when I went to pick him up the parents of the child said they don't like to except one child, but they have to because my son has outstanding manners, I was so grateful. And that my dear precious brides, is all the work of his Heavenly Father.

I am not a single parent and have never been, because I have the best ever Heavenly Husband and my children have the best ever Heavenly Father.

Dear precious bride trust our Darling Lord, He is the best ever Father your children can ever have.

4 thoughts on “I Am Not A Single Parent”

  1. Alleuia. Mon cadet est partit vivre chez son fils et l’aรฎnรฉ et le Benjamin vit avec moi.
    Hier l’aรฎnรฉ etait trรจs decu par nous il a dit simplement je ne comprends pas ce qui ce passe dans cette maison mais je suis benie encore une fois de plus que Dieu prendra soin de mes enfants… J’ai un mari aimant alors que je disais a Dieu je ne saurais etre un pรจre pour eux je te les remets… Et aujourd’hui la reponse. ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ
    Merci cheri
    Hallelujah. My youngest went to live with his son and the eldest and Benjamin live with me.
    Yesterday the oldest was very disappointed in us he simply said I don’t understand what is going on in this house but I am blessed once again that God will take care of my children… I have a loving Husband so that I told God I could not be a father to them, I hand them over to You… And today the answer. ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ
    Thank you darling

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Kateleen. Our children have the best ever Heavenly Father and I look forward to the testimonies that you are also going to come and share about your children.

  3. Thank you Janine
    This is very encouraging. Even today I was thinking and concerned about that, my children growing up just with me. But great to hear your testimony.
    And I also need to teach my children to have good manners. What do you suggest?

    1. Dear precious Naomi, it’s all their Heavenly Father’s grace in their lives, because I don’t want to take any honor for that.

      Please read these lessons:

      And I have to admit I made lot of mistakes along the way, but that shows us apart from our Darling Lord we can really do nothing.

      I remember years ago when my eldest son was home with me (he lived for long with his dad and if something went wrong he would threaten me he is going to live with his dad) and I always lived in fear that he will abandon me, but the specific day he ran out. I said to the Lord I can’t live in this fear any more and I gave up and I gave it over to the Lord and my son came home and said sorry and I also said sorry, because I know I was also wrong and we never talked about it again.

      “Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening].” 1C13:7

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