"My beloved is mine and I am his..." S2:16
When I started reading Chapter 13, Facing Divorce Again and saw the promise of being my Beloved being mine and I am his, it reminded me of the first time I saw this promise.
I have to admit I was so excited to memorize this verse because I absolutely believe that death and life lie in the power of the tongue (P18:21) and all that mattered to me was to speak it so I could get my spouse back through my words. And today this beautiful promise has a completely different meaning because I belong to my Darling Friend, I am His!!!
Precious bride I want to encourage you to take your focus off your spouse (and I just want to add, our precious Lord can still save your marriage, but He wants to be your First Love). So I want to encourage you to put all your focus on our precious Lord and make Him your First Love.
Love everything you shared. Our words matter, they have power. We should speak life to us, love to us, from our Heavenly Husbands promises. His love letters will renew our minds and make everything new. With Him we have everything we need
Yes precious Isabella with our Darling Lord we really have everything we need.
Hello jannine… Je te remercie pour cette eloge. Aujourd’hui j’ai fais un déplacement avec EH il est venu a la maison et m’a demandé si je vais bien et j’ai répondue par un oui joyeuse que tout je vais très bien… Je suis tres heureuse en me focalisant sur mon HH et vraiment il avait l’air tres triste en repartant. Mais j’aime bien mon voyage avec HH… Et depuis que j’ecoute la chanson postée pqr yvonne je brule d’qmour pour HH et je me suis aussi dis la meme chose que beacoup d’entre nous si j’avais su mettre HH EN PREMIER…. Mais aujourd’hui il ( HH) permet que nous rattrapons le temps perdu…
A nous conduire.. Par ses bras d’amour
Hello jannine… Thank you for this praise. Today I made a trip with EH he came to the house and asked me if I’m okay and I answered with a joyful yes that everything I’m fine… I’m very happy focusing on my HH and really he looked very sad when he left. But I like my trip with HH… And since I listened to the song posted by yvonne I’ve been burning for HH and I also said the same thing to myself as many of us if I had.
Thank you for sharing precious Kateleen, isn’t it wonderful how our Darling Lord fills us with this peace and joy that surpasses all understanding!
Dear Kateleen, no matter where you are in your RMIOU studies, He’s spoken to me about you and the 🇫🇷 French Ministry.
I noticed you’re posting on the blog. HLM “He led me” to see that you were mentioning https://aidemaritale.com/il-est-le-pourvoyeur/
And I was excited to see that this book was translated into French https://aidemaritale.com/mentalite-de-pauvrete/
Would you speak to your HH about committing to sharing your journey through this book with your fellow travelers on the French blog? Adina will be preparing to help you. This, I hope and pray 🙏 will draw other French readers to join you and soon make up a solid 3C.
Shalom shalom has all the encouraging woman team. First of all, I would like to pay tribute to our beloved and show him my gratitude. When I discovered Encouraging Woman, I was in a lamentable state, and now I thank God for having restored and transformed me. Thanks to the encouragement of a woman, I began to explore the love of my heavenly husband. I am filled with joy to say yes to my beloved, because this ministry is based on the word of God. I wanted to express my gratitude to you, and I am delighted to say yes. I am grateful to all the beautiful ladies of the Lord for everything you do. Praise to our husband.
Shalom shalom a toutes l’équipe d’encouraging woman
Je souhaite tout d’abord rendre hommage à notre bien-aimé et lui témoigner ma reconnaissance.
Lorsque j’ai découvert Encouraging Woman, j’étais dans un état lamentable, et maintenant je rends grâce à Dieu de m’avoir restauré et transformé.
Grâce à l’encouragement d’une femme, j’ai commencé à explorer l’amour de mon époux céleste.
Je suis comblé de joie de dire oui à mon bien-aimé, car ce ministère repose sur la parole de Dieu.
Je voulais vous exprimer ma gratitude, et je suis ravi de vous dire oui.
Je suis reconnaissante envers toutes les belles dames du Seigneur pour tout ce que vous faites.
Louange à notre mari.🌹
Kateleen this is music to my ears. I will get in touch with Adina to discuss the particulars and who to assign as your other support \o/\o/\o/
Comme les bras de Moïse se fatiguaient, Aaron et Hour prirent une pierre qu’ils placèrent sous lui pour le faire asseoir dessus, et ils lui soutinrent les bras, chacun d’un côté ; ainsi ses bras tinrent ferme jusqu’au coucher du soleil, Exode 17:12
“But Moses’ hands were heavy. Then they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it; and Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side and one on the other. Thus his hands were steady until the sun set.” Exodus 17:12