I Dismissed my Attorneys

Dear RYM partners, I cannot begin to express my joy and gratitude for you letting our father use you to transform lives. I can’t imagine how I would have walked this path successfully without you guiding me to the right scriptures to emulate, I was certainly well on my way to disaster before finding you. I meant to ‘allure’ my husband and salvage our marriage but I had no idea how and so I was going about it all the wrong way!! Thank you for your sacrifice of time and finances, thank you for availing these courses for free as that is the only way a skeptical person will benefit from them and even be motivated to give back freely out of a thankful heart. God bless you.

This Course stabilized me when all that’s familiar was slipping away from my hands. Here my faith in God’s goodness was anchored, the assurance that there was a purpose for my pain was given, embracing that has made all the difference.

Reading scripture and believing is one thing, but there is nothing as powerful as a testimony. Feeding on the testimonies in Course 1 has been equivalent to feeding on good reports, dwelling on God’s mighty power, His deep love for us and the greater purpose He has for taking lover and friend far from us for a season.

When I found you, I was 2 months into my husband filing for divorce. He was so very angry and I kept begging him to just please have a civil divorce, and this got him only madder. We couldn’t stop the squabbling as he wanted me to take the blame for everything which was all inaccurate. And then I found you. I took all the blame. I dismissed my attorneys. I wrote him a letter that I would trust his decision on the divorce in terms of who gets what, and then there was silence, a true letting go finally. I turned my full attention to my father and started learning to fully lean on Him, having learned only He can fully take my weight and never tire of me, never walk away, never let me go. And so began my love affair with the Lover of my soul.

Papa, where would I be without your love… You who left the 99 to come and find me. I thought I heard you whisper over the years, and especially at the beginning of this crisis, but I thought you didn’t speak to us humans at a personal individual level. Still, you beckoned, and somehow I heard You as You led me to You. And when I put my hand in Yours, our walk began. You have shown me beautiful things. “Call to me, and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know” Jeremiah 33:3.

You have comforted me, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:3. My heart is healed as I journey along with you into the known for You, but unknown yet trusted for me. Thank you for finding me and for saving me.

Dear Bride, you might not understand how you are a bride at a time of abandonment, you may not even feel like a bride. But take my word, your journey into recognizing your proper title of Bride is just beginning and if you will be still and trust your Lord, you shall emerge on the other side as a new creation, with the old having passed away. It’s a painful time but this journey will make it worth it. Take heart, be still, stay present, and let Him heal you as He whispers over you.

~ Gabi

Read further from Gabi… another Thank You this one for Course 2!

Dear partners, thank you so very much for fronting the funds used to enable me to train and follow these courses at a time when my heart was hurting so badly I couldn’t think straight. It’s through your kind generosity that life began to make sense again when my heart turned to my HH and all my shame and pain was washed away by the water of the word. May God bless you as you keep sowing into His kingdom and specifically into the family unit that makes the basic social fabric of any healthy society. I am blessed because you obeyed and gave, and by God’s grace I too can now pay it forward and pass it along.

Now that I have finished the RRR, I have also let go of EH not just in the physical pursuit but more importantly in the spiritual expectation. My heart belongs to my beloved HH who loves me so well and so completely. Now my EH is talking to me on a consistent basis, sharing what’s going on with our business daily, and just this week when I was going to work, he offered to drive me in and I accepted; it is the first time he’s been willing to share ‘space’ with me since he filed back in January -then he was screaming that the only place he’d ever share space with me would be in a divorce court, which became difficult when I released my lawyers and bowed out of the divorce proceedings altogether 🙂

My Lord, the magic of discovering you not too long again is beyond what words can explain. As I keep pressing into you, keep drawing me closer and sensitizing my ear to the sound of your voice. Keep whispering your love for me into my heart as I run after you on this exciting journey. You promise me we will do exploits and my heart is overwhelmed with the anticipation of waking up with you everyday to adventure together again and again. Thank you for loving me first and for drawing me to you.

You might fear you’re dying. In a sense, you are. Dying to self, to the old life you knew, to the demanding ways you had, the emptiness you felt, the chasing after the wind… And as with every death, a rebirth awaits, a glorious rebirth full of beauty and grace. Yes, the glory of your latter house is guaranteed to overtake that of the former house. It’s painful yet so very rewarding. You will be scalped out and your calloused heart sifted, but then you’ll get a heart of flesh, and who doesn’t want that. I cry for you for I know the pain you face, but I also rejoice for you for I know the glory to which you have been called. You are a rising star and your bridegroom awaits you. Hasten to Him and let Him put a ring on your finger, place a crown upon your head, clothe you with His righteousness and shine His light on you.

This FD book was a lifesaver for me. I had so many misgivings about hiring a divorce attorney and waited as long as I could for months. Much to my EH anger, I didn’t retain one until the day before court. And I regretted it right away, had never felt more helpless as they explained to me the procedure; I wanted to run away and to never come back. After much opposition, I decided to dismiss them and the very next day, I found this book that validated my misgivings all along. Of course, it went against current social conventions and I’ve since learned to never talk about it, no one would understand why I would risk losing ‘everything’, what they don’t understand is that I have gained everything! I gave up what I couldn’t keep to gain what I could never lose -my HH‘s love.

As for my EH, the hate-wall has come down and quite frankly I am not concerned by what is is happening with the Divorce or not. After much prayer and fasting from me, the followup divorce court date was canceled or postponed because he could not decide how to proceed by himself, what to keep versus what to give me, since my answer to everything was to ‘agree with my adversary’, which threw him off as he needed a fight to keep going and I wouldn’t give him one in obedience to my Lord. I’ve given this battle over to the Lord and He is fighting it on my behalf as I rest in Him and grown in intimacy with Him as His Bride. He continues to deliver me from many waters.

Dear fellow bride, while you might be very well aware that God hates divorce and wants to restore your marriage, you’re going to want to know the principles to follow so the God of order can act on your behalf. These books and Courses will get you there. Let His word be your constant companion as He shapes and molds you, completely transforming your mind and making a new creation out of you.

~ Esme

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Luke 6:38 “Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.”

Matthew 6:19–21 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”