I Had To Let Go Of My Hurt Feelings

β€œIf we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1J1:9

Just like the author of the "Letting Go Lesson" I have to confess that I still have to let go of certain things in my life. A few days ago I shared about how Freeing it is to let go and then just a few days later I didn't let go immediately of a worry that I had.

My car gave trouble and it just started cutting out why I was driving. I asked my son to help me (yes I know I was completely wrong and should have just waited for our Beloved Lord's help), well my son did not help me and I was very unhappy and hurt about it.

Of course our Beloved Lord helped me sort out my car for an incredibly cheap price and then the next morning the Lord said to me because I was so unhappy about my son not helping me (something our precious Lord allowed of course because He wanted to help me) I overlooked the miracle of my car that was fixed for an incredible cheap price. I know I have to admit it, I was so wrong!

I had to let my own self-pity into our precious Beloved Lord's hands. And honestly I could only do that with His help, because if the Lord had left me, I would have felt sorry for myself a little longer and I would not have been able to help my son when he asked me to help him with something he wants to buy for his girlfriend.

So I want to remind you again to please let go of everything into our precious Beloved Lord's hands, He knows what He is doing, you just have to trust Him.

I share this touching prayer from the lesson, which you can pray along:

My darling Jesus. Thank you so much for wanting to free me from all my burdens. You long for me to let go and to let you deal with everything in my life and sometimes I can do that but at other times, I tend to think I can do a better job than You. I am sorry for not trusting You enough. I am willing to lay everything before You, at Your feet, but I really need Your help as I can't do it on my own. I love You Jesus and I thank you for all the many blessings You have in store for me each and every day. Amen.

4 thoughts on “I Had To Let Go Of My Hurt Feelings”

  1. Even though you were upset and overlooked a miracle, you realized that you needed to let go of your self-pity and put your trust in Him. With His help, you were able to forgive your son and help him when he needed it. Thanks for the reminder to all of us to let go of our worries and trust in His plan.

  2. This is so true!! I was talking a few days ago with one of my best friends about this, and how foolish we are when we ask someone to help because they sometimes “DonΒ΄t have it”:
    The Lord is always in control. Matthew 8:23-27 remind me of God’s sovereignty and His ability to maintain control. The disciples allowed fear to rule instead of faith. I was urged to walk in faith with Him and allow Him to actively have control in my life.
    Praise Him I donΒ΄t have to control anything but surrender and wait!

    1. Yes precious Isabella praise our Darling Lord that we really don’t have to control anything, we just have to surrender it and wait and the best part is we get to wait with our Darling Lord!

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