I just want Him, because I just need Him.

"'Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things.'" Luke 10:41

Hello friends. Good morning, it's very hot in Portugal and I'm working.

Thanks to my good God.

First I ask you to forgive me because it took me a while to write this praise report because I really didn't know how to write it, but He insisted that I write it.

And I also take the opportunity to ask for forgiveness from the Love of my life, who NEVER gives up on me, even when I want to run away, because I discovered throughout my journey that I really can't live the height, because I can't explain the grace because otherwise it wouldn't be grace.

Well, friend, having said that... let me encourage you, because I was called for a "time like this".

I know that each of us has our own journey, and nothing can be compared, and the comparison has always upset me, in everything...

In the month of July, I was too "occupied" with my own things, I had no more words to encourage any woman, not even myself, and with that I ended up entering dark paths, which led me to sin against the Lord (again), I was very very, very discouraged with everything.

It had been a year that the former spouse left home, left the country and suddenly I learn that he is here again, I am not hurt, I have no pain, but he moved me by the fact that he was approaching people who were from my community, with this I was shaken and asked the Lord to help me overcome this because I really do not want to live a life trapped by "waiting", not of restoration because if the Lord decides so, so it will be. I do not expect another man to make me happy, because I have Him, and I just want Him.

In the middle of the mess that my life was, the Lord warned me in the most beautiful way I've ever seen in my life, when someone wants to draw attention to someone else's attention, so He told me the following: Lessyane, I know that you love me, but I also know that I'm not your "First Love", because you have been very busy, and tired, but it is not with Me or because of Me, but because of your achievements.

Oh, my Lord, it was like a bucket of cold water, I only knew how to cry!

However, I realized, in praise reports that "some" brides were also like this, so I asked Him why all this, and He told me: You are very busy, and without time, even for the owner of time!

I asked Him again how we could get closer, He told me again, that he wants me to SING to Him and about Him, so that I would not run away, so that I would not succumb to guilt, because I am still in works and that it would not finish now, but when We hugged!

Dear bride. Just like me, I know that you have areas in your life that have not yet been won, sins that have not been won, fights that have not been won... but let me tell you something that can help there!

I remember Moses on the mountain in front of the canna, and God said he would go more with them because the people of Israel were of hard servile, and Moses begged the Lord for HIS PRESENCE, the canna made no sense without Him!

Just as nothing in our life makes sense without Him, there is no restored marriage that makes sense without His presence, there is no car bought without His presence, there is no money that over without His presence, NOTHING MAKES SENSE WITHOUT HIM, because He is the meaning of EVERYTHING!

"Then he said to Him, 'If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.'" Exodus 33:15

I hope you're excited.

A kiss

13 thoughts on “I just want Him, because I just need Him.”

  1. Minha querida Lyssianne, muito obrigada pelo seu blogue. Durante algum tempo estive a fazer muitas tarefas domรฉsticas e o meu irmรฃo tinha-me dado um curso online.
    Passei muito tempo sem usar nada para ele… Um dia apercebi-me que quanto mais olhava para o que tinha de fazer, mais acabava por ler o blogue de um colega que falava das promessas de Deus.
    Quando voltei a olhar para o meu marido terreno, Deus repreendeu-me e eu senti muita tristeza e culpa. E Deus permitiu que ele assumisse muito trabalho… Deus precisava de o afastar mais para ter toda a minha atenรงรฃo. Hoje passo muito tempo de manhรฃ a ler a minha Bรญblia e a preparar blogues. Alguns de nรณs ficam em silรชncio quando nรฃo estรฃo ร  procura dele e estรฃo demasiado ocupados como Marta. Acredito que Deus trarรก de volta muitas mulheres jovens, como fez comigo. Li o livro, mas nรฃo me liguei ao blogue e, finalmente, quando a situaรงรฃo piorou, tive de voltar ao encouragingwomen.org porque nรฃo tinha outros recursos noutro sรญtio… Alguns de nรณs sรฃo chamados a ficar aqui, mas estamos a fugir….
    Decidi, pela Sua graรงa, nรฃo perder um dia sem visitar o site. Mesmo quando estou com pressa, arranjo tempo para ler um post ou fazer uma pesquisa… Agradeรงo a Deus pelo vosso blogue que รฉ muito encorajador.

    My dear Lyssianne, thank you very much for your blog. For a while I was doing a lot of housework and my brother had given me an online course.
    I spent a lot of time without using anything for itโ€ฆ One day I realized that the more I looked at what I had to do, the more I ended up reading a colleagueโ€™s blog that talked about Godโ€™s promises.
    When I looked at my earthly husband again, God rebuked me and I felt very sad and guilty. And God allowed him to take on a lot of workโ€ฆ God needed to push him away more so that he could have my full attention. Today I spend a lot of time in the morning reading my Bible and preparing blogs. Some of us are silent when we are not looking for Him and are too busy like Martha. I believe that God will bring back many young women, as He did for me. I read the book but didnโ€™t check in with the blog, and finally when things got worse I had to go back to encouragingwomen.org because I had no other resources elsewhereโ€ฆ Some of us are called to stay here, but we are on the runโ€ฆ.
    I have decided, by His grace, not to let a day go by without checking in with the site. Even when I am in a rush, I find time to read a post or do some researchโ€ฆ I thank God for your blog, which is so encouraging.

    1. Thank you dear Kat, for being here, and for your words!

      It’s true. Instead of running every day, to work, to make food, for so much… oh my God and so much, we can simply ask Him to help us organize time so that we can spend quality time with Him because He deserves this from us, although we are so fragile I think it makes us get closer to Him because in him he has good plans for us โ™ฅ๏ธ

  2. Dear Lessyanne, it is so true what you shared with us. When we get to a point where we feel That even if we would be restored or not. The Lord shows us that there are still many areas in our lives that we have not told Him about. Or who have surrendered to Him so that He can do the healing or change. We are so busy with many things and not what is important. To sit with Him. Without our Heavenly Beloved ๐Ÿ’ž life is worth nothing. Recovery will not make us happy. We need Him in and in everything. This realization has recently penetrated me even more deeply. I can’t do anything on my own. So if He is not present from the moment I wake up to the moment I close my eyes, I can do many things that will only tire me out. Recover with my Lover ๐Ÿ’ž first is paramount to everything else in my life. I will sing of joy.

    Psalms 32:8 NLT

    [8] The Lord says, โ€œI will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.


    1. Yes, my dear. I really have areas in my life that I didn’t tell the Lord, sometimes I don’t know how to say it, but He soon reminded me that I could sing this to Him and resume the online courses instead of running away, because His love will persecute me forever ๐Ÿฅน

  3. Dear Lessyane, thank you so much. I wish I had known earlier that nothing makes sense without Him. Unfortunately, I lived my life without Him for so long, thinking I can do everything on my own, being busy the whole time. But I am eternally grateful that my Beloved stepped in and made me see and realize that I am nothing without Him and nothing makes sense without Him.

    1. On the other hand, dear, I was reached at the right time, thanks to Your mercy, but it seems that I need to convert again, and this is so shameful for me.

  4. But Jesus answered her, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.'”
    Matthew 4:4
    Beautiful Lessyane, sometimes I feel like this too. I do a lot, but I realize that I have neglected Him. The enemy brings situations and weariness so that we do not seek the Lord, when it is Him who we need, we can do nothing without Him. Beautiful, knowing that He becomes our food, that our soul needs Him so much, and that when we turn to the Lord, He listens to us, because He never tires of waiting for us and He speaks to us lovingly, that the trials must make us approach His arms and that nothing takes our gaze from His Face.

    1. It took me a while to understand that when something that is not normal happens to me, that I should look for Lo, and not run away or try to solve it, because that’s how I was taught, in Solve all my problems, but He has already told me that he shouldn’t and can’t be like that, because He’s always looking at me waiting for me to say something to Him to solve, because I’ve really been tired

  5. Thank you for sharing my sweet Lessyane!! There is no one that can take the place of our Beloved!! No husband, children, job, friends, accomplishments, really nothing!! When we realize that He is our everything our lives become complete!
    Our Beloved wants the best for us!! And He invites us to dream with Him every day!! To expect great things and to finally have a deep sense of purpose in HIM!
    โ€œOne thing I have asked from the LORD, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD And to meditate in His Temple.โ€ Psalm 27:4 (NASB)

    1. Itโ€™s true isa Because none of this makes sense, I can’t see a happy, prosperous life without Him, no matter how much I imagine I don’t see meaning, because all the paths I walk without His direction, they lead me to be stagnant, so I asked Him to forgive me, because I wanted and want to have Mary’s behavior, but only not at her feet, but on Her lap, like a true bride.

  6. Thank you for sharing precious Lessyane. So many times I lived a life without Him and it really didn’t make sense without Him. I always felt so very empty without our Darling Lord, even after receiving a restored marriage and taking my focus of my Darling Lord, my life again didn’t make sense. My life has gone back and forth and I too am so grateful that He never gave up on me. I never ever want a life without Him, because you are so right precious Lessyne, our Darling Lord is really the meaning of Everything. I am so grateful that our Darling Lord led you back to encourage us with your post and that He does it with all His love and grace.

    1. I feel graced to be here, I don’t know what you gave me to try to escape, this will never solve my life, no matter how much the enemy throws in my mind that I don’t deserve, sometimes I hear the Lord say: yes, but I did it out of love, and as I still haven’t ended up insisting until you were only Mine. I get embarrassed and that’s where I feel bad

  7. I love this soo true, I fell in this before, no time and at time I get the feelings again but I tell Him do not allow me to back there, I need that time with you, “our time” and I sing daily I feel so close when I do. I quote your words because I feel them: “NOTHING MAKES SENSE WITHOUT HIM, because He is the meaning of EVERYTHING!”
    “Then he said to Him, ‘If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.'” Exodus 33:15
    If HE is not there with Me I dont want to be either.

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