I Let Go Of The One Thing I Couldn’t Live Without…

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. P37:4ย 

Yesterday my Darling Husband asked me what is important to me regarding the brides of RMI and today sitting here I was reminded when people would talk against marriage restoration, I would get very upset and nobody had the right to tell me I must go on with my life (that also upset me). And I have to admit it became an obsession to have a restored marriage.ย 

I would pray for my earthly husband's soul and begging the Lord for my marriage, but let me admit I begged more for my marriage than anything else. I wanted to prove to the whole world that the Lord could restore our marriage and actually I didn't have to prove anything.

I understand now why my Darling allowed me to wait so long (I waited long for a restored marriage), I understand stand the Point of it all.

Wow I had to let go of what I THOUGHT I COULDN'T LIVE WITHOUT - I had to let go of my earthly husband and the obsession of a restored marriage - to get the abundant life with my Darling Lord. So my Darling changed what is important to me and my desires, isn't He just the Best Ever!!!

"For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him."ย P2:13

Dear precious bride I want to encourage you to let go of what you think you can't live without and put all your trust in our Darling Lord. (And please remember our Darling Lord can still restore your marriage, my point is an intimate relationship with our Darling Lord is far more important that anything else).

16 thoughts on “I Let Go Of The One Thing I Couldn’t Live Without…”

  1. gracias Janine por compartir, creo que la mayorรญa de nosotras hemos estado ahรญ, y es tanta la oraciรณn que se vuelve una obsesiรณn.
    pero cuando perdemos todo, es cuando realmente ganamos.
    siempre le doy gracias a mi amado por nunca rendirse y porque puedo confiar en sus planes para conmigo โค๏ธ
    Thank you Janine for sharing, I think most of us have been there, and there is so much prayer that it becomes an obsession.
    But when we lose everything, that’s when we really win.
    I always thank my loved one for never giving up and because I can trust his plans for me โค๏ธ

    1. Yes precious Nelly I also thank our Darling Lord for never giving up on us.

  2. Yes Janine, nothing is better than Our Beloved, and little by little, we are letting go, to make HIM the most important thing. I think we all go through the same thing, it is when we have more time with the Lord and we walk more on this Journey, that we let go. Thank you for your beautiful words.

    1. Precious Liza for me it was also letting go little by little, but yes spending more time with our Darling Lord makes a huge difference and the letting easier.

  3. So true Janine. If we are not careful enough good things in our lives become our idols! Our earthly husbands, children, pets, look, books, jobs uff the list could go on.
    We must set our hearts and eyes on what our Beloved has done be for us and how much we are truly loved. It took me 36 years of my life to grasp how long, wide, deep is my Beloved’s love for me and that nothing in this world could even come closer to that ๐Ÿ˜
    He is outside time and He loves the sound of our voice. He never gets tired of us, He longs for our company and time, and that truth changed my life forever.

    1. Yes precious Isabella we must really set our hearts and eyes on our Darling Lord. And isn’t is wonderful how our Darling Lord never ever gets tired of us and longs for us to spend our time with Him.

  4. Shalom shalom janine tu as bien raison. Hier j’etais rempli d’รฉmotion en me sentant seule mais j’ai chassรฉ cette pensรฉe dans ma tรชte.
    Pour te dire janine des que la pensรฉe de mon EH me viennent en tete. Je demande a HH de m’aider a les pardonner encore plus qu’il ne faut… Que mon mari c’est n’est plus un homme terrestre mais toi… Alors comble le vide en moi et il sait le faire… Plus que l’homme.

    Shalom shalom janine you are right. Yesterday I was filled with emotion feeling alone but I chased this thought in my head.
    To tell you janine as soon as the thought of my EH comes to my mind. I ask HH to help me forgive them even more than I need to… That my husband is no longer an earthly man but you… So fill the void in me and he knows how to do it… More than man.

    1. Yes precious Kateleen our Darling Lord for sure knows how to fill the void inside us and it is really only He that can do it. I remember after receiving a restored marriage, how I still felt so very lonely and now I know it is really only our Darling Lord that can fill the void.

  5. Dear Janine, I recognize a lot of what you write. My marriage and my family were also the most important things in my life. I came to this ministry with a deep desire to get my FH back.
    It is so wonderful how He teaches me step by step to let go of everything. I keep thinking that I have reached the point of completely letting go, but then He teaches me new things and I learn to let go even more. It is so wonderful to go on this journey with Him. Sometimes I can hardly realize that I have been given this wonderful abundant life by Him, and that I will never lose it as long as I put Him first.

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Hanna, isn’t wonderful how patiently He is teaching us, what He knows we can handle. I too learn something daily and I love this journey with Him. I am so grateful for what He is doing in our lives!

  6. Dear Janine, what a great testimony. I loved to read it. A life with our Heavenly Man is much better than wanting to have something or someone else in your life. Yesterday I had a moment when I was very emotional about a situation. I am so happy that I can always turn to Him. He welcomes me with all love and gives me the attention I need. I, too, have thought for a long time that I would like to see my marriage restored. I certainly believe my Heavenly Man can do it. However, I know that I now find my life much better with Him.

    1. I totally believe with your dear precious Kristine, that our Darling Lord can still do it, but yes a life with Him is much better that I could have ever imagined.

  7. Janine this is lovely, and I undestand completely because I use to pray that way too, until i ask Him to help me let go it, and He did, I let go both eh and marriage, and realized that (i guess for many also) having a marriage became an idol, like something we can brag about “atleast i have a husband” when really my only husband to brag about is my HH who has never ever leave me, when I look back He has had my back so many time I cant count them but I can surely say that everything I lived and now have or not have was and still is worth it because I have HIM and thatยดs the only ร“NE that I really cant live without. when eh comes to mind I also ask him to just remove him from both heart and mind, and live freely with HIm.

    1. Thank you for sharing Jewel, we have the best ever Heavenly Husband, He has also had my back so many many times. I am so grateful that He didn’t give up on me.

  8. Ah janine. Obrigada por partilhar connosco esse relatรณrio.
    Interessante que quando iniciamos nossa jornada de restauraรงรฃo, e as coisas โ€œdemoramโ€, nรฃo acabamos muitas vezes , nรฃo que propositadamente mas ocupamos o lugar do casamento com outra coisa, sรณ para nรฃo ter que pensar em casamento restaurado, como filhos, trabalho, e a lista nรฃo acaba como disse รฉ bem a Isabela ๐Ÿฉต

    Ah verdade รฉ que o Senhor รฉ quem sabe quanto tempo temos que esperar, e porque esperar, e quem sabe ficar sรณ dEle mesmo.. nรฃo creio que haja mal algum em uma mulher ser Exclusiva dEle ๐Ÿ’—
    Oh janine. Thank you for sharing this report with us.
    It’s interesting that when we start our journey of restoration, and things “take time”, we don’t end up often, not on purpose, but we take the place of marriage with something else, just so we don’t have to think about a restored marriage, like children, work, and The list doesn’t end, as I said, it’s great Isabela

    Ah, the truth is that the Lord is the one who knows how long we have to wait, and why wait, and who knows how to be alone with Himself… I don’t believe there is any harm in a woman being Exclusive to Him ๐Ÿ’—

    1. Yes precious Lessyane our Darling Lord really know how long we need to wait and why because He really has plans to prosper us.

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