"The Lord will call you back as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit—a wife who married young, only to be rejected,” says our God. “For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back." I54:6-7
Please read this part taken out of Finding The Abundant Life, Chapter 1 "What is the Abundant Life"
If you are hurting, if you are falling apart, if you are shaken or trembling then you need more of Him. Precious one, more of Him is not found in reading about Him in your Bible, quoting Scriptures or rebuking the devil. It is found in intimacy with Him.
When my spouse first left me years ago, not only was I walking around with an incredibly hurt heart, I was falling apart. I prayed, read the bible and quoted bible verses like never before, but what I really needed most was more of Him, I needed a real intimate relationship with our precious Beloved Lord.
So precious woman I want to encourage you to truly pursue an intimate relationship with our precious Beloved Lord. And the lesson says it doesn't mean you shouldn't read your Bible anymore, because it's your love letters and promises from Him and it doesn't mean you don't quote Bible verses, because it renews your mind, nor does it mean you must stop praying, but you must begin to pray by sharing your heart and hurt with Him, but leaving what needs to be done by Him, so that His will is done because He knows exactly what He is doing.
December months were always my most painful months, precisely because I fell apart so much, but the solution was that I needed more of Him. So precious woman when you are falling apart, remember that you need more of Him.
Thank you, my precious Janine. I so love spending time with Him when I wake up, looking at the sky every morning after reading the devotional. I also remember the life lesson: Week 62 “Get up”, part 1. Text from Erin: I’m always talking to my MC, mostly in my heart but even out loud from time to time. It’s like every other bride and groom who live in a constant state of “honeymoon.” And although some couples have learned to ignore each other, men in particular turn a deaf ear to their wives, which, as most of us know and understand, is because that women no longer have a “gentle and quiet spirit” which is not only precious to God but also to men and entire families!) As His Bride, I always enjoy the company of my Husband. He is a Gentleman and now that I have a gentle and quiet spirit, when He speaks, I listen and when I speak, He listens.
I don’t really know how my day will start, but I take advantage of this quiet moment, when the children are still asleep, to talk to Him. Thank you for this encouragement, Janine. I particularly like this part of your text: ‘But what I really needed most was more of Him, I needed a real intimate relationship with our precious Beloved Lord.’
Merci, ma précieuse Janine. J’aime tellement passer du temps avec Lui au réveil, en regardant le ciel chaque matin après la lecture du devotional. Je me souviens aussi de la leçon de vie : Semaine 62 « Lève-Toi », 1ère partie. Text d’Erin : Je suis toujours en train de parler à mon MC , la plupart du temps dans mon cœur mais même à voix haute de temps en temps. C’est comme tous les autres mariés qui vivent dans un état constant de “ lune de miel’’. Et bien que certains couples aient appris à s’ignorer l’un l’autre, les hommes en particulier font la sourde oreille à leur femme, ce qui, comme la plupart d’entre nous le savent et le comprennent, est dû au fait que les femmes n’ont plus un “ esprit doux et tranquille’’ qui est non seulement précieux pour Dieu mais aussi pour les hommes et les familles entières !) En tant que Son Épouse, j’apprécie toujours la compagnie de mon Époux. Il est un Gentleman et maintenant que j’ai un esprit doux et tranquille, quand Il parle, j’écoute et quand je parle, Il écoute.
Je ne sais pas vraiment comment ma journée va commencer, mais je profite de ce moment de calme, lorsque les enfants dorment encore, pour Lui parler. Merci pour cet encouragement, Janine. J’aime particulièrement cette partie de ton texte : ‘But what I really needed most was more of Him, I needed a real intimate relationship with our precious Beloved Lord.’
Thank you for sharing precious Kateleen, yes isnt it so wonderful to talk anytime any place to our Darlong Lord that is eager to listwn to us but also to talk to us.
mmmmmm yes so true Janine if you feel like you falling apart you have to tell Him exactly how you feel, just sit with Him, read his word, meditate on His promise.. l like to color in my bible as l listen to the word or speaking to Him. we must take time alone, away from everyone to be alone with Him. l realized that l had to find a quiet spot because my home there’s all my family around and with my eh home it became even more important to find a place to be with Him so l could just be alone with Him and tell him how l feel, my concerns, my dreams, my hopes, if l was worried, frustrated, sad, everything because He is the lover of my soul and my best friend 💖
Thank you for sharing precious Atarah, it is really so wonderful and comforting to be able to tell our Darling Lord anything. I remember how empty my life was without Him and I never ever want a life like that again.
thanks Janine for sharing I know I always need more of Him, I can never get enough as I step away I stumble I need Him to hold me always close to Him.
Yes precious Jewel, me too, I also stumble when I step away so I definitely need Hom to always hold me close.