I Only Want Him

โ™• Today's Promise: โ€œTake My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.โ€ Matthew 11:29

โ˜Š PR Podcast Ladavia

Dear Brides,

The Abundant Life is what we are all searching for, but what we long for is His love, which in turn, gives us the Abundant Life. Brides without Him we can have nothing! Without Him everything leaves us wanting for more.

For the first time in my life I can actually say I am thankful for where I am today, even with all the trials and tribulations. Even though I'm not where I want to be and definitely didn't picture my life the way it is right now, I am thankful to Him and for Him because He is with me every step of the way and He's strengthening me to endure and to learn and to grow. It truly is remarkable. My life isn't about my earthly husband any more or even my children/grandchildren. It's about HIM! It's ironic really because I have said those exact words. What is my life if I'm not a wife, mother or grandmother? I'm nothing without them. HA! How deceived I was. I am a child of God, a daughter of The King, the bride of my Heavenly Husband. I have purpose but I'm finding out it's not the purpose I had always thought.

I'm excited as I embark on this journey with Him and FOR HIM! With Him it's one big adventure after another. ๐Ÿ™‚

I can remember when I first read Isaiah 54:5 it made me feel awkward and I just skimmed right over it because I didn't understand it. Also, I'm sure it was because I was in a place of utter despair from my earthly husband leaving me and I didn't know how to take this verse. After finding RMI, this verse is one of my favorites! God is my Husband, my Beloved. He is my everything! He wants me as His bride and I want Him as my Husband. He provides everything I could ever want or need. Because He is my Beloved I WANT to spend more time with Him, talk with Him, laugh with Him, consult Him, do EVERYTHING WITH HIM! He's no longer this unattainable God in Heaven. He is right here with me every step of the way and He's all I need. He is truly my Beloved.

"When your head knowledge becomes a heart condition nothing will hurt, nothing will bring you to fall apart, and nothing will shake you. If you are hurting, if you are falling apart, if you are shaken or trembling then you need more of Him." This statement really hit home for me. I have grown so much in so many areas, but some people can still hurt me. It's one thing to "know" the enemy will use those closest to you to hurt you and make you fall, but to live it is a completely different thing. I know I need help in this area and I know my faithful Heavenly Husband will help me in this area because I ask Him to.

The specific situation I can relate this to is my Mom and how she talks about me. She talks about me in such a negative way that is full of hatred to anyone and everyone that will listen to her, including my children. She is actually nurturing division between my children and I. I know the enemy is using her to get to me, but that doesn't make it hurt any less.

I want to be so close to Him and so full of His joy that her hurtful words can't touch me anymore and I act or respond in a way that is pleasing to my Heavenly Husband and He can be seen in me.

Dear Brides, We all come to a place where we have to make a decision. Do we want God above all else or do we want to continue trying to do it on our own? I have tried to do it on my own for so many years that I have gotten to the point I want Him more than anything else. Now, I just have to train my mind and heart to follow. That is no easy task on our own, but with His help and guidance we can do it by His grace. I want to stay in His protection, but the minute I step in to fix things they start crumbling because I'm not under His wing any more. Remember, He is a perfect gentleman and will not push His way in or take over. He allows us to make the decision. When we start taking back the problems we've given over to Him, He will graciously step aside and let us deal with it.

I have realized that He is the only One that can fulfill my every want, need and desire. I only want Him, I only need Him and if I have Him I have everything! HE IS MY EVERYTHING!

~ Ladavia in Texas
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