Yesterday was a wonderful day I got to experience first-hand what the power of my Heavenly Love is all about. First of all, all I can say to all of you ladies is that when we let something or someone hurt us, it’s by our own decision, because finally, I understood that God is always with us! We only need to pay attention to His presence and we will see how everything becomes still and nothing, NOT A THING WILL HURT US, and here is where my PR comes.
Yesterday was my father-in-law’s birthday, and all of us got together at a restaurant to celebrate. I knew there was going to be a trial for me because all of my eh’s relatives were going to be there, and the way my eh acts with them towards me is cold. So I started preparing myself, simply letting go, knowing my HH was going to be with me and His presence will never leave. I prayed for them to see my HH’s face in me, and for me to show His love and joy, and to simply be radiant.
So as we were driving there, my spirit started lifting up, but when we got near the restaurant I started to get nervous and it tried to get the best of me. We went inside the restaurant and I saw my eh sitting in the middle of his parents, not leaving me space to sit beside him like we always did, and when I got near him to say hello, he simply got down, hugged our daughter and stayed like that. Then I only said hello by touching his shoulder and continue to say hello to others. This made me feel so bad, and I think that in that moment I forgot about the presence of my Loving HH, because I saw that my sister-in-law was paying attention to my eh’s reaction towards me.
My mother-in-law started arranging the seating so that my EH and I simply sat apart, but in that moment I got up went to the bathroom and simply got it together. It was in that moment when my HH got a hold of me and He said: “My Grace Delilah is sufficient because My power is perfected in weakness…” Wow, YES!!! His grace was sufficient for me, and I started repeating and repeating that verse!
When I got out my HH arranged the sits perfectly; my daughter sat with my EH and gave me the space to sit beside my father-in-law, and we talked and we laughed!! The time was perfect, and I started paying attention how everybody was paying attention to my reaction, even my eh! Every time I caught a glimpse of him watching me, I think he was confused by seeing me so happy. He is the one who acts happy and simply ignores me, but this time was different. I was the one with joy unspeakable, I was radiant, my HH was with me and He was reflecting His love within me.
I can tell you that in another time I would have been so devastated! I would have left and would have cried in the car. But not this time, I got a hold of my HH and He filled me with His love that I simply was radiant.
I left the restaurant and felt so much victory because my HH showed me that I needed to let go of my eh! It didn’t matter where I sat, it didn’t matter if my eh spoke to me, it didn’t matter anything because The Lord was with me, and He was the only one I needed beside me.
When we simply obey, do what He has told us to do, others will be ashamed. When we seek Him and we stay still in His presence He will make everything work for good.
I can tell you this, my night didn’t end there!! When my eh went to bed he took my hand and we slept holding our hands. My HH simply showed me the love my eh has for me, and that it doesn’t matter how he acts with other people when we are in our home when it’s only my HH, my EH and I, my HH shows me what my eh really feels about me.
So, let’s work with God, simply obey Him! He says we need to show our faith without works, so He can show us His works, and He is faithful, Believe me!!!!
“Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.”
So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:9-10 NLT)
I do take pleasure on my weaknesses so I can see your power reflected in me.
“Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.” (Psalm 34:5 NLT)
“But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your[a] works, and I will show you my faith by my[b] works.” (James 2:18 NKJV)