If The Lord Isn’t Your First Love, You Are Missing Everything

"If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing." 1C13:3ย 

As I listen to my new favorite song, I think about how I missed the whole point of life for years and years. After all these years I now realize that the Lord is that kind of Perfect Love 1 Corinthians 13 talks about and if He is not our First Love, we will gain nothing.

Precious bride don't for one moment think I am saying that the Lord does not want to restore your marriage, my point is you can have a restored marriage, but if the Lord is not your First Love, it is useless to have a restored marriage have. I had a restored marriage, but the Lord was not my First Love then, so my marriage failed again, but I am thankful it did, because after that I met the Lord as my Heavenly Husband.

"For your Maker is your husbandโ€” the LORD Almighty is his nameโ€” the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth." I54:5

Precious bride don't yearn so much for an earthly husband and a restored marriage that you miss the whole point of life and I say this with all the love I can because I have been thereโ€ฆ

10 thoughts on “If The Lord Isn’t Your First Love, You Are Missing Everything”

  1. I too had missed the whole point of life for many years….for decades….for my whole life really….until about 3 years ago, when I found my True Love. I realized if I don’t have love (Him), I gain nothing, I have nothing, I am nothing. His perfect love that fulfills our hearts is what everyone needs, what everyone is lacking, what everyone is looks for. I can’t believe that I have such an Amazing Husband sometimes I can do nothing but just sit in awe of Him.

    1. Yes precious Ruby and that is our calling that everybody find Him, His True Love, because if we have Him, we have everything. If everybody in the whole world has our Darling Lord as their First Love, the world will be a better place.

  2. I completely agree Janine, I also looked for love and acceptance in others, but it always left me empty, I was never able to find the “happiness” and “fulfilment” I desired. Only my dearly Beloved Husband was able to fill all those voids because He loves me unconditionally. He fills me with joy and peace, regardless of circumstances or trails. Since I found Him, my searching stopped, because I found what I needed all along, a Husband who truly loves me. Now I can just love others with the love He gives me, without expecting anything in return.

    Doesn’t matter what your marital or relationship status, without the Lord as your First Love, you will feel empty inside, always searching, always left disappointed. Only your Heavenly Husband can make your heart soar with love overflowing.

    1. Yes precious Adina, our Darling Lord fills us with joy and peace regardless of circumstances or trials. I always felt like running and when I found my Darling Lord as my Heavenly Husband I have been filled with this unexplainable peace, I am not searching for something to fill me anymore, because I have my Darling Lord.

  3. I also agree, dear Janine! Even being in a restored marriage without Him it would be impossible! And I can see that any time I put my EH in first place, I can feel I am so close to stumble and fall – the thing is that I ask Him to help and rescue me, so I can fall in His arms!
    While reading your praise, Janine, He remebered of a long song that I really needed to sing and listen as He declares how much He loves me and for sure how He loves each one of you, so I share the song with you: https://youtu.be/VBpOA8eBRBY?si=6mv2DpAJCO2loXZf
    Be in love ๐Ÿ’˜

    1. That is so beautiful thank you for sharing precious Paula, “Nothing will change His love for me” I love it. If we have our Darling Lord, we really have everything!

  4. Beautiful what you share dear Janine as I read this I was listening to one of my favorite love song, not knowing what I was about to read, and I so agree, our first love โค๏ธ is Him and is or should be our greatest love. People talks about loving our self is first, He calls us to do and love differently, a way that only He can. and with His love โค๏ธ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ’– we will not need or want any other. My son asks me why I sing about Him everyday I tell Him that’s part of my day it’s my first appointment for the day and we meet for dates as often as possible through the day again, I’m at peace when I am with Him and my heart floats when I sing to Him. Marriage Restoration, relationships with others and any lacking we feel we have becomes unnecessary when we have Him.
    Thanks for sharing!!

    1. You put it so beautiful precious Jewel, thank you for sharing. I wish every broken women can just really truly find our Darling Lord as their First Love because yes everything else is worthless.

  5. Janine, es tan cierto lo que dices. Lo que he experimentado en estos 2 aรฑos, aqui, nunca lo vivi en toda mi vida. Porque el Jesus que crei conocer, estaba en los cielos, si me escuchaba, pero era yo era un sepulcro blanqueado. Ahora , se que El es mi Esposo, que no importa donde este, nunca me abandona. Que Su amor,me ha traido una vida nueva, que ahora quiero seguir el resto de mis dias, buscandolo y aprendiendo y amandolo mas y que soy nada sin El.
    Janine, what you say is so true. What I have experienced in these 2 years, here, I have never experienced in my entire life. Because the Jesus that I thought I knew was in heaven, he did listen to me, but it was me, he was a whitewashed tomb. Now, I know that He is my Husband, that no matter where I am, He never abandons me. That His love has brought me a new life, that now I want to continue the rest of my days, searching for Him and learning and loving Him more and that I am nothing without Him.

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Liza. Yes we are really nothing without Him and what a wonderful fact that He never ever abandons us.

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